

Its all good.
PSST, washington was speaking about the "militia act" when he said this, and NOT about people having guns in the home.

Do some more research.

The militia WAS a group of people who had arms in their own home, who banded together as a militia to defend those homes.

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Its all good.
Gun owners don't live in fear because they DO have the means to protect themselves from harm. The unarmed people are the first targets of people who are trying to harm innocent people. Good luck, I hope you never fall victim to someone trying to do you or your family harm.

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Its all good.
Just another white american excersizing his 2nd amendment rights of self protection... he even made a video proclaiming to have purchased his new shotgun to protect his wife!

Of course, thats before he shot her to death with it of course. Oh yeah, he's a police officer.

Ya, now tell me gun owners are responsible.

Again, why bring race into it?

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Its all good.
Its the automatic liberal response. If they have no rebuttal they just play the race card.
This is the second time in the last couple of weeks that I've questioned TOS about his racial references and he hasn't replied yet. I thought liberals weren't supposed to act racist. Guess you learn something new every day.

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The militia WAS a group of people who had arms in their own home, who banded together as a militia to defend those homes.

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Again, clueless to what the militia was at the time. People think it was just a bunch of armed yahoos parading around with guns. Unfortunately, the militias were regulated by the government in the militia act of 1792. You would know this if you actually read it and understood it.

Of course you wont, because it kills your argument.



Strength through joy
The militia act was passed for the use of the potus to be able to use. It gave him the power to call up several different states militias to use for self defense .
No one here, except you , have ever claimed that the militias were a social club .


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
After finding out the 2012 FBI crime stats, TOS has now called for the banning of "ASSUALT KITCHEN KNIVES, ASSUALT HAMMERS and for all white males to surrender both of their hands" all in the name of safety.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I finally got my Ruger 10/22 tonight. I ordered a 10/22 Sporter on November 30, it was supposed to be my Christmas present from my wife. It never came in, so I went back to the dealer (15,000 guns in stock) to get a refund tonight. They had just got in six Limited Edition 50th Anniversary models, I have never seen one like this. Stainless 20 inch barrel with a Birch stock, it has a Ruger Eagle engraved on the buttstock with "50th Anniversary" engraved on the bolt and receiver. They have several versions like the take-down I have seen on the web, but I haven't found one just like mine. I think it has a run like 750-1500 of this version from what I have found so far.


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Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I'd like one with the synthetic stock.
My last two gun purchases were a Glock and an AR, so I was wanting a wood stock for something different. I just found out it is a 1297 model, which is a Ruger Distributor Special. I want to find a stainless scope to mount on it and get a few BX-25 mags for it. I will probably replace the mag release, firing pin, and the hammer with aftermarket parts to improve its performance.


Amatuer Malthusian
I have an Anschutz sporter, so I'm done with fancy wood. I saw a video of a nifty stock setup for my Glock, but of course, not available here. Made in Israel.


Well-Known Member


Most people know that George Washington was speaking in front of Congress in 1790 --years prior to any Bill or Law regarding the Militia.
Educated people can have different views and opinions about militias or armed citizens protecting their homes and families and that is a fair debate.
In 1620 when the armed Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock were they bound by a "Militia Act" of a country nor an act that did not yet exist ?
When Paul Revere went on His famous ride --through small villages and towns --warning the people to grab their guns --because the British were coming ?? Militia or Armed civilians -living in Villages and towns ??

:likeit: Just watch "The Patriot" or "Last of the Mohegans" ---Armed civilians protecting Life and Liberty or Armed Militias ??

If the national grid was severely damaged and panic and lawlessness roamed the streets tomorrow---Would the local homeowners that take out their guns to protect Family and self --be Militia or well armed Citizens --capable and ready to defend themselves ?? ---a notion very foreign to most Liberals --who believe the Government can and always will be there for everything !
Sounds like George Washington was able to envision what the future would hold !!:smart:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Island, I guess you and sarah palin suffer from the same "history" class in school, eh?? You said:

When Paul Revere went on His famous ride --through small villages and towns --warning the people to grab their guns --because the British were coming ?? Militia or Armed civilians -living in Villages and towns ??

This is the kind of B.S. we were taught in history class as kids, yet, one thing.


Paul Revere NEVER made this ride.

He was captured and held by the british, and never made this ride. YOU and PALIN repeated the same mis truth.

Paul Revere was captured and going to be executed until he gave up the positions of his townsfolk to the british, then he managed to escape after being alone. He led the british to his commrades at gunpoint.

It matters not what happened before the USA became the USA. In 1792, ALL THE MILITIAS were regulated by the second amendment and the militia act.

I know its fits the "narrative" of gun owners, that people had guns and ammo uncontrolled by the government, but that simply isnt true.

If you did not join the militia after becoming age 18, you were subject to jail. Only later did consciencious objectors become a part of a revised militia act.

But you can repeat the same LIE that has been told a million times before in this country.

PAUL REVERE never rode this famous ride and only those of the intelligence level of Sarah Palin would repeat it.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Most people know that George Washington was speaking in front of Congress in 1790 --years prior to any Bill or Law regarding the Militia.
Educated people can have different views and opinions about militias or armed citizens protecting their homes and families and that is a fair debate.
In 1620 when the armed Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock were they bound by a "Militia Act" of a country nor an act that did not yet exist ?
When Paul Revere went on His famous ride --through small villages and towns --warning the people to grab their guns --because the British were coming ?? Militia or Armed civilians -living in Villages and towns ??

:likeit: Just watch "The Patriot" or "Last of the Mohegans" ---Armed civilians protecting Life and Liberty or Armed Militias ??

If the national grid was severely damaged and panic and lawlessness roamed the streets tomorrow---Would the local homeowners that take out their guns to protect Family and self --be Militia or well armed Citizens --capable and ready to defend themselves ?? ---a notion very foreign to most Liberals --who believe the Government can and always will be there for everything !
Sounds like George Washington was able to envision what the future would hold !!:smart:

They would be considered armed citizens as the militias were disbanded and all militia acts repealed in 1916.

Just because a bunch of yahoos have guns and collectively gather together in the center of town, that doesnt form a militia.

A militia is a military term and not a private term.

There needs to be order, rank and file.

Let me guess, in your militia, you would be general, eh?



Well-Known Member

As we know Revere was arrested as he was riding to Lexington--as he stopped at numerous houses and giving the warning. When he met up with other Patriots --they split up and went in different directions ---I believe History records Revere and another man was captured DURING the RIDE !

The Re-write of History --Revere was arrested for nothing and the Ride --completed or not --never happened--La la land is a special place.:peaceful:

Next we will hear Patrick Henry did not really regret he had one life to give to the country --because he was hanged before he felt regret.

Or Benedict Arnold was not a traitor but the local baker of Arnold bread company:clown::clown::clown: