

Strength through joy
Hey tos, everything you and others want about gun control is already on the books in Mass..
Plus we can only sell Mass compliant & approved guns ; weapon locks , pistols that will not fire with a live round chambered without the magazine inserted , some guns are restricted to LEO only .
Just to purchase ammo I have to show my permit and at every gun purchase a background check is preformed plus I have to have my Mass. supplied PIN number .
You would think that with all these controls gun violence would have stopped .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Tos will not reveal the Obama Justice department numbers --nor the FBI numbers on gun deaths and gang bangers --The truth does not fit in with his Liberal Tirades.

I have no problem with laws that will close all Gun Show loopholes.
I have no Problem with complete back round checks and fingerprinting of all gun buyers.

Why does the Left have a problem with a SECURE border to stop the flow of drugs and illegal arms ??

Island, again with the same tired talking points of fox news "experts".

Lets address immigration once again. Guys like YOU, believe you have the solution to solving the immigration problem. Where does your logic come from?? The same freaks that control the republican party. Despite the statistics on immigration, guys like you still believe that closing the border will solve the problem.

I posted these statistics before, and yet, somehow you missed that day of class. As a reminder, lets review the immigration problem in this country and see if YOU have it all figured out or not.

First and foremost, one little fact that the right wing talking heads want to leave out of the equation is where do all the illegals come from? Its alot easier to guide a guy like YOU to believing into something stupid by simply repeating it over and over.

71% of all ILLEGAL aliens in this country came here LEGALLY. That's pretty simple to understand Island. LEGAL. That means that they had permission to enter the country.

There are THREE kinds of legal entry that then turn into ILLEGAL residency.

1) Tourist visas. In 2011 ( the latest statistics) 41% of foreigners came to this country on Tourist visas and never left.

2) Student visas. (2011) 19% of foreigners came to this country on Student visas and never left. ( just ask michele Malkins parents who came on student visas while pregnant and gave birth to border baby Michele Malkin.)

3) Guest worker visas. (2011) 11% of foreigners came to this country on Guest Worker visas and never left. ( this program the DARLING of the GOP. In fact, The GOP is calling for INCREASED guest worker visas for 2014 and 2015)

That leaves approximately 29% that come across our borders illegally. Of that 29%, you have to divide that up between the canadian border, the southern east coast and the southwest. Canada makes up approximately 9% of illegal border crossings. The Southeast coast makes up approximately 6% of illegal entry leaving only approximately 14% for the ENTIRE southwest border.

If you divide the southwest border up by 4 states, thats roughly 3.5% per state of illegal crossings.

Now, as i have asked before, If I gave you all the funding to build a wall stretching from texas to san diego, 100 feet high, and no way to go through or under it, would you make a dent in illegal entry into the United States???

( side note: dont ask me to post the data again, im tired of digging that up for nobody to read on this board. Use logic, figure it out for yourselves.)

You want to spend TRILLIONS of dollars to secure our southwest borders to stop 14% while 71% simply gets off planes, buses or cars and walks in and stays??

Dont be silly. This is the kind of Stupid talk that the right wing throws out there for its people to repeat.

Its the "hidden" animous that drives this kind of logic. To the typical right winger, all illegals are mexican. Forget that the chinese are pouring over our northern borders from canada. Forget that the dominicans, haitians and others are swimming over here.

Its those pesky mexicans that the right wing wants you to hate. Everytime I hear Marco Rubio talking about the southwest border, i want to slap the crap out of him.

He knows full well that spending trillions will do virtually NOTHING to stop immigration into this country.

Who in there right minds addresses a problem in their home that is 14% the problem while the 71% part of the problem goes unaddressed?

Thats the thinking of the right wing parrots. "hey my roof is leaking all over the place, but I think ill seal this door from moisture leaking in"...

You think you have it all figured out Island, and you dont. You listen to AM radio to the point where you have lost all objectivity.

The "LEFT" doesnt have a problem shutting down the flow of arms across our borders. Gun dealers are being arrested all the time by the current justice department for gun running. Why do you think the GOP states in the southwest run gun shows with NO background checks, NO ID required, Cash sales, Assault weapons, magazines and all the ammo you can carry out in less than an hour?? It isnt the "LEFT" who creates the kinds of laws that permit this. ITS YOUR BELOVED REPUBLICAN PARTY.

You are letting your generation down with this kind of thinking.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hey tos, everything you and others want about gun control is already on the books in Mass..
Plus we can only sell Mass compliant & approved guns ; weapon locks , pistols that will not fire with a live round chambered without the magazine inserted , some guns are restricted to LEO only .
Just to purchase ammo I have to show my permit and at every gun purchase a background check is preformed plus I have to have my Mass. supplied PIN number .
You would think that with all these controls gun violence would have stopped .

