
UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Here is all the legalese so that you don't get conflicting info.

18 years old for possession - 21 for open carry but read through the rest of it for a better understanding.

BTW - I am fine with this law and the enforcement of it. Also - we still have cowboys and big ranches out here with plenty of wild animals. Our state understands a common sense approach to making laws. If a city needs to fine tune gun control laws that is up to the city.

A synopsis of Arizona state laws on purchase, possession and carrying of firearms.

PURCHASE ========
It is unlawful to sell or give to a minor, without written consent of the minor’s parent or legal guardian, a firearm or ammunition.
No state permit is required to purchase a shotgun, rifle, or handgun.
It is unlawful to sell or transfer a firearm to a “prohibited possessor.” (See definition under Possession.) A concealed handgun permit will exempt a gun purchaser from the NICS check.

No state permit is required to possess a shotgun, rifle or handgun. It is unlawful for a “prohibited possessor” to possess a firearm.1
A prohibited possessor includes a person found to constitute a danger to himself or others pursuant to a court order and whose court ordered treatment has not been terminated; who has been convicted of a felony involving violence or possession and use of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument and whose civil rights have not been restored; who is at the time of possession serving a term of imprisonment in any correctional or detention facility; who at the time of possession is serving a term of probation pursuant to a conviction for a domestic violence offense or a felony offense, parole, community supervision, work furlough, home arrest or release on any other basis or who is serving a term of probation or parole; or who was previously adjudicated delinquent and who possesses, uses or carries a firearm within ten years from the date of adjudication or release for an offense that if committed as an adult would constitute first or second degree burglary, arson, murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated assault, sexual assault or any felony offense involving the use or threatening exhibition of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument.
No person, other than a peace officer or a member of the military forces of the United States, shall knowingly possess a firearm on which the manufacturer’s serial number has been removed, altered or destroyed. This does not apply to possession by a museum as a part of its collection or an educational institution for educational purposes or by an authorized employee of such museum or institution or acquisition by gift, devise or descent or in a fiduciary capacity as a recipient of the property of an insolvent, incapacitated or deceased person.
An unemancipated person under 18 not accompanied by a parent, grandparent, guardian, or a certified hunter safety instructor or certified firearms safety instructor acting with consent of the minor’s parent, grandparent or guardian shall not carry or possess on his person, within his immediate control, or in or on a means of transportation a firearm in any place open to the public or on any street, highway, or on private property, except private property owned or leased by the minor or the minor’s parent, grandparent, or guardian. This prohibition does not apply to a person between 14 and 17 engaged in lawful hunting, marksmanship practice, transportation of an unloaded firearm for the purpose of hunting or, between 5:00 AM and 10:00 PM, transportation of an unloaded firearm for the purpose of marksmanship at a range or other area where the discharge of firearms is not prohibited.

CARRYING =======
Arizona respects the right of law abiding citizens to openly carry a handgun. Any person 21 years of age or older, who is not prohibited possessor, may carry a weapon openly or concealed without the need for a license. Any person carrying without a license must acknowledge and comply with the demands of a law enforcement officer when asked if he/she is carrying a concealed deadly weapon, if the officer has initiated an "investigation" such as a traffic stop.
It is unlawful to carry a firearm concealed within the immediate control of any person in or on a means of transportation if under 21 years of age. Firearms carried in a vehicle shall be transported in a case, a holster or scabbard, a storage compartment, trunk, pack, luggage, or glove compartment of a means of transportation.
No person shall, unless specifically authorized by law, enter a public establishment or attend a public event carrying a firearm after a reasonable request by the operator of the establishment or the sponsor of the event to remove his firearm and place it in the custody of the operator or sponsor. This does not apply to shooting ranges or shooting events, hunting areas or similar locations or activities.
It is unlawful, unless specifically authorized by law, to enter an election polling place on the day of any election carrying a firearm.
It is unlawful to possess a deadly weapon on grade or high school grounds. This shall not apply to an unloaded firearm within a means of transportation under the control of an adult, provided, if the adult leaves the vehicle, it shall be locked and the unloaded firearm shall not be visible, or for a program approved by the school.
The Department of Public Safety shall issue a permit to carry a concealed weapon to a resident of the state at least 21 years old, a U.S. citizen, who satisfactorily completes an approved firearms safety program, submits fingerprints and a fee of $60 for a new license and $43 for a renewal, and who does not fall into a class of person prohibited to possess a firearm, such as a convicted felon, adjudicated mental incompetent, or illegal alien. The qualification checks shall be completed within 60 days of receipt of the application, and the permit will be issued within 15 working days after completing the checks. The permit is valid for not more than 5 years and is renewable every 5 years.
The Department of Public Safety shall enter into written agreements with states that require written agreements for the purpose of establishing mutual recognition. A person with a concealed firearm permit who is a resident of another state, is lawfully present and not prohibited from possessing a firearm in the state of Arizona, may carry a concealed firearm while in this state.
A person with a concealed weapons permit may carry a concealed handgun on the premises of a liquor licensee who is an on-sale retailer unless the licensee posts a sign that clearly prohibits the possession of weapons on the licensed premises.
A property owner, tenant, public or private employer or business entity shall not establish, maintain or enforce a policy or rule that prohibits a person from lawfully transporting or lawfully storing any firearm that is in the person’s locked and privately owned motor vehicle or in a locked compartment on the person’s privately owned motorcycle and not visible from the outside of the motor vehicle or motorcycle.
Any hunter going afield may carry a handgun for self defense but shall not use the handgun for the taking of wildlife.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

