
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Let me see if I have my dates correct here:
Constitution ratified: 1787
Bill of Rights introduced: 1789
Bill of Rights ratified: 1791
Militia Act passed: 1792

How can you use the Militia Act of 1792 which was created to assist the government in putting down riots and demonstrations, to define what was ratified a year earlier in the Bill of Rights (2nd Amendment)?

Do you not understand how long it took the government to establish congress and the process of legislating or do you think that all happened overnight? You are talking about a process that took 4 years to create.

Why do you think they passed the militia act? For kix?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why don't you post some "FACTS" for a change? My link was correct in what it stated.

Your link provided an opinion from one person, while it did mention the STRICT guns laws, it didnt bother to describe them as I have on this thread.

The writer makes an "assumption" that everything is safe because military members have their guns, but the writer doesnt talk about PRIVATE ownership of guns like I discussed.

You cant mix the two arguments.

In Israel, you cant own a semi auto pistol with banana clips, you cant own a shotgun, you cant own a semi automatic rifle, you cant own a sniper rifle, you cant own thousands of rounds of bullets.

What you can OWN as a citizen, providing you clear the extensive background check, is a pistol and 50 rounds of ammunition. If you use those rounds in a calendar year, you have to APPLY with the government to get another 50 rounds providing you account for all the empty shells.

In Israel, if you are caught with a weapon that is NOT allowed for private ownership, you will do 10 years in an Israeli prison.

As I said, private ownership of guns in Israel is the toughest in the world, and we should copy their system.



nowhere special
Your link provided an opinion from one person, while it did mention the STRICT guns laws, it didnt bother to describe them as I have on this thread.

The writer makes an "assumption" that everything is safe because military members have their guns, but the writer doesnt talk about PRIVATE ownership of guns like I discussed.

You cant mix the two arguments.

In Israel, you cant own a semi auto pistol with banana clips, you cant own a shotgun, you cant own a semi automatic rifle, you cant own a sniper rifle, you cant own thousands of rounds of bullets.

What you can OWN as a citizen, providing you clear the extensive background check, is a pistol and 50 rounds of ammunition. If you use those rounds in a calendar year, you have to APPLY with the government to get another 50 rounds providing you account for all the empty shells.

In Israel, if you are caught with a weapon that is NOT allowed for private ownership, you will do 10 years in an Israeli prison.

As I said, private ownership of guns in Israel is the toughest in the world, and we should copy their system.


Again you just make things up and demonstrate your own ignorance. Name me a semi auto pistol with banana clips if you can. It doesn't exist. A magazine holds ammunition and a clip is used to load a magazine before you invent something else btw.


Strength through joy
What you neglect to mention TOS is the need for weapons on boats .
Along all of coast lines , these boats are out there unprotected .
The nearest law enforcement could be hours away .
The greatest fear fishing & lobster boats have is a go-fast boat . One never knows who is operating those things or what their intentions are .


nowhere special
What you neglect to mention TOS is the need for weapons on boats .
Along all of coast lines , these boats are out there unprotected .
The nearest law enforcement could be hours away .
The greatest fear fishing & lobster boats have is a go-fast boat . One never knows who is operating those things or what their intentions are .

To TOS this is a boat ride


Strength through joy
Found one.....


Pineapple King
Your link provided an opinion from one person, while it did mention the STRICT guns laws, it didnt bother to describe them as I have on this thread.

The writer makes an "assumption" that everything is safe because military members have their guns, but the writer doesnt talk about PRIVATE ownership of guns like I discussed.

You cant mix the two arguments.

In Israel, you cant own a semi auto pistol with banana clips, you cant own a shotgun, you cant own a semi automatic rifle, you cant own a sniper rifle, you cant own thousands of rounds of bullets.

What you can OWN as a citizen, providing you clear the extensive background check, is a pistol and 50 rounds of ammunition. If you use those rounds in a calendar year, you have to APPLY with the government to get another 50 rounds providing you account for all the empty shells.

In Israel, if you are caught with a weapon that is NOT allowed for private ownership, you will do 10 years in an Israeli prison.

As I said, private ownership of guns in Israel is the toughest in the world, and we should copy their system.

Sounds like you should move to Israel then.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Again you just make things up and demonstrate your own ignorance. Name me a semi auto pistol with banana clips if you can. It doesn't exist. A magazine holds ammunition and a clip is used to load a magazine before you invent something else btw.




Like these for instance.. ILLEGAL in ISRAEL.



Staff member
“An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.”
Robert A. Heinlein, Beyond This Horizon
The fact that a science fiction writer penned this quote bolsters your argument how? And I guess I don't ask you specifically but it just occurred to me. People quote others all the time with the implied assertion that said individual said it and thus it must be true. It's entirely possible that alot of "brilliant" people have said incredibly asinine things. Again, not saying this is such a case, but what makes Heinlein any kind of an authority on the matter?


nowhere special
The fact that a science fiction writer penned this quote bolsters your argument how? And I guess I don't ask you specifically but it just occurred to me. People quote others all the time with the implied assertion that said individual said it and thus it must be true. It's entirely possible that alot of "brilliant" people have said incredibly asinine things. Again, not saying this is such a case, but what makes Heinlein any kind of an authority on the matter?

That quote wasn't to bolster my argument. Just to post the sentiment expressed.


Strength through joy
TOS, you should watch " Wild West Tech ".
One show was all about who carried what & where .
It demonstrated that being polite was an act of saving your life .