

Fugitive From Reality
The DMV let you register the bike with a bill of sale that you signed while as a minor?

Resident know-it-all.
Who says you have to register it? I bought a Plymouth satellite when I was 15. We drove it all over town for almost 6 months, then parked it when it would not run any more.


Well-Known Member
Let's find a common ground between dems/repubs/cthulhu-ites/...

Understanding Herbert Spencer's "The New Toryism" from his 1884' work "Man verses The State" and you may have your common ground. At least I see it that way.

Thus we have liberal ends by conservative means or conservative ends by liberal means which is why gov't never really changes.

As I said, there lay your common ground.


All Trash No Trailer
We are talking about two different things.

You are talking about the violent tactics that were used against those who marched in protest of Jim Crow laws.

I am talking about the legal tactics...the "reasonable and common sense" restrictions used by municipal governments in order to deny citizens civil rights that are and were supposedly "guaranteed" by the Constitution in both the 2nd and the 15th Amendments.
Rubbish,pure Rot
you said in the post the same tactics were used against Gun Owners ,and now you are getting selective in just which methods you mistakenly claim were used and as usual when you try to compare the plight of those denied to carry their weapons everywhere and anywhere to the plight of Generations of Black Americans you fall on your face

The "reasonable and common sense " methods used to Regulate weapons in states and communities ( let's not forget the term Regulated is in the Second Amendment) is in no way shape or from similar to the tactics used to keep an entire race of people under the boot of the White Ruling Class for several generations

Seriously, your attempts to equate your imagined plight to the REAL suffering of several generations of Black Americans is insulting


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Really? Isn't a drivers license a contract? I bought a motorcycle at 16 and believe me, it was very independent of parental approval.
1. No
2. A minor cannot obtain a drivers license without parent/ guardian approval.
3. A minor cannot independently register, title or insure a motor vehicle without parent/guardian approval.
4. None of that has anything to do with law abiding adults being systematically denied their 2nd Amendment rights by cities like Chicago and Washington DC.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
and if any government entity tried to forbid through regulation gun ownership, you would have a point. But they don't nor has the court realized a.series of lies which conspires to do so.

Then why did Chicago and Washington DC have to be forced by the Supreme Court to allow their subjects...I mean own handguns? And why has Chicago continued to violate that ruling to the point that it is now on the hook for over $1 million in legal fees that the NRA has spent trying to force the city to obey it?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
and both quotes show the Founding Fathers sought a balance on the subject of ownership
An absolute ban on handgun ownership plus arbitrarily difficult, restrictive and expensive licensing requirements for long guns....Chicago and Washington DC style...isnt "balance." And the Supreme Court agrees.


Staff member
An absolute ban on handgun ownership plus arbitrarily difficult, restrictive and expensive licensing requirements for long guns....Chicago and Washington DC style...isnt "balance." And the Supreme Court agrees.
Exactly. The Supreme Court is doing what it was designed to do (kinda). Now Chicago needs to figure it's way forward. What's wrong with that? They found a law that proved unconstitutional.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
an licensing isn't arbitrarily expensive in Illinois. It's expensive because the state is broke.

Does the state require you to pay for a voting license? Or a license to go to church? What about a free speech license, or a license to read whatever books you wish to?

When a government requires you to pay a fee, beg for permission and obtain a license to do something, it is no longer a "right".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So is "shall not be infringed"

Sober, while I appreciate your stance on guns, and your desire to own them. I get it (*wink) but, in the second amendment, the fragment "shall not be infringed" is preceeded by a comma.

" ,shall not be infringed."

Now, are you telling us that "something" before the comma is connected to "shall not be infringed" ?

If you are saying this, than what comes before this fragment?

Oh wait, its another fragment.

" , the right of the people to keep and bear arms,"

So, if you are saying that the COMMA, means that the preceeding sentence applies to the following fragment, doesnt that also mean the fragment before " ,the right of the people... ," also applies??

And if yes, then, what about the preamble fragment that starts the sentence ending in another comma?

My question to you is simple, regardless of what the scotus has ruled about handgun ownership in the home (heller v DC)

How do you explain the last two fragments of the second amendment being connected even though they are separated by a comma, and the other portions of the second amendment are not connected??

""A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State , the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.""

What gun owners believe, is that the second amendment contains a stand alone sentence that reads ...

"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

But that doesnt exist.

What does exist, is FOUR FRAGMENTS of a sentence, with a clear PREAMBLE explaining what the subject is and what follows in regard to the preamble.

If the founders just wanted people to run around with stockpiles of guns, why did they regulate the militias?

Why did they create and pass the militia act of 1792 in the second congress?

Why did they put limitations on age in the militia act? If you are older than 45 years old, you cant be in a militia or own a gun. According to gun owners, they belong to militias, yet dont have the first understanding of what the militias were.

They just think its a bunch of old white guys armed to the teeth with assault rifles looking to start another revolution.

I ask you to clarify how you connect to fragments separated by a COMMA, yet, disregard the first two fragments also separated by COMMAS.

Spare me the ruling on Heller v DC, I am well aware of the ruling of the case. I want YOUR explanation how you and other gun owners reconcile their understandings of what is being talked about.

