

All Trash No Trailer
What threat are you talking about there?
i changed a Moreluck post to a sensible ,correct post and she threatened to "report" me to hoax and get it changed it back,
it was DEEPLY amusing. I rarely LOL but her shrill reaction over nothing was indeed comical


All Trash No Trailer
What will your insurance do for your wife and daughter after the bad guy has had his way with them for a few hours at gunpoint?

Not everything in life can be made right simply by cutting somebody a check.
you watch WAY too many action flicks.


All Trash No Trailer
Poor idea. A waste of resources for the average civilian in my opinion. Level IIIa body armor of the type typically worn by police will only defeat standard handgun rounds and shotgun pellets. Your average deer rifle...even Grandpa Joe's old lever action 30-30 that was made back in the late 1800's... will punch right through it. Body armor is heavy, uncomfortable, very expensive, and does nothing to protect the head or other areas of the body. If I have time during an emergency to locate and put on body armor, I have time to access a better weapon, call 911, and take cover in a more defensible position instead.
worked pretty good for these guys


Retired 23 years
worked pretty good for these guys

The police had to get "high powered" weapons from a gun store because they were outgunned. Another part of the story is that the police let the wounded bad guy laying in front of the car at the end of the chase lay there for almost 2 hours until he died-----with an ambulance parked a few feet away. Even though these guys were skum that just seems wrong. They said it was because they were afraid he was boobie-trapped but as soon as they knew he was dead they had no trouble moving him. As far as I'm concerned any farm boy with a good 22cal. rifle with a scope could have put one right between their eyes at a 200 feet or so----body armor or not.
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golden ticket member
i changed a Moreluck post to a sensible ,correct post and she threatened to "report" me to hoax and get it changed it back,
it was DEEPLY amusing. I rarely LOL but her shrill reaction over nothing was indeed comical
I did report it....but to have YOUR WORDS deleted.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
And the Constitution also does not say that there can be no restriction on gun ownership. It only says that gun ownership is a right and the government therefore cannot outlaw that ownership. That leaves a wide and powerful area for the government to regulate constitutionally even if all it does is make some constituents feel better.
Why are you so afraid of people owning guns? What has happened to you personally that has made you so affraid of people owning guns?


golden ticket member
The police had to get "high powered" weapons from a gun store because they were outgunned. Another part of the story is that the police let the wounded bad guy laying in front of the car at the end of the chase lay there for almost 2 hours until he died-----with an ambulance parked a few feet away. Even though these guys were skum that just seems wrong. They said it was because they were afraid he was boobie-trapped but as soon as they knew he was dead they had no trouble moving him. As far as I'm concerned any farm boy with a good 22cal. rifle with a scope could have put one right between their eyes at a 200 feet or so----body armor or not.
I remember that on TV........a real "sit down" moment like the car chases.


Staff member
Why are you so afraid of people owning guns? What has happened to you personally that has made you so affraid of people owning guns?
affraid? ;). I'm not. Why do people insist that the Constitution affords them rights that the SCOTUS (per the Constitution) has ruled time and time again they do not have; that the federal and state governments have wide latitude in regulating the purchase and ownership of firearms?


golden ticket member
About like watching a white Bronco?
In CA. we are obligated by law to grab a cup of coffee, sit down and watch every car chase, no matter where it is, to it's conclusion. I know that when I sit and watch, there are 33 million others doing the same thnig.....ah, the brotherhood of man.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why are you so afraid of people owning guns? What has happened to you personally that has made you so affraid of people owning guns?

What happened? How about over 19000 a year committing suicide with beloved guns? How about the endless number of mass shootings in this country? How about the 11000 americans killed with guns in this country?

What about the endless domestic homocides each year in this country? How about the numerous child deaths from handguns left out by idiot owners?

How do "WE" , the innocent public know that "YOU" are of sound mind? How do "WE" know that you are not hopped up on prescription drugs? How do we know that you are not an alcoholic? How do "WE" know that you dont suffer from some mental disorder, regardless of degree?

This is what scares americans. Just because you can get a gun doesnt mean you should.



Well-Known Member
This is America it's your right

Big John


Well-Known Member
The only fables I know, are the ones where people have to stock pile guns just to live in a world where they have to fear an army breaking into their home.

For me, I have everything insured for replacement value. GO AHEAD , take everything!!

You'd be doing me a favor.


Then you would be betting they are they aren't there to take your life. Maybe they don't want witnesses.