

Well-Known Member
Even President Obama recognizes the Right of the People to keep and bear arms.

If it were up to wacky Liberals ----the guns would have already been collected --has not happened and will not happen ---Second Amendment


golden ticket member
Many people, especially women, think TOS is a woman but he is adamant he is a male.
I don't share the belief he is a woman because you can tell he does not like women or stand up for them.
Man or really doesn't matter. Vespa-rider is the impotent thing!!!


Strength through joy
African-Americans have served in every conflict in American history.

In 1689, black militia members fought against French imperialism in the American colonies. Black militia members also served in Queen Anne's War, from 1702 to 1713, and the French and Indian War, from 1754 to 1763. Barzilai Lew fought as a member of the Massachusetts militia during this conflict and later saw action in the Battle of Bunker Hill during the American Revolution.
By 1770, African-Americans were vital elements of several Northern colonial militias. On March 5, 1770, Crispus Attucks, a runaway slave turned sailor, and four other colonists were killed in the Boston Massacre. In Boston, Mr. Attucks was the first man killed by the British Guard, as colonists protested against what were called "British crimes" for being a colonist. He became the first casualty of the American Revolution. African-Americans took part in the battles of Concord and Lexington, Mass., in April 1775, and in May, African-Americans helped Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys capture Fort Ticonderoga in New York. More than 5,000 African-Americans served in the Continental Army and nearly 5,000 more served with state militias during the Revolutionary War. African-Americans also served as spies and undercover agents. Several were recognized by Congress for their bravery.


Its all good.
Again, clueless to what the militia was at the time. People think it was just a bunch of armed yahoos parading around with guns. Unfortunately, the militias were regulated by the government in the militia act of 1792. You would know this if you actually read it and understood it.

Of course you wont, because it kills your argument.

Militias were around before the Revolutionary War started, regulated later. They were citizens banded together voluntarily to defend against outside dangers and would go back to their daily lives when the danger passed. If that's the best you can come up with, you're grabbing at straws.

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Nine Lives
Militias were around before the Revolutionary War started, regulated later. They were citizens banded together voluntarily to defend against outside dangers and would go back to their daily lives when the danger passed. If that's the best you can come up with, you're grabbing at straws.

When TOS gets tired of researching, he just makes stuff up.
Pretty good at it too!


Its all good.
I would love to see the part in the second amendment that provides for a woman to be in a militia? or possess a firearm.

Why should they be treated like second class citizens? Do you want to be treated like a second class citizen? I can tell by your posts that you are obviously an intelligent person, but some of your posts leave me wondering where these ideas come from.

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Its all good.
How can history be made up when its memorialized in print? The Militia act was very clear and simple. Militias were a regulated arm of the government no matter how you try to make it a separate entity.

Again, in print, it says, if you are over 45, then no old goats need apply. The government doesnt need old white dudes.
(and I use the term "OLD WHITE DUDES" because the militia only included white men)

You guys want to believe that anyone could be in the militia, but thats just not true.

You may not have understood this, or knew of the existence of regulations on the militias, but then again, the VERY PREAMBLE of the second amendment says "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA"...

Maybe you guys can figure that one out for yourselves.

Why bring race into this? Don't you think people of color defended themselves and their families too?

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why bring race into this? Don't you think people of color defended themselves and their families too?

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Why bring race into this?? Umm, cause the militia act of 1792 REQUIRES it. Ya, I am sure people of color were allowed to own guns when they were slaves in 1792.

The founders of course owned slaves and I am sure they wanted them to be armed to protect themselves from invaders.

And as far as protecting their families while slaves, remember, this country shipped out the babies of slaves to the islands in the carribean to keep the black population down, but then again, I am sure you wouldnt know anything about that either.

Ya, you got it all figured out Rainman.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
The guns were kept in the armory, but each militia member had to purchase them, kinda like our current military today where if they lose their weapons and accessories, they are charged for them.


You keep clinging to this fantasy that everyone stored their guns at armories back instead of keeping them at home.

Im going to let you in on a little secret; back in the 1700's, telephones hadnt been invented yet. There was no 911 to call the police with. There werent any cars either, so in many cases the nearest town was hours or even days away. People back kept their guns at home and took care of problems THEMSELVES, they couldnt just sit on their asses in a gated community and rely upon a nanny-state government for protection. Armories existed to store artillery and large quantities of gunpowder and extra rifles, but the average person still kept a gun at home for hunting as well as protection and militia service.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You keep clinging to this fantasy that everyone stored their guns at armories back instead of keeping them at home.

Im going to let you in on a little secret; back in the 1700's, telephones hadnt been invented yet. There was no 911 to call the police with. There werent any cars either, so in many cases the nearest town was hours or even days away. People back kept their guns at home and took care of problems THEMSELVES, they couldnt just sit on their asses in a gated community and rely upon a nanny-state government for protection. Armories existed to store artillery and large quantities of gunpowder and extra rifles, but the average person still kept a gun at home for hunting as well as protection and militia service.



golden ticket member
I'd wager that's an insult to Dave at this point. Dave at least admits that he doesn't want to have a firearm but doesn't care if others want one.
"YAWN" is Dave's answer to all posts that don't interest him............has nothing to do with guns or no guns. Call it a derail....or call TOS unoriginal in his responses!!
Even "crickets" is a better response than yawn!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You keep clinging to this fantasy that everyone stored their guns at armories back instead of keeping them at home.

Im going to let you in on a little secret; back in the 1700's, telephones hadnt been invented yet. There was no 911 to call the police with. There werent any cars either, so in many cases the nearest town was hours or even days away. People back kept their guns at home and took care of problems THEMSELVES, they couldnt just sit on their asses in a gated community and rely upon a nanny-state government for protection. Armories existed to store artillery and large quantities of gunpowder and extra rifles, but the average person still kept a gun at home for hunting as well as protection and militia service.

These arguments that gun owners make about a time in history that nobody here has experienced or obviously read about shows in the ridiculous statements that are made about the time.

Depending on the "TOWNSHIPS" leaders, some people were allowed to have their muskets at home, called "at the ready" yet, the POWDER, which in THAT time was very VOLATILE and UNSTABLE was ALWAYS kept in the towns "ARMORY".

Some called it an "ARMS DEPOT", others called it "WEAPONS STORAGE"...

Most townships at the time kept ALL muskets there, and they had to be separated from the powder.

Today, people confuse the current definition of the word armory with the use in 1776.

In the second amendment, a well regulated militia is described and explained in detail. The weapons that White persons in the militia could have are spelled out, a CLEAR REGULATION on the kinds of weapons that could be owned.

It also limited the number of guns and ammo each person could have. There is NO mention in the militia act of persons owning more than ONE GUN, or tons of ammo or powder.

There is no mention of machine guns, cannons or automatic weapons.

The regulations were very clear, a musket, some balls, and powder.

If you want to call yourselves a militia, then register with the government, make sure you are within the age range and white, and purchase your musket, balls and powder. The musket doesnt automatically guarantee it comes with balls.
