

Well-Known Member
Progressive policies did away with slavery. They did away with only land owners having the right to vote. They did away with only white men ages 18 to 45 owning guns. They created CIVIL rights for all citizens of every color. They allowed women to vote, own land and businesses. They took care of our elderly so they dont wander our streets like zombies.

Progressive policies have helped all americans of every color move forward in life. Something that wasnt intended in the original constitution.

Did you miss the last 200 years?

The department of education has leveled the playing field of children of all color. The IRS has a duty to collect taxes and seek out those that would try to evade taxes by creating false political groups. The VA has been in trouble for years, and with TWO unnecessary wars adding thousands of new patients, what did you think was going to happen to the system? Did you forget about the wars?

This country is a progressive nation, and the days of the white mans rule is over. Say goodbye to those "good ole' days".

You better check your civil rights history. The Republican Party fought a war to end slavery, fought the dems post civil war to pass the 14th and 15th amendments. It was Woodrow Wilson that resegregated the federal work force. It was republicans that helped LBJ pass civil rights bill of the 60's. William J Fulbright, bill Clinton's mentor in Arkansas. Algores father voted against the civil right laws of the 60's. And let's not forget Robert" sheets Byrd, former clans man, he also voted against the bills. Did you know that MLK was a republican.
And don't even get me started by IRS corruption. The VA disaster has spread across many administrations, which only goes to prove that big bloated govt can't handle those situations.

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
When jumping from a bridge try to land in the water, that way if a body is found it will be easier to id .
Always avoid landing on solid pavement since most bodies gender is nearly impossible to determine on site .
You better check your civil rights history. The Republican Party fought a war to end slavery, fought the dems post civil war to pass the 14th and 15th amendments. It was Woodrow Wilson that resegregated the federal work force. It was republicans that helped LBJ pass civil rights bill of the 60's. William J Fulbright, bill Clinton's mentor in Arkansas. Algores father voted against the civil right laws of the 60's. And let's not forget Robert" sheets Byrd, former clans man, he also voted against the bills. Did you know that MLK was a republican.
And don't even get me started by IRS corruption. The VA disaster has spread across many administrations, which only goes to prove that big bloated govt can't handle those situations.

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Like your post.
But MLK was not a Republican, or at least admitted he was a Republican.
Unless you have some proof.
I got my info from an interview a daughter of his gave. I think she said he wouldn't say which party he supported.


Well-Known Member
Like your post.
But MLK was not a Republican, or at least admitted he was a Republican.
Unless you have some proof.
I got my info from an interview a daughter of his gave. I think she said he wouldn't say which party he supported.
No, I don't have a direct source saying MLK was a republican. I have heard several people say he was. But I did some checking and it seems that he was non partisan. MLK quote, I'm not inextricably bound to either party. Sorry about the confusion on that point.

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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
No, I don't have a direct source saying MLK was a republican. I have heard several people say he was. But I did some checking and it seems that he was non partisan. MLK quote, I'm not inextricably bound to either party. Sorry about the confusion on that point.

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It's cool. Easy mistake to make. At least you have some common sense to be able to correct a mistake unlike some Obama cheerleaders on here.
Never admit anything bad about their guy. Never say anything good about the other side.
Just droning on about how good their guy is, and how stupid and mean the other guy is.


All Trash No Trailer
You better check your civil rights history. The Republican Party fought a war to end slavery, fought the dems post civil war to pass the 14th and 15th amendments. It was Woodrow Wilson that resegregated the federal work force. It was republicans that helped LBJ pass civil rights bill of the 60's. William J Fulbright, bill Clinton's mentor in Arkansas. Algores father voted against the civil right laws of the 60's. And let's not forget Robert" sheets Byrd, former clans man, he also voted against the bills. Did you know that MLK was a republican.
And don't even get me started by IRS corruption. The VA disaster has spread across many administrations, which only goes to prove that big bloated govt can't handle those situations.

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this is old and has been rehashed over and over.
Times changes, for example: Ronald Reagan BKA Patron Saint of The Republican Party wouldn't fair so well in the current Republican Party as he was WAY too moderate for today's Republican party which has moved too far Right and is unwilling to compromise..He supported TAx Increases and gave amnesty to 3 million Illegals Also can you imagine a Republican praising a Labor Union today as Reagan did " Collective bargaining…has played a major role in America's economic miracle. Unions represent some of the freest institutions in this land. There are few finer examples of participatory democracy to be found anywhere.”

