

Pees in the brown Koolaid
The kidnapping and enslavement of Africans, the ethnic cleansing and forced relocation of Native Americans, and the mass murder of 6 million Jews during WW2 are all historical examples of what happens when a group of people with guns finds itself in conflict with another group that does not have guns. We are not yet evolved enough as a species to be able to rely on pacifism and unilateral disarmament to maintain the peace. The unfortunate reality of todays society is that sometimes, despite our best intentions and efforts, the good people of the world have no choice but to pick up guns and fight the bad people.

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

PSST, washington was speaking about the "militia act" when he said this, and NOT about people having guns in the home.

Do some more research.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
PSST, washington was speaking about the "militia act" when he said this, and NOT about people having guns in the home.

Do some more research.


Interesting...Washington doesnt say anything about the "militia" being armed, he very specifically states that a FREE PEOPLE ought to be armed. Kind of like that pesky 2nd Amendment that says "the people" instead of the "militia" when it refers to who should have the right to keep and bear arms.

Do some research.

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
PSST, washington was speaking about the "militia act" when he said this, and NOT about people having guns in the home.

Do some more research.

Do you even know what a "Militia" is? When our military is near beaten, and the enemy is landing on our shores, what are we suppose to do?
You (TOS) will act like a sheep and hope the enemy don't kill you, or run for the hills.
Me, I get my guns, my 2 sons and we go fight.

In those two cases, you are not militia.
Me and my 2 sons would be called militia.

How are we suppose to fight for our country with out weapons?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Do you even know what a "Militia" is? When our military is near beaten, and the enemy is landing on our shores, what are we suppose to do?
You (TOS) will act like a sheep and hope the enemy don't kill you, or run for the hills.
Me, I get my guns, my 2 sons and we go fight.

In those two cases, you are not militia.
Me and my 2 sons would be called militia.

How are we suppose to fight for our country with out weapons?

Realbrown, I am confused over your knowledge of history. "I" understand all to well what the militia is, as I have Read the Militia act of 1792.

You on the other hand, probably don't have the first clue what the militia was, is or what the intention of the militias were.

I am sure you don't understand that back in the day of militias, the guns were kept in an ARMORY and not in the homes.

Maybe if you took the time to LEARN history, you wouldn't make outlandish claims.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Do you even know what a "Militia" is? When our military is near beaten, and the enemy is landing on our shores, what are we suppose to do?
You (TOS) will act like a sheep and hope the enemy don't kill you, or run for the hills.
Me, I get my guns, my 2 sons and we go fight.

In those two cases, you are not militia.
Me and my 2 sons would be called militia.

How are we suppose to fight for our country with out weapons?

Also, in case you missed it, and I am sure you did, the militia acts of this country were repealed in 1916 when the national guard was created, thereby eliminating militias all together.

Militias were ALWAYS regulated by the US GOVERMENT and was NEVER a private entity.

Good luck proving otherwise.



nowhere special
Also, in case you missed it, and I am sure you did, the militia acts of this country were repealed in 1916 when the national guard was created, thereby eliminating militias all together.

Militias were ALWAYS regulated by the US GOVERMENT and was NEVER a private entity.

Good luck proving otherwise.


SCOTUS has ruled differently regardless of what you want to believe. Just like every other Constitutional Amendment the 2nd guarantees individual rights.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
"Democracy" is four wolves and a lamb voting on what will be served for dinner.

FREEDOM is a heavily armed lamb disputing the results of the election.

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Just another case of an american excersizing his 2nd amendment rights on his family. Of course we all know (according to island) that only black kids are killed with guns..)

NAH, white gun owners killing their own families? I thought only black people did that? Isnt that the claim you all keep making on this thread?

Just another case of an american excersizing his 2nd amendment rights on his family. Of course we all know (according to island) that only black kids are killed with guns..)

NAH, white gun owners killing their own families? I thought only black people did that? Isnt that the claim you all keep making on this thread?

When (not if) our military fails, what are your survival plans?
All countries eventually get attacked or defeated. What happens to the TOS and his family then?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS will be down at the shoreline with a large welcome sign .
Ready to assist his new masters each & every way possible .

Unlike YOU, trembling at the windows edge hoping to hit something with your "guns" while your fingers are shaking with fear, I dont live expecting a ridiculous future.

Its too bad folks like you live like scardy cats listening to the latest "the sky is falling rhetoric"...

Live in fear bro, somebody has to make the gun makers rich, why not you and your friends?



nowhere special
If he is living in fear and wants the security of a gun then why does that upset you so much? And if he helps to make the gun makers rich again why does that bother you? He doesn't complain about where you spend your money nor your feeling of security in your own little progressive universe.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Unlike YOU, trembling at the windows edge hoping to hit something with your "guns" while your fingers are shaking with fear, I dont live expecting a ridiculous future.

Its too bad folks like you live like scardy cats listening to the latest "the sky is falling rhetoric"...

Live in fear bro, somebody has to make the gun makers rich, why not you and your friends?
