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swollen member
Sober, while I appreciate your stance on guns, and your desire to own them. I get it (*wink) but, in the second amendment, the fragment "shall not be infringed" is preceeded by a comma.

" ,shall not be infringed."

Now, are you telling us that "something" before the comma is connected to "shall not be infringed" ?

If you are saying this, than what comes before this fragment?

Oh wait, its another fragment.

" , the right of the people to keep and bear arms,"

So, if you are saying that the COMMA, means that the preceeding sentence applies to the following fragment, doesnt that also mean the fragment before " ,the right of the people... ," also applies??

And if yes, then, what about the preamble fragment that starts the sentence ending in another comma?

My question to you is simple, regardless of what the scotus has ruled about handgun ownership in the home (heller v DC)

How do you explain the last two fragments of the second amendment being connected even though they are separated by a comma, and the other portions of the second amendment are not connected??

""A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State , the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.""

What gun owners believe, is that the second amendment contains a stand alone sentence that reads ...

"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

But that doesnt exist.

What does exist, is FOUR FRAGMENTS of a sentence, with a clear PREAMBLE explaining what the subject is and what follows in regard to the preamble.

If the founders just wanted people to run around with stockpiles of guns, why did they regulate the militias?

Why did they create and pass the militia act of 1792 in the second congress?

Why did they put limitations on age in the militia act? If you are older than 45 years old, you cant be in a militia or own a gun. According to gun owners, they belong to militias, yet dont have the first understanding of what the militias were.

They just think its a bunch of old white guys armed to the teeth with assault rifles looking to start another revolution.

I ask you to clarify how you connect to fragments separated by a COMMA, yet, disregard the first two fragments also separated by COMMAS.

Spare me the ruling on Heller v DC, I am well aware of the ruling of the case. I want YOUR explanation how you and other gun owners reconcile their understandings of what is being talked about.



there are way too many regulations now, are they enforced??? there lies your answer


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
WTF? they have no rights when they are pregnant?
it's 2014, NOT 1614
Since birth control is easy and cheap to get, in 2014, there is no excuse for a woman to become pregnant unless she wants to be pregnant.
And once pregnant, we are just not talking about her body now are we?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I propose a new law banning all registered Democrats from owning any hand gun, rifle and for that matter, BB guns. They have proven time and time again, that they just don't have the mental capacity or temperment to bear such a responsibility.

Just take a look at this list of the biggest MASS SHOOTINGS in the U.S.

- Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.
- Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter
- Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
- James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.
- Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
- Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat
- James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.
- Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter – Leftist, Marxist.
- Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.
- Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters – families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.
- Bill Ayers, Weather Underground bomber – Leftist Democrat.
- Lee Harvey Oswald, Socialist, Communist and Democrat – killed Kennedy…
Why are no conservative NRA members, or Republicans, involved in mass shootings?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Spare me the ruling on Heller v DC, I am well aware of the ruling of the case. I want YOUR explanation how you and other gun owners reconcile their understandings of what is being talked about.



1. The Militia Act of 1792 was written almost 20 years after the Bill of Rights so it is irrelevant.

2. The Founding Fathers distrusted standing armies and believed that an armed populace was an additional check and balance against a tyrannical government.

3. There was no modern system of communication, or law enforcement as we understand it today, so any situation requiring an armed response was dealt with by the local militia, who were comprised of armed civilians. They couldnt call 911 and wait for a nanny state government to protect them like you do, they had to take that responsibility on themselves.

4. If the intent of the Second Amendment was only to preserve the right of militia members to keep and bear arms, then it wouldnt have declared that the right belongs to THE PEOPLE.


Well-Known Member
I propose a new law banning all registered Democrats from owning any hand gun, rifle and for that matter, BB guns. They have proven time and time again, that they just don't have the mental capacity or temperment to bear such a responsibility.

Just take a look at this list of the biggest MASS SHOOTINGS in the U.S.

- Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.
- Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter
- Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
- James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.
- Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
- Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat
- James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.
- Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter – Leftist, Marxist.
- Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.
- Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters – families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.
- Bill Ayers, Weather Underground bomber – Leftist Democrat.
- Lee Harvey Oswald, Socialist, Communist and Democrat – killed Kennedy…
Why are no conservative NRA members, or Republicans, involved in mass shootings?
Conservatives make false claims about mass shooters – both political affiliation, and mental health status
The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

Based on the assertions of Roger Hedgecock a right-wing radio show host,
the meme that the five worst recent mass shootings were committed by
registered Democrats is making its way through e-mail chains and social
media. Hedgecock asserts, without providing any evidence or sources,
that the Ft. Hood shooter, the Virginia Tech shooter, the Aurora Theater
shooter and Adam Lanza of Sandy Hook infamy were all “registered
Democrats”. He acknowledges that Klebold and Harris (the Columbine
Colorado shooters) were too young to be registered voters but asserts,
again without providing any evidence, that Harris and Klebold’s parents
were progressives or liberal Democrats.
In another forum, the radical righties insisted that, ok, so this author debunked the last five mass shooters — but those OTHER shootings were all by lefties! No. Wrong. Factually false.

1. Elliot Rodgers the most recent mass shooter was proclaimed a ‘lefty’ because he subscribed to the youtube feed from the Young Turks.
THAT does not define someone as a lefty; I follow Fox News on Facebook, it doesn’t make me a right wing nut.

What does appear to show a larger and more valid claim to political orientation and affiliation however is the links to the ultra-conservative male-dominionist men’s rights movement expressed in his videos and manifesto, and supported apparently by his reported internet history.

2. Another example claimed — that James Holmes was a member of Occupy San Diego. That is also factually false. At no time was Holmes involved in any way with Occupy San Diego, nor so far as I can find, did he have any political opinion. He appears to have been apolitical.

We don’t know definitively yet if Holmes was mentally ill, or if he was, that mental illness had any causational role in his actions. In contrast, we know that Jared Loughner suffered from severe schizophrenia, but that appears to be the exception to the rule, not typical of mass shooters.

3. Claims that Karl Pierson was a ‘lefty’ also don’t hold up well to scrutiny. The basis for that claim appears to be that he was an advocate for Keynesian economics, and that one student at his school variously claimed he was a communist or a socialist. What is not at all clear is if the student who made those claims even knew Pierson, much less knew him well. There are Keynsian economists and advocates or proponents across the political spectrum; being a Keynsian is not even remotely the same thing as being a ‘commie’ or a ‘socialist’. There appears to be zero factual basis for the claim that Pierson was a socialist, ‘commie’ or in any other way a ‘lefty’. What is clear from the way those words lefty and commie and marxist are used on the right, however, is that most of those who use those terms casually and interchangeably have no clue what the terms mean. Rather they lob them like bad-word grenades to name-call people with whom they disagree, without regard to actual definitions.

4. Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter has been incorrectly identified over and over on the right as a ‘lefty’ and a registered Democrat. He was not a lefty, and not a registered voter. If he was mentally ill, we have no diagnosis of it sufficiently chronologically proximate to the shooting, nor do we know if his mental health had any direct causation on his actions. What we do know is that he seemed to share his mother’s ultra-conservative views, and that she was a right wing prepper crackpot, of the variety that believes the rubbish promoted by the likes of Glenn Beck.

5. Jared Loughner — yup, he was severely mentally ill, and yup, that had a direct causational role in his mass shooting. But no, he was not a lefty, and to refute some of the claims made on the right, he was never a volunteer working for Gabby Giffords. What we do know is that he had some vague left-leaning political notions while he was still sane, but that as he became increasingly erratic and his mental illness worsened, he began to visit extremist conservative crackpot web sites, and the ideas from those right wing websites were repeated in communication to Giffords and the Gifford campaign, and that he appears to have targeted Giffords for rejecting those ideas (or at least, not supporting them).

Some mass shootings ARE political in nature, but those are NOT also mental illness caused attacks. Those mass shootings have been, consistently, by radical right wingers.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Conservatives make false claims about mass shooters – both political affiliation, and mental health status
The idea that recent mass shooters are mostly registered Democrats is a myth

Based on the assertions of Roger Hedgecock a right-wing radio show host,
the meme that the five worst recent mass shootings were committed by
registered Democrats is making its way through e-mail chains and social
media. Hedgecock asserts, without providing any evidence or sources,
that the Ft. Hood shooter, the Virginia Tech shooter, the Aurora Theater
shooter and Adam Lanza of Sandy Hook infamy were all “registered
Democrats”. He acknowledges that Klebold and Harris (the Columbine
Colorado shooters) were too young to be registered voters but asserts,
again without providing any evidence, that Harris and Klebold’s parents
were progressives or liberal Democrats.
In another forum, the radical righties insisted that, ok, so this author debunked the last five mass shooters — but those OTHER shootings were all by lefties! No. Wrong. Factually false.