The Gipper is a helluva lot closer to being a Democrat than a Republican using today's standards

You'll have to excuse our laughter of your so found 'discoveries'


nowhere special
this is old and has been rehashed over and over.
Times changes, for example: Ronald Reagan BKA Patron Saint of The Republican Party wouldn't fair so well in the current Republican Party as he was WAY too moderate for today's Republican party which has moved too far Right and is unwilling to compromise..He supported TAx Increases and gave amnesty to 3 million Illegals Also can you imagine a Republican praising a Labor Union today as Reagan did " Collective bargaining…has played a major role in America's economic miracle. Unions represent some of the freest institutions in this land. There are few finer examples of participatory democracy to be found anywhere.”

The Gipper is a helluva lot closer to being a Democrat than a Republican using today's standards

You'll have to excuse our laughter of your so found 'discoveries'

Reagan gave that amnesty as part of a deal where the Democrats promised to secure the border. They didn't (surprise) so the problem is much worse now. And Reagan knew how to compromise and work with both parties to get things done. Compare that to Obama's "My way or the highway" strategy.


Well-Known Member
No, would do just fine in today's GOP. He could connect with people, cut through the media crap, draw votes from the democrat party, get congress to work together, ie, across the board tax cuts. He made democrat members of congress do what he wanted them to do, increased defense spending . And he never talked bad about America, unlike the current prez. He brought communism to it knees, freed Eastern Europe from the USSR. And if you think the Republican Party is too far right you aren't thinking straight. The fact that you think Reagan was a moderate shows how wrong you are.

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Pees in the brown Koolaid
But that's a "straw man" argument. Nobody is banning guns and if they did, that is a slam dunk case for.being unconstitutional. The problem for you and others is that there is a.wide open space of possibilities between radical "no regulation" and "banning". That territory is presided over by the Supreme Court.

You don't have to "ban" guns in order to make them virtually impossible to obtain. You only have to make them unaffordable, unobtainable, or attach so many impossible licensing and registration requirements to them that the average person simply cant get one. Kinda like all the black Americans in Alabama back in the 1950's whose 15th Amendment voting rights were totally nullified by "common sense" and "reasonable" poll taxes and literacy tests imposed by whites with the express intent to disenfranchise them. I don't recall the Supreme Court doing a damn thing for those people, it took actual intervention by the federal government in the form of the Voting Rights Act to force racist states to allow blacks to vote. And as far as gun rights go, the cities of Washington DC and Chicago are still going out of their way to do everything they can to deny their citizens their 2nd Amendment rights even after the Supreme Court ruled...twice... that their bans on handguns were unconstitutional.


Staff member
You don't have to "ban" guns in order to make them virtually impossible to obtain. You only have to make them unaffordable, unobtainable, or attach so many impossible licensing and registration requirements to them that the average person simply cant get one. Kinda like all the black Americans in Alabama back in the 1950's whose 15th Amendment voting rights were totally nullified by "common sense" and "reasonable" poll taxes and literacy tests imposed by whites with the express intent to disenfranchise them. I don't recall the Supreme Court doing a damn thing for those people, it took actual intervention by the federal government in the form of the Voting Rights Act to force racist states to allow blacks to vote. And as far as gun rights go, the cities of Washington DC and Chicago are still going out of their way to do everything they can to deny their citizens their 2nd Amendment rights even after the Supreme Court ruled...twice... that their bans on handguns were unconstitutional.
Again, it is their elected leaders voting on restrictive gun laws. They can vote them out. I will say it again: Chicago is not rural Vermont. Same rules probably aren't going to apply.


All Trash No Trailer
Reagan gave that amnesty as part of a deal where the Democrats promised to secure the border. They didn't (surprise) so the problem is much worse now. And Reagan knew how to compromise and work with both parties to get things done. Compare that to Obama's "My way or the highway" strategy.
compare that with a Republican Congress who has either been focused on Repealing teh Affordable Health Care Act or having numerous investigations(witch hunts) over Benghazi .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Reagan gave that amnesty as part of a deal where the Democrats promised to secure the border. They didn't (surprise) so the problem is much worse now. And Reagan knew how to compromise and work with both parties to get things done. Compare that to Obama's "My way or the highway" strategy.

I see your still stuck on stupid when it comes to immigration. How many times do we have to cover this issue for you to get it??

Our southern borders only see less than 9% of the immigration problem coming across it. 4 states divide up that 9%.

What about the 91% that isnt coming across our southern border GRAY?

How do you plan on fixing the real problem?



