
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

As we know Revere was arrested as he was riding to Lexington--as he stopped at numerous houses and giving the warning. When he met up with other Patriots --they split up and went in different directions ---I believe History records Revere and another man was captured DURING the RIDE !

The Re-write of History --Revere was arrested for nothing and the Ride --completed or not --never happened--La la land is a special place.:peaceful:

Next we will hear Patrick Henry did not really regret he had one life to give to the country --because he was hanged before he felt regret.

Or Benedict Arnold was not a traitor but the local baker of Arnold bread company:clown::clown::clown:

Sorry Island that you have history wrong, but its not surprising.

Reveres story is just ONE of many lies told about this country in its early beginings, ya know the kind, like Militias were just a bunch of yahoos with guns.

Revere was a nothing, and his legacy came from a poem and not his actions. To some historians, Revere was a coward, who led the british to his comrades in order to save his own life.

You know nothing about the revere adventure to say the least.

For the record, Revere was captured by british soldiers long before his infamous ride to nowhere.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Washington used regular soldiers and militia to defeat the British. My earlier point I made is that law abiding US citizens should be allowed to possess firearms to be a backup to our national defense and for self-protection.
I mean, police usually don't stop rapes, murders and other violent crimes, they just hunt down the perp later.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Washington used regular soldiers and militia to defeat the British. My earlier point I made is that law abiding US citizens should be allowed to possess firearms to be a backup to our national defense and for self-protection.
I mean, police usually don't stop rapes, murders and other violent crimes, they just hunt down the perp later.

Thats why the national guard was created, so that citizens wouldnt have to take up arms. Controlling yahoos with guns would be next to impossible.

Who would be in charge? , the one with the most guns?

This is why the militia was REGULATED by the US Government.



nowhere special
Again, clueless to what the militia was at the time. People think it was just a bunch of armed yahoos parading around with guns. Unfortunately, the militias were regulated by the government in the militia act of 1792. You would know this if you actually read it and understood it.

Of course you wont, because it kills your argument.


You need to read your own posts (again)
That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia, ... every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock....

.. which defeats your own argument. Militia was all able bodied men, not just those in National Guard, so they cannot not be the same.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Thats why the national guard was created, so that citizens wouldnt have to take up arms. Controlling yahoos with guns would be next to impossible.

Who would be in charge? , the one with the most guns?

This is why the militia was REGULATED by the US Government.

And when our (not if) our regular military, our reserves and our national guard are in full retreat, this former vet, and my adult children will fight for it. We have the weapons, and training to do just that. Don't stand in our way.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You need to read your own posts (again)
That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia, ... every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock....

.. which defeats your own argument. Militia was all able bodied men, not just those in National Guard, so they cannot not be the same.

Do you understand the time difference between 1792 and 1916 or in your mind, these are the same?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And when our (not if) our regular military, our reserves and our national guard are in full retreat, this former vet, and my adult children will fight for it. We have the weapons, and training to do just that. Don't stand in our way.

YA, "WHEN" our military is in full retreat, with all the power of our military, you and your sons will be there pick up the slack..! HAHA

I almost spit out my food.

Thanks for the laugh.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You need to read your own posts (again)
That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia, ... every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock....

.. which defeats your own argument. Militia was all able bodied men, not just those in National Guard, so they cannot not be the same.

They were ALL able bodies WHITE men between 18 and 45 who could be in the militia, NOT OLD WHITE DUDES.

The guns were kept in the armory, but each militia member had to purchase them, kinda like our current military today where if they lose their weapons and accessories, they are charged for them.

If you were older than 45 years of age, you COULDNT BE IN THE MILITIA.

That pretty much cancels out most of you guys.



Nine Lives
They were ALL able bodies WHITE men between 18 and 45 who could be in the militia, NOT OLD WHITE DUDES.

The guns were kept in the armory, but each militia member had to purchase them, kinda like our current military today where if they lose their weapons and accessories, they are charged for them.

If you were older than 45 years of age, you COULDNT BE IN THE MILITIA.

That pretty much cancels out most of you guys.

75 is the new 45!

The first 9 amendments in the Bill of Rights applied to individuals ... not the rights of governments. The right for an individual to own a gun is guaranteed to protect themselves from the National, State or Local government.

The idea that members of the militia used guns stored in the armory is laughable. Until the 1830's, local governments depended upon individual citizens for guns to be used in fighting conflicts. Even most of the American soldiers in the War of 1812 were using their own weapons or weapons supplied by an individual.


nowhere special
They were ALL able bodies WHITE men between 18 and 45 who could be in the militia, NOT OLD WHITE DUDES.

The guns were kept in the armory, but each militia member had to purchase them, kinda like our current military today where if they lose their weapons and accessories, they are charged for them.

If you were older than 45 years of age, you COULDNT BE IN THE MILITIA.

That pretty much cancels out most of you guys.


Again incorrect. The people were responsible for obtaining and maintaining their own weapons. No matter how much you want to revise history.


Nine Lives
Again incorrect. The people were responsible for obtaining and maintaining their own weapons. No matter how much you want to revise history.
I think TOS throws out some total BS every once in awhile to make sure we are paying attention.
This one was so obvious, even I felt I had to weigh in.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
75 is the new 45!

The first 9 amendments in the Bill of Rights applied to individuals ... not the rights of governments. The right for an individual to own a gun is guaranteed to protect themselves from the National, State or Local government.

The idea that members of the militia used guns stored in the armory is laughable. Until the 1830's, local governments depended upon individual citizens for guns to be used in fighting conflicts. Even most of the American soldiers in the War of 1812 were using their own weapons or weapons supplied by an individual.

Again, from the land of make believe... did you also learn that Paul Revere made his famous ride??


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Again incorrect. The people were responsible for obtaining and maintaining their own weapons. No matter how much you want to revise history.

How can history be made up when its memorialized in print? The Militia act was very clear and simple. Militias were a regulated arm of the government no matter how you try to make it a separate entity.

Again, in print, it says, if you are over 45, then no old goats need apply. The government doesnt need old white dudes.
(and I use the term "OLD WHITE DUDES" because the militia only included white men)

You guys want to believe that anyone could be in the militia, but thats just not true.

You may not have understood this, or knew of the existence of regulations on the militias, but then again, the VERY PREAMBLE of the second amendment says "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA"...

Maybe you guys can figure that one out for yourselves.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

There are two things guaranteed by The Second Amendment. A well regulated militia AND the right of the people (thats all of us...not just a damn militia) to keep and bear arms. Now I can see someone not having a full grasp on the English language or it's basic grammar not being able to understand that but all of these gun grabbing liberals can't use that excuse. I laugh when I see them try and convince people that our guns are really supposed to be kept under lack and key at some guard base. One of the purposes of crafting this amendment was so that a state could defend itself against outsiders including the federal government. So riddle me this gun the hell is a state's militia, or national guard, supposed to accomplish that when the very guard unites that are holding their weapons are under de facto control of the active duty military, therefore, under the lock and key of the federal government itself???? RUH RHO SHAGGY!
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