Well, hopefully, someday, you dont end up shooting a family member, wife, child or neighbor when you think the revolution is starting.



Strength through joy
Well, hopefully, someday, you dont end up shooting a family member, wife, child or neighbor when you think the revolution is starting.

Most of the family are cops or former military who have more resources available than I , and the neighbors are also well equipped .
I see a higher chance of being killed by a vehicle collision than a bullet.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Most of the family are cops or former military who have more resources available than I , and the neighbors are also well equipped .
I see a higher chance of being killed by a vehicle collision than a bullet.

Dont look at the statistics for these careers.. More cops kill themselves with guns than anybody else. The military service people are killing themselves with guns at a faster and larger rate than during the vietnam conflict.

Better lock your doors.



Its all good.
Well, hopefully, someday, you dont end up shooting a family member, wife, child or neighbor when you think the revolution is starting.

So you really trust the government, thinking it knows what is best? Homeland Security has been buying up millions of rounds of ammo every year for the last 3-4 years. They aren't the armed forces, so they won't use it on foreign nations. They won't use it to protect our borders, as the federal government has already attacked the states that tried to secure our borders,so who does that leave? We, the citizens of the U S will be their target. If you put your trust in the Feds, you will get what you ask for. These people in government are no smarter or better than the rest of us, just more power hungry.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So you really trust the government, thinking it knows what is best? Homeland Security has been buying up millions of rounds of ammo every year for the last 3-4 years. They aren't the armed forces, so they won't use it on foreign nations. They won't use it to protect our borders, as the federal government has already attacked the states that tried to secure our borders,so who does that leave? We, the citizens of the U S will be their target. If you put your trust in the Feds, you will get what you ask for. These people in government are no smarter or better than the rest of us, just more power hungry.

ya ya, and black helocopters will fly over your house.

Talk about drinking the koolaid, what is it about this crap that convinces you that the government wants an armed conflict with a bunch of overweight hillbillies with guns?



Well-Known Member
Wow!! Sandy hook to have armed guards in schools !!

Gun ownership in Conn has gone sky high since the tragedy. They do not think like tos !!


Well-Known Member
Dont look at the statistics for these careers.. More cops kill themselves with guns than anybody else. The military service people are killing themselves with guns at a faster and larger rate than during the vietnam conflict.

Better lock your doors.


You seem to always leave out the gang bangers !!!

More deaths this year in Detroit, Newark and Chicago then the present wars !!!


Its all good.
ya ya, and black helocopters will fly over your house.

Talk about drinking the koolaid, what is it about this crap that convinces you that the government wants an armed conflict with a bunch of overweight hillbillies with guns?

Reality. Which is something you want to ignore. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. I won't get much satisfaction when I say "I told you so", the government is all about control, not protection, and if you can't see that then it's because you choose to ignore it. I hope it doesn't come back to bite you in the butt, because if it does, then the rest of us will probably be suffering with you.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Reality. Which is something you want to ignore. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it. I won't get much satisfaction when I say "I told you so", the government is all about control, not protection, and if you can't see that then it's because you choose to ignore it. I hope it doesn't come back to bite you in the butt, because if it does, then the rest of us will probably be suffering with you.

I dont buy into the fear peddling of the NRA or the right wing. You see Rain, I am smart enough to figure these things out for myself. Will you say the same thing in 2016 if a republican is elected?

Will the government still be too big and arming up for the epic battle between old white guys with guns and the government forces??

Cmon man, dont be so gulible.



Amatuer Malthusian
I carry a Makarov for a pocket gun. Russian made and affordable. Reasonably accurate, too. Only malfunctions with it were with aluminum cased CCI Blazer ammo. Would not feed.


Strength through joy
Dont look at the statistics for these careers.. More cops kill themselves with guns than anybody else. The military service people are killing themselves with guns at a faster and larger rate than during the vietnam conflict.

Better lock your doors.

Sorry but most of my kin die from old age .
But keep repeating those lies , just like DHS tells you .


Strength through joy
Not true .
It shows what is reality today.
A group of armed men taking on a gov't backed army and winning .
Much like many ongoing conflicts of today .
Our military is cutting back on tanks , seems the planners have declared them not necessary for future warfare .
They are repeating history , a failed concept much like the early 60's replacing missiles for guns on our aircraft . They had a mindset that lead to many aircraft being lost .