

nowhere special
Cabala's stores are awesome. Gander Mountain used to be better in my opinion before Cabela's bought them. Now Gander is more expensive than they used to be and not as good as Cabela's. There is a Cabela's about an hour drive away from me. Its very fancy with more yuppies than rednecks. I normally just order stuff from them to make sure the guy in brown doesn't run out of work though.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If people will behave like this over cheap consumer crap, how will they behave in the aftermath of a natural disaster when they havent had food or potable water for a week?

Do you really think people like this will respect your property rights if the police are nowhere to be found and 911 isnt working? Do you think that simply locking your door will be enough to keep them out if you have food and water and they dont?

If disaster strikes, I plan on cooperating with my neighbors and sharing what I have. By being armed, I am simply making sure that the sharing of my resources will happen on my terms rather than someone elses.



golden ticket member
Sounds like Costco for rednecks.
remember posting this in March......""Generalizations serve no purpose."
If people will behave like this over cheap consumer crap, how will they behave in the aftermath of a natural disaster when they havent had food or potable water for a week?

Do you really think people like this will respect your property rights if the police are nowhere to be found and 911 isnt working? Do you think that simply locking your door will be enough to keep them out if you have food and water and they dont?

If disaster strikes, I plan on cooperating with my neighbors and sharing what I have. By being armed, I am simply making sure that the sharing of my resources will happen on my terms rather than someone elses.

If disaster strikes.....I'll seek out the Mormons (year's supply of food) and I'll tell them stories of the 2 times I lived in Utah.
I'll bring the guns that they don't have.


Pineapple King
remember posting this in March......""Generalizations serve no purpose."

If disaster strikes.....I'll seek out the Mormons (year's supply of food) and I'll tell them stories of the 2 times I lived in Utah.
I'll bring the guns that they don't have.
I'll also seek out the Mormons.......and just take their food.

I'm j/k


Got the T-Shirt
I can't make this stuff up.

"The robbery victim told police he was surrounded by a group of males.

One suspect demanded the victim's cellphone and one took out a handgun while others rifled through the victim's belongings, police said.

The victim was complying with demands but the armed suspect shot him. However, the shot glanced off the victim's face and struck one of the shooter's alleged accomplices instead, killing him, according to police."