

golden ticket member


Nine Lives

I'm not a big fan of Glocks, but I'd like to try the new G42 in .380.

I have a 26 9mm with a double stack 10 magazine.
Over twice the price of my SCCY 2 but it is a bit smoother.
My SCCY has never jammed or had any problems with it.
Biggest difference is SCCY has a 9 pound pull while the Glock has a 5.5.


golden ticket member
Via Daily Caller:

The United States Postal Service has announced that former NRA President Charlton Heston will be honored with his own stamp. The stamp is part of their “Legends of Hollywood” series, and while the specific issue date has not yet determined, it will be issued sometime in 2014.

Heston was a five term president of the National Rifle Association from 1998 to 2003. He was a tireless advocate for Second Amendment rights and will always be remembered by the NRA faithful for his “cold, dead hands” speech delivered at the 2000 NRA Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The speech was directed to then presidential candidate Al Gore.

“Mr. Gore,” Heston boomed with his baritone voice, “From my cold dead hands.” Then Heston hoisted the custom-made flintlock rifle high above his head.

The stamp, much like the intent of the Second Amendment, will be a Forever Stamp issued in sheets of 20.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Charlton Heston was a man who wasnt afraid to stand up and speak out against tyranny. For those who dismiss him as a right-wing nut job, bear in mind that Heston was also an outspoken advocate for civil rights for blacks in the early 60's. He participated in marches with MLK and used his fame and celebrity status to speak out against racism long before it was "popular" to do so.

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Staff member
Are you really saying that gun rights and civil rights are on an equal footing? That someone being required to show identification before purchasing a firearm is of the same scale as blacks being lynched for trying to vote? That's a stretch.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Are you really saying that gun rights and civil rights are on an equal footing? That someone being required to show identification before purchasing a firearm is of the same scale as blacks being lynched for trying to vote? That's a stretch.
Not at all. I was merely pointing out that Charlton Heston was not the right-wing neandrathal that anti-gun liberals made him out to be. I would also say that the best defense against an angry lynch mob is an AR-15.

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Staff member
Not at all. I was merely pointing out that Charlton Heston was not the right-wing neandrathal that anti-gun liberals made him out to be. I would also say that the best defense against an angry lynch mob is an AR-15.

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I would say a better defense against an angry lynch mob would be swift and aggressive prosecution of such acts. If there is ever a place where deterrence works, that would be it.


nowhere special
I would say a better defense against an angry lynch mob would be swift and aggressive prosecution of such acts. If there is ever a place where deterrence works, that would be it.

Would that also apply to voter intimidation against whites by people such as New Black Panthers?


Staff member
Would that also apply to voter intimidation against whites by people such as New Black Panthers?
Sure. I can't believe it doesn't already. How can a bunch of black guys with automatic weapons not scare and intimidate white people but five black kids playing loud music can? Weirdos.