
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
By not using common sense. Just about anyone with half a brain would realize traveling through Mexico, especially this part, by motorcycle is risky and dangerous at best. Sorry to be so blunt, but if that was my son I would do anything I could to convince him not to do it.

The guy was an IDIOT for even attempting to ride across mexico into south america. In this world of guns and drugs, riding through countries engaged in drugs and guns from mexico to south america was just simply stupid.

While I feel bad for his family, I dont feel sorry for him riding a kawasaki.

People just shouldnt be this stupid.



Got the T-Shirt
with all due respect,what does the story of a man(albeit a US citizen) being killed in Mexico have any bearing on Gun Deaths and Crime in the USA? If you are implying he should have been packing heat in Mexico,I'd like to ask how well it worked out for the USMC Sgt arrested for driving across the border with guns in his truck?



They are just memes.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Must be a horrible feeling having to live in such fear. Place yourself in harms way just to own a gun.

Sounds like poor planning.

Must be a horrible feeling to live in such fear. Place yourself in a gated community with nanny state protectors just because you dont have the balls to take responsibility for your own safety.


Staff member
Must be a horrible feeling to live in such fear. Place yourself in a gated community with nanny state protectors just because you dont have the balls to take responsibility for your own safety.
Strange. I live day in and day out without that fear, the gates, or the guns. I think you all have very vivid imaginations.


swollen member
Strange. I live day in and day out without that fear, the gates, or the guns. I think you all have very vivid imaginations.

John Rivera, president of the Miami-Dade Police Benevolent Association, said, "If the mayor's not going to provide security, then my recommendation, as an experienced law enforcement officer for nearly 40 years, is either buy yourself an attack dog, put bars on your windows and doors and get yourself some firearms because you're going to have to protect yourselves. We won't be able to."

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Must be a horrible feeling to live in such fear. Place yourself in a gated community with nanny state protectors just because you dont have the balls to take responsibility for your own safety.

Thats where you are mistaken. I dont live in fear. I live in complete safety, as i live in a democracy, where I trust the system to work the way intended. I Planned my life around protecting my family, not jeopardizing them, like picking up stranded motorists and putting them in the front seat with my wife, using her as bait and my finger on the trigger of the steel courage i cant manage to leave the house without.

YOU call it "nanny state" and I call it a nice life. I dont have to worry about 2 hour response times because I want to live in the sticks like some isolated nut armed to the gills peeping out my windows every 5 seconds.

I dont look out my windows. I dont have to. I have dogs. I dont have to sleep with one eye open, I have alarms. I dont have to worry that my house gets broken into, I have replacement cost insurance, so I actually pray that happens.

You on the other hand, cant take a simple trip to the store without a gun attached to your body.

An inanimate object as YOU call it, yet, that inanimate object is your safety net. You cry like the rest of the armed old people on this board that guns dont kill people, YET, you carry one, just in case you have to kill someone for some justified reason.

I find it ironic that you want it both ways.

What I am still fascinated with, is your oblivious knowledge of the second amendment and its structure.

I do understand, that guys like you, want to read what you want to read, so, leaving out the commas, and the very nature of conjunction and syntax, then create a solid sentence (in your own mind) and post it on a board as if it really existed.

Notice how nobody else ventured into explaining it either. They cant. They, like YOU, know the commas exist and therefore, kills the rationale that the second amendment reads:

"..the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Simple english bro, unless you want to tell us now that the founders were idiots and didnt understand the english language?

adjective \ˈkän-ji-gət, -jə-ˌgāt\

Definition of CONJUGATE
a : joined together especially in pairs : coupled

b : acting or operating as if joined
a : having features in common but opposite or inverse in some particular

b : relating to or being conjugate complex numbers <complex roots occurring in conjugate pairs>
of an acid or base : related by the difference of a proton <the acid NH4+ and the base NH3 are conjugate to each other>
: having the same derivation and therefore usually some likeness in meaning <conjugate words>
of two leaves of a book : forming a single piece
con·ju·gate·ly adverb
con·ju·gate·ness noun

What is it about your arguing skills that puts you in this weak position? It was YOU that cited the second amendment, and I challenged you to explain it, and yet you run away.

The big difference between you and I is, I live in an america where I travel the country in total freedom, freedom to enjoy everywhere I go without having to worry about "drawing" a weapon and shooting somebody.

You dont, you cant and you wont.

You dont know what freedom is. You only know what it is like being a prisoner of your own mind.



swollen member


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
John Rivera, president of the Miami-Dade Police Benevolent Association, said, "If the mayor's not going to provide security, then my recommendation, as an experienced law enforcement officer for nearly 40 years, is either buy yourself an attack dog, put bars on your windows and doors and get yourself some firearms because you're going to have to protect yourselves. We won't be able to."
I don't think the police are there to protect us. They are there to catch the bad guys after the crime.
It's always been our jobs to protect ourselves and our families.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
BY the way, still waiting for your proof , that your sentence as you posted it, exists in the second amendment without a comma.

Its your quote, now justify it.

"The right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" is a pretty simple, self-explanatory statement and its meaning doesnt change simply because of the placement of a comma.

You take the position that, because we no longer have the civilian militia that is mentioned in the first phrase, the second phrase is somehow completely invalidated.

The 200+million Americans who own guns dont agree with you.

The 36 states that are "shall issue" for carry permits dont agree with you.

The Supreme Court doesnt agree with you.

I dont agree with you.

Go ahead and do all the mental masturbation you want over the placement of commas. Go ahead and make the argument that the Founding Fathers only intended for militia members to be armed, and that they intended for an overbearing government to deny its citizens the right to be armed. No one is listening.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Strange. I live day in and day out without that fear, the gates, or the guns. I think you all have very vivid imaginations.

There is a difference between living in fear and choosing to take prudent precautions.

I dont live in fear of fire or getting injured, but I choose to keep a fire extinguisher and a first-aid kit in my home and in my car because I feel it is a prudent precaution. A gun is no different.

I dont plan on ever using my fire extinguisher or my first aid kit or my gun, but life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
in your own words, what do you think this study proves?

If an ever-increasing number of Americans are getting an ever-increasing number of permits to carry an ever-increasing number of guns while the overall number of murders and gun crimes continues to decrease, it would appear to negate the argument that the "easy availability of guns" is to blame for gun crimes.