I'm sure he is a responsible and law-abiding gun owner. He's also an :censored2: for openly carrying weapons like that in an airport.

I strongly support the right to open carry. Even more strongly however....I believe that said right should be excercised with tact, restraint, and respect for the sensitivities of others. There are times and places where open carry is perfectly acceptable. An airport is not one of them. We have an idiot like that up here in Oregon who loves to parade around in front of schools with an AR-15 on his back. He isn't breaking any laws, but inevitably a concerned person winds up calling 911, the school goes into lockdown, and the police and news media show up to investigate. This guy claims he is trying to make a political statement, but what he really is... is an attention whore who just wants to be on TV and YouTube. He is disrupting the school day, wasting police resources, and making responsible gun owners like myself look bad.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Any hunter going afield may carry a handgun for self defense but shall not use the handgun for the taking of wildlife.

I used to bow hunt, and while doing so I would openly carry a 4" .357 Magnum on my belt for protection from both 2 and 4 legged predators in the woods.

I hunted near the little town of Nehalem on the Oregon coast. Nehalem is a fishing, hunting, logging and farming town. During the fall it is quite commonplace to see hunters in camoflage walking along the roads and openly carrying guns. When I went into town to get lunch or dinner at the local cafe, rather than leave my pistol in my truck I just openly carried it on my hip. No one panicked; no one looked uncomfortable; no one even gave me a second glance. I was just another law abiding hunter with a gun helping to support the local economy by patronizing a local business. It was a routine sight, no big deal. If I did the same thing in downtown Portland or Seattle, some :censored2: would probably call in the SWAT team on me. Thats why 99.99% of the time I choose to carry concealed.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Why was this idiot not arrested? You can't spell crazy without 'AZ'.

He wasnt arrested because he didnt break any laws.

As far as Arizona's gun laws are concerned...they are probably the most sane laws in the nation. You want crazy? Try California, Illinois or New York.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
BTW - I am fine with this law and the enforcement of it. Also - we still have cowboys and big ranches out here with plenty of wild animals. Our state understands a common sense approach to making laws. If a city needs to fine tune gun control laws that is up to the city.

The thing I like the most about Arizona is that they honor carry permits from any state. I plan on heading down there for vacation some day and its nice to know I will be able to carry with no hassle. My rights should not be taken away from me just because I happen to cross a line on a map.


Strength through joy
Are you kidding ?
Cambridge is the one place I always carry something .
I feel safer in Dorchester / Roxbury than Cambridge .


Amatuer Malthusian
I still go to Starbucks. They never asked to be put in the middle of a gun control debate, and they have not actually banned guns on their property...all they have done is to REQUEST that people not open carry there. They have a right to make that request, and since I disagree with the idea of using open carry to make a political statement I do not think they are being unreasonable.

I never open carry in public as it makes some people uncomfortable. I also never go to Starbucks for taste and practical reasons, not political reasons.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
The thing I like the most about Arizona is that they honor carry permits from any state. I plan on heading down there for vacation some day and its nice to know I will be able to carry with no hassle. My rights should not be taken away from me just because I happen to cross a line on a map.
You don't need no stinking permit at all in AZ.

I wonder what would happen if 20 or 30 people who are not white decided to stroll through the airport with loaded weapons?

Last time I was in AZ I happened to pull up along side of a biker in full Nazi regalia. He had two Desert Eagles strapped to his sides. He did not understand the irony.


Strength through joy
You don't need no stinking permit at all in AZ.

I wonder what would happen if 20 or 30 people who are not white decided to stroll through the airport with loaded weapons?

Last time I was in AZ I happened to pull up along side of a biker in full Nazi regalia. He had two Desert Eagles strapped to his sides. He did not understand the irony.

What do you mean by " not white " ?
Are you trying to say that only white citizens can openly carry their weapons ?