

nowhere special
Its tough to watch you struggle to sound relevant on this subject. You link a wikipedia story and then forget to READ it yourself.

You said "There is no restriction on possessing personally purchased ammunition capable of being used in their issued weapon, and such ammunition is readily available in shops and at many firing ranges."

What YOU DIDNT READ was the last part of the paragraph: let me help you out...

"There is a regulatory requirement that ammunition sold at ranges must be used there."

Hopefully by highlighting this sentence, you will actually read it. Now, Like I said, swiss citizens CANNOT store ammo at home. Your "friend" is giving you bogus information.

Give this one up.


You need to learn to read.
There is no restriction on possessing personally purchased ammunition capable of being used in their issued weapon, and such ammunition is readily available in shops and at many firing ranges.
Your point is invalid since firing ranges are not the only source of ammunition.
Just admit you lost the argument and quit trying to invent facts.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Good movie. I loved it.
Oh, was this suppose to have something to do with gun control? Fine, I'll give you that point. Fictional angels shouldn't be allowed to have guns. You got me.


Well-Known Member
I wish the idea to point a gun at another man and kill him never entered man's mind in the first place.

I wish THAT was the world we lived in.

But the government knows them and the corporations (like UPS) and banks have got everything so screwed up everyone is one more life crapping away from...."going postal" I think they call it...


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I wish the idea to point a gun at another man and kill him never entered man's mind in the first place.

I wish THAT was the world we lived in.

But the government knows them and the corporations (like UPS) and banks have got everything so screwed up everyone is one more life crapping away from...."going postal" I think they call it...
The bad guys will always have guns. Police and all the laws in the world won't change that fact. I just prefer that good men and women arm themselves to fight back. Tip the odds in the good guys favor.


Its all good.
I dont fear the government nor do I support all that it does. What I do support is our system of government for I know that change can be made every 4 years at the top. At the longest, it may be 8 years, but its still open to change.

TO live a life where a person thinks that the country is going to end in 4 years is silly at best.

Look, BUSH jacked this country up worse than most people on this board are willing to admit. To them, its just a political game that ended the day Obama took office.

The extent of the damage will last for decades and it will take a man like Obama to turn it around.

Ignoring the obvious is what people on the right want to do with history. Am I happy with the ACA? No, it has problems, but it also has success stories by the thousands.

I am willing to give it a chance to work itself out just like social security did and the many times it had to be fixed after it was launched.

For me, rather than spending TRILLIONS of dollars in useless wars that never needed to happen, I prefer my government to spend that money HERE in the USA. Rather than spending trillions on free healthcare for Iraqis, I would prefer healthcare for americans. Same in afghanistan, another waste of 2 billion a week.

Rather than buying all my products with a MADE IN CHINA stamped on them, I want products made in america.

The real power hungry politicians right now are the republicans who are desperate to regain power. They are doing everything possible to hurt this country instead of working with president obama on fixing it.

They (republicans) just cut benefits to veterans, this right after two wars that injured or killed thousands of our troops.

Our returned troops are recieving the most in welfare and foodstamps, and that is just disgraceful.

President Obama tried to come into office and be a uniter, but since day one, Mitch McConnell said he wanted Obama to fail and he was going to do everything possible to see that it happened.

Well, the president has left these :censored2:s at the side of the road and he is moving forward with trying to fix this country.

You label it "POWER GRABBING" and the rest of the america labels it "TAKING CHARGE".

Our system of politics is broken. Too many special interest groups now control both parties.

The game now is to drive wedges in between us all and polarize us to one side or the other and then fight for the middle. They dont care what is said or who they offend, they just want us to fight with each other.

Its working.

Bush definitely screwed some things up, but Obama isn't fixing things, he's wrecking them even worse.

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Wrong? Maybe I need my eyes checked, I see the word STUPID in there.

That's a really eloquent post by the way. Keep up the good work.
What you wrote was stupid. Sometimes smart people say or write really stupid stuff.
BTW, what was last grade you attended in school?


Inordinately Right
What you wrote was stupid. Sometimes smart people say or write really stupid stuff.
BTW, what was last grade you attended in school?
What is stupid about that? I am sitting here struggling to think of a single president of the past century who I think did a good job. That's why I lowered myself to vote in a Republican primary twice. I honestly believe Ron Paul would have done very little as president. At this point, they all seem the same to me.
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Inordinately Right
So for the sake of getting back on topic.... Anyone here carry when they run/jog?

I've picked up a serious running addiction in the past few months, and the days of 100 degree weather are coming up quick, so I'm gonna start running at night. Since the park I usually drive to to run is closed at night, I'm gonna be running in my own neighborhood, which is pretty hood I'm not gonna lie.

I usually just pocket carry my 38 airweight, so I don't even know where to begin with a good holster to run with....


Got the T-Shirt


Its all good.
What is stupid about that? I am sitting here struggling to think of a single president of the past century who I think did a good job. That's why I lowered myself to vote in a Republican primary twice. I honestly believe Ron Paul would have done very little as president. At this point, they all seem the same to me.
Reagan was the last decent one we had, but he wasn't perfect either. It's been all downhill since then.

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