I don't know what to say to you because you won't even acknowledge when you are factually wrong. Vermont allows minors to own guns--something easily verifiable and something you have time and time again been against. You admit that governments can and should put restrictions based on age, criminal background, and mental health background, but the Constitution makes no such distinctions in it's Second Amendment. So who if not elected officials are supposed to make such determinations?By your logic then, Alabama in 1955 wasn't the same as Illinois and therefore it should have been up to the local elected leaders in Alabama to decide how 15th Amendment voting rights ought to be "regulated".
Sorry, but that is pure bullschitt. Chicago and rural Vermont are both part of the United States of America and their citizens ought to enjoy equal rights under the Constitution regardless of what their local elected leaders want. The same rules should apply.
You live on rural Oregon. Do you really think your citizenship is the same as inner city Chicago? Do you think those citizens haven't heard your argument before? They know of their record gun violence. They also know the cold hard facts of the neighborhoods they live in and around. We'll see what happens. I doubt more guns results in less gun violence.