1. Elliot Rodgers the most recent mass shooter was proclaimed a ‘lefty’ because he subscribed to the youtube feed from the Young Turks.
THAT does not define someone as a lefty; I follow Fox News on Facebook, it doesn’t make me a right wing nut.

What does appear to show a larger and more valid claim to political orientation and affiliation however is the links to the ultra-conservative male-dominionist men’s rights movement expressed in his videos and manifesto, and supported apparently by his reported internet history.

2. Another example claimed — that James Holmes was a member of Occupy San Diego. That is also factually false. At no time was Holmes involved in any way with Occupy San Diego, nor so far as I can find, did he have any political opinion. He appears to have been apolitical.

We don’t know definitively yet if Holmes was mentally ill, or if he was, that mental illness had any causational role in his actions. In contrast, we know that Jared Loughner suffered from severe schizophrenia, but that appears to be the exception to the rule, not typical of mass shooters.

3. Claims that Karl Pierson was a ‘lefty’ also don’t hold up well to scrutiny. The basis for that claim appears to be that he was an advocate for Keynesian economics, and that one student at his school variously claimed he was a communist or a socialist. What is not at all clear is if the student who made those claims even knew Pierson, much less knew him well. There are Keynsian economists and advocates or proponents across the political spectrum; being a Keynsian is not even remotely the same thing as being a ‘commie’ or a ‘socialist’. There appears to be zero factual basis for the claim that Pierson was a socialist, ‘commie’ or in any other way a ‘lefty’. What is clear from the way those words lefty and commie and marxist are used on the right, however, is that most of those who use those terms casually and interchangeably have no clue what the terms mean. Rather they lob them like bad-word grenades to name-call people with whom they disagree, without regard to actual definitions.

4. Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter has been incorrectly identified over and over on the right as a ‘lefty’ and a registered Democrat. He was not a lefty, and not a registered voter. If he was mentally ill, we have no diagnosis of it sufficiently chronologically proximate to the shooting, nor do we know if his mental health had any direct causation on his actions. What we do know is that he seemed to share his mother’s ultra-conservative views, and that she was a right wing prepper crackpot, of the variety that believes the rubbish promoted by the likes of Glenn Beck.

5. Jared Loughner — yup, he was severely mentally ill, and yup, that had a direct causational role in his mass shooting. But no, he was not a lefty, and to refute some of the claims made on the right, he was never a volunteer working for Gabby Giffords. What we do know is that he had some vague left-leaning political notions while he was still sane, but that as he became increasingly erratic and his mental illness worsened, he began to visit extremist conservative crackpot web sites, and the ideas from those right wing websites were repeated in communication to Giffords and the Gifford campaign, and that he appears to have targeted Giffords for rejecting those ideas (or at least, not supporting them).

Some mass shootings ARE political in nature, but those are NOT also mental illness caused attacks. Those mass shootings have been, consistently, by radical right wingers.

I read this article also, seemed to be politically motivated. This guy couldn't figure out anyone's political affiliation in the whole article, so they were deemed to be Not Democrat, or something else.
IMHO this article is bogus. The fact that this article was written by Carole Fader, who FreeRepublic calls Obama's Cheerleader in Chief. If this isn't biased then I don't know what is.
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Well-Known Member
I read this article also, seemed to be politically motivated. This guy couldn't figure out anyone's political affiliation in the whole article, so they were deemed to be Not Democrat, or something else.
IMHO this article is bogus. The fact that this article was written by Carole Fader, who FreeRepublic calls Obama's Cheerleader in Chief. If this isn't biased then I don't know what is.
Pot calling the kettle black.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
There are politically motivated articles that are true. And there are politically motivated articles that aren't. I knew this ...
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Any political beliefs that the recent mass murderers may have had in common are irrelevant.

What IS that every single one of their victims were unarmed.


Well-Known Member
I read this article also, seemed to be politically motivated. This guy couldn't figure out anyone's political affiliation in the whole article, so they were deemed to be Not Democrat, or something else.
IMHO this article is bogus. The fact that this article was written by Carole Fader, who FreeRepublic calls Obama's Cheerleader in Chief. If this isn't biased then I don't know what is.
don't say the word "chief"... you may offend native americans