

Pees in the brown Koolaid
It would make me very uncomfortable to walk in to a restaurant/bar/coffee shop and see someone packing heat.

Living in New York, I would imagine that armed people in restraunts are not what you are accustomed to seeing so your discomfort is understandable.

Let me ask you this; might you feel differently if you were traveling in a rural area during hunting season and saw people carrying guns who were obviously hunters?

Is it the gun itself that makes you uncomfortable, or is it the manner and location in which the gun is being carried?

I'm not being sarcastic. I recognize and respect the fact that some people are uncomfortable seeing guns and I am curious as to why.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with guns resting in gun racks in pickup trucks. I don't hunt but have no problem with those who do.

My dislike of guns is the result of a life-altering incident which I have discussed in the past but do not wish to discuss further.


The Nim
A German friend of mine linked me this.


Yes a German friend. Even they can understand that guns can be a source of self defense to protect themselves from those that wish harm on them.


Got the T-Shirt
"Over the past 25 years MRI has been responsible for the design and development of the Desert Eagle pistol. The design was refined and the actual pistols were manufactured by Israel Military Industries until 1995, when MRI shifted the manufacturing contract to Saco Defense in Saco, Maine."

Magnum Research History

Desert Eagle handguns are manufactured by IMI (Israeli Military Industries) which would be an ironic choice of weapon for anyone who considered themselves to be a Nazi.

Good minds.... think alike.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I have no problem with guns resting in gun racks in pickup trucks. I don't hunt but have no problem with those who do.

My dislike of guns is the result of a life-altering incident which I have discussed in the past but do not wish to discuss further.

I respect the fact that you do not attempt to use your dislike of guns as an excuse to take them away from everyone else.

To an extent, I feel the same way about alcohol as you do about guns...and for the same reason...but I also recognize that we live in a free world where people should have the right to decide for themselves whether or not they will use alcohol.


Staff member
I don't dislike guns in the least. I do get upset when individuals can drive through wide open loopholes at gun shows, use them in such a way that severely alters the lives of others and then have myself and others painted as gun-hating liberals. At least people have to show up at regular intervals to show they can reasonably operate motor vehicle.


golden ticket member
True story...seems like anyone who had a truck had a gun rack in Idaho Falls......lots of hunters.
One UPS driver was killed when his hunting partner put his rifle in the gun went off. Of course,
he thought it wasn't loaded.
It was out of the Idaho Falls Center.


Strength through joy
Bull crap. Why steal when you can buy while crazy?

So who is the crazy one here ; the thief or the FBI agent ?
[h=3]FBI offers reward for weapons stolen out of SWAT vehicle[/h]
The bureau said a Colt M16-A1 Rifle and a HS Precision Pro-Series 2000 Sniper Rifle were taken from the vehicle between the evening hours of Nov. 6 and morning hours of Nov. 7.
The agent who owned the guns was headed to an operation today.
He had parked his suburban at his Andover home but overnight someone broke into the vehicle.

Despite the fact there have been numerous car breaks in Andover, the agent left them inside the vehicle.
"The FBI continues to devote significant resources to locate these weapons, determine who stole them and remove them from the possession of the unauthorized individuals who may have them," the FBI said in a release.
A $20,000 reward has been offered for information leading to the recovery of the weapons. Anyone with information is asked to call the FBI at 617-742-5533 or Andover Police at 978-475-0411.


Strength through joy
Another FBI moment ;
Earlier Wednesday, a bulletproof, tactical FBI vest was stolen from a car in Boston's South End. The theft was made from a Dodge Caravan parked at Edgerly Road and Burbank Street sometime before 7:15 a.m., Boston Police said.

There was no indication the two thefts were related.