

Its all good.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Maybe one day if you feel YOUR life is being threatened you might wish you had a gun to protect yourself and your family.

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NO, I dont live in fear. I dont feel the need to justify the killing of loud teenagers because i dont go looking to intimidate people with guns. Yes, this buttmunch shot and killed a teen, and almost killed others, but it shows just how stupid a gun owner can really be.



Strength through joy,0,623345.story
An off-duty Cook County Sheriff's sergeant shot and killed a man who tried to rob him Monday night at a Far South Side gas station.
A gun pointed at his gut, the off-duty sheriff's sergeant digs through his pockets with his left hand, fumbling for money, as the three robbers surround him at the Far South Side gas station.

The sergeant is surer with his right hand, quickly drawing his own gun and firing point-blank. The gunman, 16, drops at his feet as the two others scatter, according to surveillance video that captured the robbery Monday night at a Citgo station at 103rd Street and Cottage Grove Avenue, across the street from Gately Stadium.
Deonta Dewight Mackey, was shot in the head and died at the scene .


Its all good.
NO, I dont live in fear. I dont feel the need to justify the killing of loud teenagers because i dont go looking to intimidate people with guns. Yes, this buttmunch shot and killed a teen, and almost killed others, but it shows just how stupid a gun owner can really be.

Some people overreact at what they perceive as a threat. Maybe this was one of those cases. But we don't know all the details in the case. There was a reason why Zimmerman didn't get convicted on Martin's death. It was because he WAS threatened. The general public seemed to be coming down hard on him because they didn't have all the facts and some scandal publications distorted the truth, and got everyone Believing something that wasn't true. It might turn out the same in this case also. It seems that you are using a few tragic events to push the idea that we should all be disarmed. I got my first gun as a teenager and for the last 40 plus years I have never even pointed one at any human being. But I do want to have the right to protect myself and my family if necessary. Just keep in mind that of someone is up to no good,they will likely go to an area where they are not known to do whatever they are going to do. Just because you may live in a relatively safe area doesn't mean that trouble can't come to you. None of us want to live in fear of what MIGHT happen, but a reasonable amount of preparation is wise.

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Some people overreact at what they perceive as a threat. Maybe this was one of those cases. But we don't know all the details in the case. There was a reason why Zimmerman didn't get convicted on Martin's death. It was because he WAS threatened. The general public seemed to be coming down hard on him because they didn't have all the facts and some scandal publications distorted the truth, and got everyone Believing something that wasn't true. It might turn out the same in this case also. It seems that you are using a few tragic events to push the idea that we should all be disarmed. I got my first gun as a teenager and for the last 40 plus years I have never even pointed one at any human being. But I do want to have the right to protect myself and my family if necessary. Just keep in mind that of someone is up to no good,they will likely go to an area where they are not known to do whatever they are going to do. Just because you may live in a relatively safe area doesn't mean that trouble can't come to you. None of us want to live in fear of what MIGHT happen, but a reasonable amount of preparation is wise.

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Preparation begins with choosing an area to live where you WONT feel the need to live in fear. Preparation doesnt begin after a poor choice of neighborhoods, thats called an "afterthought".



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Preparation begins with choosing an area to live where you WONT feel the need to live in fear. Preparation doesnt begin after a poor choice of neighborhoods, thats called an "afterthought".

Not everybody desires...or can live in an upscale gated community like yours.

Not everyobody is comfortable with the idea of entrusting the responsibility for their personal safety in the hands of the police department.

When you call "911" for a crime in progress, you are basically requesting assistance from an emergency responder who is armed with a gun. If the nature of the crime is such that it requires an immediate armed response, doesnt it make sense for you as the potential victim to already be armed?

Put another way...if you rely on the fire department to protect your home from burning down or provide immediate medical assistance, does that mean that you dont need to keep a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit at home?

If you wish to sit in your gated community and rely upon armed responders from a nanny-state government to protect you, that is your choice and I respect it. Please grant the same respect to those of us who do NOT choose to live in gated communities or rely upon a nanny-state government for our personal security.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Not everybody desires...or can live in an upscale gated community like yours.

