And where have progressive policies gotten us? A creeping intrusive govt that affects our everyday lifes. Social programs that do not work, that have been used as a social playground for liberals. EPA destroys private property rights of individuals, a federal reserve that destroys the value if the currency. An IRS that punishes the wealthy only because they are successful, an agency that tried to destroy first amendment rights of tea party groups. Dept of education that doesn't educate anyone. Federal workers who make %50 more than private sector workers. The VA workers who were told to stop processing vet applications and to work on Obamacare applications. The disastrous immigration policies of the last 30 years.trillions of dollars in debt we will probably never pay off. Even the changing of the way senators are elected have damaged this country. That's the history of the progressive movement.
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Progressive policies did away with slavery. They did away with only land owners having the right to vote. They did away with only white men ages 18 to 45 owning guns. They created CIVIL rights for all citizens of every color. They allowed women to vote, own land and businesses. They took care of our elderly so they dont wander our streets like zombies.
Progressive policies have helped all americans of every color move forward in life. Something that wasnt intended in the original constitution.
Did you miss the last 200 years?
The department of education has leveled the playing field of children of all color. The IRS has a duty to collect taxes and seek out those that would try to evade taxes by creating false political groups. The VA has been in trouble for years, and with TWO unnecessary wars adding thousands of new patients, what did you think was going to happen to the system? Did you forget about the wars?
This country is a progressive nation, and the days of the white mans rule is over. Say goodbye to those "good ole' days".