

Pees in the brown Koolaid
I don't dislike guns in the least. I do get upset when individuals can drive through wide open loopholes at gun shows, use them in such a way that severely alters the lives of others and then have myself and others painted as gun-hating liberals. At least people have to show up at regular intervals to show they can reasonably operate motor vehicle.


Imagine if the DMV were staffed by people who thought cars were evil and no one should ever be allowed to drive them.

Imagine if the requirements and fees for obtaining a drivers license were established by politicians who were dedicated to the idea that only the police should be allowed to drive cars.

Imagine if your "right" to drive a car could be arbitrarily denied by some unaccountable bureacrat, or subject to so many restrictions and limitations and fees that actually obtaining a drivers license would be for all practical purposes impossible unless you were wealthy or politically well connected.

Philosophically speaking...I dont necessarily have a problem with the idea that gun ownership ought to carry with it a requirement for some sort of training or licensure. However....when politicians like Michael Bloomberg and Diane Feinstein have spent millions of dollars and made it their lifes work to deny their subjects the right to own guns or even buy 32 ounce soft drinks, I have a real problem with the idea that any government that they are involved in should have a role in determining the manner in which my Second Amendment rights may be excercised.

To put it in terms that might hit a bit closer to an African American man, how would you feel if the Supreme Court that was responsible for ruling on civil rights issues that directly affected you had 5 Ku Klux Klan members as a voting majority?


Staff member
I think that people at the DMV, CHC, DHS, level are able to separate out their own personal feelings and do a decent job. I can't say the same for all the policy makers above them. I think we can trust the John Kerry's, Joe Biden's, Dick Durbin's, Joe Scarborough's, Chris Christie's, and Susan Collin's of the country to craft reasonable legislation that protects the Constitutional rights as outlined and defined by the Supreme Court.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I think that people at the DMV, CHC, DHS, level are able to separate out their own personal feelings and do a decent job. .

bbsam, you missed the entire point of my post.

If you go to the DMV to get a drivers license, the law states that you SHALL be issued said license upon paying the required fee and demonstrating a reasonable level of proficiency based upon objective criterion. The staff of the DMV cannot arbitrarily deny you a license for no good reason, and the DMV itself does not have a political agenda to intentionally make it difficult or impossible for law abiding people to obtain licenses.

The same can not be said for many of the influential anti-gun politicians who like to draw comparisons between drivers licenses and gun licenses. If given free reign to do so, the Bloombergs and Feinsteins and Schumers would love nothing more than to make our Second Amendment rights so difficult and complicated and expensive to excercise that they would cease being "rights" at all. How many years did the citizens of Washington DC and Chicago have to spend fighting for their rights before the Supreme Court finally forced their local governments to "allow" them to own handguns? And how many of the supposedly "reaonable" politicians you name were speaking out in favor of the 2nd Amedment rights of those citizens during the time that the cases were being decided by the Supreme Court?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I think we can trust the John Kerry's, Joe Biden's, Dick Durbin's, Joe Scarborough's, Chris Christie's, and Susan Collin's of the country to craft reasonable legislation that protects the Constitutional rights as outlined and defined by the Supreme Court.

Since you dont own any guns, its pretty easy for you to "trust" that rights you really dont care about anyway will be "protected" by a bunch of politicians who in many cases have actively sought to undermine those rights. As an African American man, how would you feel if "reasonable" limitiations on your Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Twenty Fourth Amendment rights were being crafted by such staunch defenders of racial equality as David Duke, Bull Connor and Edward Killen? Its easy enough for me to trust them; of course, it helps that I am white.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Joe Biden was one of the principal authors of the Assault Weapons Ban. As Vice President, he now enjoys the protection of men who carry the very same guns that he would deny to ordinary citizens such as you and I. To make matters worse, he goes on record suggesting that it is a good idea to discharge a round from a double barreled 12 gauge shotgun into the air in order to "frighten away" would-be intruders. Not only is such action illegal, but it is downright dangerous for any number of reasons. I'm sorry, but when it comes to gun rights and self defense, Joe Biden is both a hypocrite and an idiot and I sure as hell dont need him crafting any more "reasonable" legislation concerning my 2nd Amendment rights.


Staff member
Sober, you are usually pretty even handed but not when it comes to this. The rights you are claiming are not what you think they are and your rights have been defined over and over by a none too liberal Supreme Court. Your Second Amendment rights are not limitless and Wayne LaPierre will never be the sensible voice in the room.

As far as restricting African American voting, well that has strong Republican support and apparently is also Constitutional.


Well-Known Member
Sober, you are usually pretty even handed but not when it comes to this. The rights you are claiming are not what you think they are and your rights have been defined over and over by a none too liberal Supreme Court. Your Second Amendment rights are not limitless and Wayne LaPierre will never be the sensible voice in the room.

As far as restricting African American voting, well that has strong Republican support and apparently is also Constitutional.

To be fair, sober has been very even handed throughout this discussion. He has respected my dislike of guns and the fact that I don't impose my beliefs on others. Guns are a part of his life but he is far from being a "gun nut".


Staff member
No, he is not a gun nut. But he seems to subscribe too easily to the falsehood that the great liberal juggernaut of the US government is out to outlaw guns.


nowhere special
A person's personal views on gun control make no difference unless they try to infringe on rights that ARE guaranteed in the Constitution. The Supreme Court has already ruled the 2nd Amendment refers to individual rights.