Not everyobody is comfortable with the idea of entrusting the responsibility for their personal safety in the hands of the police department.

When you call "911" for a crime in progress, you are basically requesting assistance from an emergency responder who is armed with a gun. If the nature of the crime is such that it requires an immediate armed response, doesnt it make sense for you as the potential victim to already be armed?

Put another way...if you rely on the fire department to protect your home from burning down or provide immediate medical assistance, does that mean that you dont need to keep a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit at home?

If you wish to sit in your gated community and rely upon armed responders from a nanny-state government to protect you, that is your choice and I respect it. Please grant the same respect to those of us who do NOT choose to live in gated communities or rely upon a nanny-state government for our personal security.

Hey, and if anyone wants to live a life where you have to peep out windows with your hand on a pistol, then by all means, stress yourselves with that. I prefer a stress free environment for me and my family.

We all make choices, some good and some bad, and if a choice is to live in a home where you cant trust your neighbors, then by all means, shoot it up.



Its all good.
Preparation begins with choosing an area to live where you WONT feel the need to live in fear. Preparation doesnt begin after a poor choice of neighborhoods, thats called an "afterthought".

I live in a safe area where I don't feel threatened, but less than a half hour away are some nasty, dangerous, places to be. WhAt is a half hour drive to someone looking for an easy victim? Instead of focusing on guns, e should be focusing on human nature. Technology changes, but human nature doesn't. Ever since recorded history there have been people who will take advantage of and hurt others for their own advantage, or maybe just for their own pleasure. I want to be able to defend my self and my family against those people. If we can't defend ourselves then we are at their mercy. Do you trust others to act in your best interests? I don't.

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I live in a safe area where I don't feel threatened, but less than a half hour away are some nasty, dangerous, places to be. WhAt is a half hour drive to someone looking for an easy victim? Instead of focusing on guns, e should be focusing on human nature. Technology changes, but human nature doesn't. Ever since recorded history there have been people who will take advantage of and hurt others for their own advantage, or maybe just for their own pleasure. I want to be able to defend my self and my family against those people. If we can't defend ourselves then we are at their mercy. Do you trust others to act in your best interests? I don't.

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I dont see how you simply place your survival on a gun? There are better doors, better securities for windows, alarms, perimeter security, DOGS and your fists.

What did people do before the invention of guns for security? Oh yeah, they were called Dogs.



Got the T-Shirt
What did people do before the invention of guns for security? Oh yeah, they were called Dogs.

In modern times.... Dogs can be an effective layer of security.

Not everyone can be as fortunate as us, and afford better places to live.

Without getting in to the whole history of edged weapons....

Since the dawn of time.... "certain" humans have been imposing "their" will on others.

It's really no different now. Human "predators" are a reality.

The older I get.... the more world history becomes interesting.

Vlad the Impaler.... perfect example.


Pineapple King
I dont see how you simply place your survival on a gun? There are better doors, better securities for windows, alarms, perimeter security, DOGS and your fists.

What did people do before the invention of guns for security? Oh yeah, they were called Dogs.

Wow, I didn't realize til now how insane you really are.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Wow, I didn't realize til now how insane you really are.

Insane? Why, because I dont live in fear? Thats your interpretation of insane? I chose to live where I dont have to live my life peeping out windows or worrying that my neighbors are going to rob me. Of course, I dont live the trailer park experience, so mine may be different than yours.

Sorry, by the way, where did you get your phd from again?



Its all good.
I dont see how you simply place your survival on a gun? There are better doors, better securities for windows, alarms, perimeter security, DOGS and your fists.

What did people do before the invention of guns for security? Oh yeah, they were called Dogs.

Swords, knives, arrows, clubs,ropes,slings,broken bottles,any other types of weapons that could be used to keep their assailant at a age distance so they could protect themselves with a minimum of risk to themselves.

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