

nowhere special
Allow me to sum up your position then. You believe the root of our problems in this country lie with the fact that we simply have too much liberty. Our freedoms cause unintended consequences, and if our all powerful, benevolent(in your mind) government would just step in and take those liberties away or atleast severely restrict them this would be a much safer country. Am I right?

It looks like their dream is to imitate North Korea.


All Trash No Trailer
Allow me to sum up your position then. You believe the root of our problems in this country lie with the fact that we simply have too much liberty. Our freedoms cause unintended consequences, and if our all powerful, benevolent(in your mind) government would just step in and take those liberties away or atleast severely restrict them this would be a much safer country. Am I right?
nah i dont subscribe to such Orewllian thoughts.
ya'll really cant see the irony of people being shot at gun shows can you?


All Trash No Trailer
Allow me to sum up your position then. You believe the root of our problems in this country lie with the fact that we simply have too much liberty. Our freedoms cause unintended consequences, and if our all powerful, benevolent(in your mind) government would just step in and take those liberties away or atleast severely restrict them this would be a much safer country. Am I right?


nowhere special
You see sober, you obviously cant argue about the second amendment, even though you keep "citing" it. I asked you to reconcile, in your own terms, the connections you make between the fragments in the second amendment, and then, you defer to the bill of rights, which isnt the subject.

Either you understand the second amendment or you dont.

The impression you are leaving is that you dont understand it, nor can you explain it wit

The founders distrusted ENGLISH standing armies, but hadnt established a standing army for the USA at the time. The militia act was GOVERNMENT REGULATION on militias, and not a bunch of private persons owning guns.

"A well regulated militia"... GOVERNED by the GOVERNMENT.

Please spare me your NRA talking points about "nanny state" blah blah blah... the founders made sure the militias were regulated by the government, and service was required by all WHITE men 18 yrs of age up to 45 yrs of age.

If you didnt register, you could face jail. In the third congress, they amended the militia act to include "conscientious objector" status for religious cowards who refused to fight because of their religious beliefs.

The bill of rights has nothing to do with our conversaton about the second amendment. The conversation is about the structure of the second amendment itself, and how you try to apply it to your logic given the full understanding of how english, syntax and conjunction works in a sentence.

Again, i ask you how you connect the last two fragments of the second amendment to have one meaning, yet , separate the first two fragments of the sentence, giving the last two fragments a separate meaning.

Pretty simple stuff.

Stay on subject.


Despite your own unique interpretation the Supreme Court has ruled differently. You need to improve your reading comprehension, or at least listen to what the courts have already said it means.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The bill of rights contains this..

Fifth Article: A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the People, being the best security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed, but no one religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service in person.
This is clearly a MILITARY clause. A well regulated militia COMPOSED of the people (making it a military rendering)

The right of the people ( in the militia ) to keep and bear arms, shall not be prevented.

The last part clarifies the military meaning... "no one religiously scrupulous of bearing arms....shall be compelled to render military service in person ( in the MILITIA)

I dont know where anyone reads PRIVATE PERSONS in this?

I dont see where rednecks with gun racks, or nutballs with assault rifles is included in this article?

I dont ONE stand alone sentence that describes the private person in this article.

I see the PREAMBLE "A well regulated militia"... and everything after the first comma having to do with the MILITIA.

Its simple english and sentence structure.

Taking one fragment out of this paragraph and giving it a separate meaning is silly at best.



Got the T-Shirt
" No regrets." That's how Rick Rogers says he felt after he shot and killed 40 year old Kenneth Fry. Police say Fry and several others broke into Rogers' home early Saturday morning. "

Illinois --( The shrill voice of extremism echoed through the halls of the Niles Community Center on Monday night as the Bloomberg Moms tried without success to block a special use permit that would allow a pistol range and gun shop to open in an industrial area of the village.

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"In order to avoid “yearly budget crises,” Miami-Dade County (Florida) may have to fire hundreds of police officers as part of a long-term budget strategy announced earlier this week. The proposal has been met with some criticism, with one police association spokesman telling citizens to “get yourself some firearms because you’re going to have to protect yourselves.”


Staff member
We're going to pay one way or the other. Maybe stricter sentences will nip some of this in the bud. I'd rather pay to keep someone locked up than to see someone I care about harmed. That's really the bottom line.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.
I agree, but that's not how it usually comes down. That proposition is very, very expensive and would mean steep tax hikes. At that point, many decide that maybe we should just take our chances.


Staff member
I met a guy today exercising his right to carry today. Actually, it was the second time I met him. First time I thought he was just a paranoid goofball. But this time I talked to him and in a few short moments started feeling sorry for him. He's frail, arm in a cast, and just recently had a pacemaker put in. I couldn't help but think maybe he's right to carry. I mean honestly, if I meant to do him harm, I'd only give him maybe 20% chance of doing anything to defend even with the gun. But if the day comes when he mistakes a youth soccer player for any threat beyond being the noisy jerks they can be, I'm not listening to any, "I felt threatened" crap. Think about what a subjective and low bar that can be. Nice guy though.


Well-Known Member
The bill of rights contains this..

Fifth Article: A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the People, being the best security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed, but no one religiously scrupulous of bearing arms, shall be compelled to render military service in person.
This is clearly a MILITARY clause. A well regulated militia COMPOSED of the people (making it a military rendering)

The right of the people ( in the militia ) to keep and bear arms, shall not be prevented.

The last part clarifies the military meaning... "no one religiously scrupulous of bearing arms....shall be compelled to render military service in person ( in the MILITIA)

I dont know where anyone reads PRIVATE PERSONS in this?

I dont see where rednecks with gun racks, or nutballs with assault rifles is included in this article?

I dont ONE stand alone sentence that describes the private person in this article.

I see the PREAMBLE "A well regulated militia"... and everything after the first comma having to do with the MILITIA.

Its simple english and sentence structure.

Taking one fragment out of this paragraph and giving it a separate meaning is silly at best.

It's amazing for you to read something in the constitution that up until about the 1930s was well know .
If you take time to read the federalist papers you would see that the people should be armed to fight off a oppressive govt., if need be.
If they meant to says the rights of the people in the militia, they would have wrote that.

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swollen member
I met a guy today exercising his right to carry today. Actually, it was the second time I met him. First time I thought he was just a paranoid goofball. But this time I talked to him and in a few short moments started feeling sorry for him. He's frail, arm in a cast, and just recently had a pacemaker put in. I couldn't help but think maybe he's right to carry. I mean honestly, if I meant to do him harm, I'd only give him maybe 20% chance of doing anything to defend even with the gun. But if the day comes when he mistakes a youth soccer player for any threat beyond being the noisy jerks they can be, I'm not listening to any, "I felt threatened" crap. Think about what a subjective and low bar that can be. Nice guy though.

"youth soccer player" now... great... smh again


Staff member
how about "youth soccer player who might be carrying and might want to start some sheet"
two scenarios
Yeah, I do have a problem with the Zimmerman defense when one of two eye witnesses is dead because the other one shot him. But then again Zimmerman's life is sufficiently screwed by his own actions.