Well-Known Member
compare that with a Republican Congress who has either been focused on Repealing teh Affordable Health Care Act or having numerous investigations(witch hunts) over Benghazi .
Congress has oversight authority, they can investigate whatever they damn well please. Like the investigation conducted after bush fired two US attorneys. Clinton fired every US attorney when he took office. The dems didn't investigate with Clinton did it because they serve at the pleasure of the prez.
The house investigated Bush 41 the dems thought Reagan made some kind if deal with Iran to keep the hostages until after Reagan was sworn in. Bush supposedly flew to Paris to work out the deal. Speaker of the house said at the time, we have absolutely to evidence that's why we need to investigate.
And where was Obama during the Benghazi attack, he wasn't in the situation room, because if he was there would have been a thousand photos of him being there. He went to bed so he could go fundraise in Vegas the next day.

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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Again, it is their elected leaders voting on restrictive gun laws. They can vote them out. I will say it again: Chicago is not rural Vermont. Same rules probably aren't going to apply.

By your logic then, Alabama in 1955 wasn't the same as Illinois and therefore it should have been up to the local elected leaders in Alabama to decide how 15th Amendment voting rights ought to be "regulated".

Sorry, but that is pure bullschitt. Chicago and rural Vermont are both part of the United States of America and their citizens ought to enjoy equal rights under the Constitution regardless of what their local elected leaders want. The same rules should apply.


All Trash No Trailer
By your logic then, Alabama in 1955 wasn't the same as Illinois and therefore it should have been up to the local elected leaders in Alabama to decide how 15th Amendment voting rights ought to be "regulated".

Sorry, but that is pure bullschitt. Chicago and rural Vermont are both part of the United States of America and their citizens ought to enjoy equal rights under the Constitution regardless of what their local elected leaders want. The same rules should apply.
you are comparing apples and oranges and trying to skirt the fact that states have been given rights restrict gun ownership .
It is very insulting to Black Americans,and espeically those BlackAmericans who struggled thru the Civil Rights Movement when you try over and again to compare carrying a handgun anywhere you want to Equal Rights for all americans


Pees in the brown Koolaid
you are comparing apples and oranges and trying to skirt the fact that states have been given rights restrict gun ownership .
It is very insulting to Black Americans,and espeically those BlackAmericans who struggled thru the Civil Rights Movement when you try over and again to compare carrying a handgun anywhere you want to Equal Rights for all americans

I am not drawing a moral comparison between gun rights and civil rights for black Americans. The historic oppression of black Americans is, obviously, by far the greater evil.

I am merely drawing a comparison between the tactics being used to deny Americans their 2nd Amendment rights today and those that were used to deny Americans their 15th Amendment rights years ago.

I am merely pointing out that those in power have historically had the ability, through "reasonable" and "common sense" restrictions, to arbitrarily deny Constitutional rights to their citizens.

I am merely pointing out that the Constitution is not self enforcing, and that the fact that it may enumerate a right on paper does not mean that we the people are always free to exercise that right in real life.

I am merely pointing out that we cannot always count on the Supreme Court to uphold and enforce our Constitutional rights against those in power who would deny them to us.


All Trash No Trailer
I am merely drawing a comparison between the tactics being used to deny Americans their 2nd Amendment rights today and those that were used to deny Americans their 15th Amendment rights years ago.

Stuff and Nonsense!
I have yet to see dogs turned on those who wish to carry,or fire hoses used against those trying to purchase a handgun. I have yet to see any police officers clubbing Americans protesting their right to bear arms.
mate the tactics used are far far different


All Trash No Trailer


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Stuff and Nonsense!
I have yet to see dogs turned on those who wish to carry,or fire hoses used against those trying to purchase a handgun. I have yet to see any police officers clubbing Americans protesting their right to bear arms.
mate the tactics used are far far different

We are talking about two different things.

You are talking about the violent tactics that were used against those who marched in protest of Jim Crow laws.

I am talking about the legal tactics...the "reasonable and common sense" restrictions used by municipal governments in order to deny citizens civil rights that are and were supposedly "guaranteed" by the Constitution in both the 2nd and the 15th Amendments.


Got the T-Shirt
I will say it again: Chicago is not rural Vermont.

"At least 13 people have been shot in Chicago at the start of the long holiday weekend",0,3923848.story

"A Gresham man is charged with attempted murder after he fired on a group of people leaving a party Friday night, only to be shot himself by one of the victims, a military service member with a concealed carry permit, authorities said Sunday.",0,5324984.story

The good people of Chicago, are finally going to find out what living in a free state is like.