

All Trash No Trailer
It just goes to prove the point that anti-gun liberals don't know what they are talking about when it comes to GUNS.
no, it dosent


Pees in the brown Koolaid
1. With minimal practice, a shooter can drop an empty mag out of an AR-15, replace it with a full one, and have the gun back into battery and ready to fire in less than 5 seconds.

2. Most of Lanza's high-capacity magazines that were found lying on the floor at Sandy Hook were only partially depleted. They still had live rounds left in them because Lanza was doing "tactical reloads" and replacing them with full ones prior to running out of ammo.

3. The encounter ended when Lanza took his own life, not when he was forced to stop by police intervention or running out of ammunition.

4. The type of weapon and its magazine capacity were irrelevant to the final outcome. He was in a "gun free zone" and any adults in the building who might have otherwise been in a position to stop him were, by law, unarmed and helpless.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
We need to bring back the firing squad. Gary Gilmore had it right.
Some guy was executed last night and it took almost 2 hours to kill him with drugs.
Many of the victims of murder are shot, so why not the perp too ?

Have 5 people aim at a target on the chest....all fire at once......death in about 5-10 seconds or sooner.....none of the 5 know who actually killed him.
I am personally opposed to capital punishment because I do not trust our legal system to render a fair verdict for those who cant afford a high-priced attorney.

That being said...if we are going to execute people as "humanely" as possible then we need to do it the Chinese way; one round from an AK 47 to the back of the head at point blank range. Done. No brain, no pain.

Our reliance on "humane" methods such as lethal injections, gas chambers etc. is nothing more than a reflection of our society's cowardice. It has nothing to do with being humane and everything to do with our collective desire to make the execution nice and clean and tidy and guilt-free.

Death is seldom clean and tidy. Death is bloody and messy, and if we as a society cant cope with that fact then we have no business executing people in the first place.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No he's hiding from the fact that the 2nd amendment is settled law.

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Unfortunately, it ISNT settled law. Maybe you should read the ruling on Heller v DC. This may help to clear up your understanding.

The states control your ability to own guns, not the constitution. But the high court only RULED on handgun ownership in the home, NOT IN THE STREET, or NOT ASSAULT WEAPONS. That is still in the air, but the high court deferred that BACK TO THE STATES.

Better read up.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
1. With minimal practice, a shooter can drop an empty mag out of an AR-15, replace it with a full one, and have the gun back into battery and ready to fire in less than 5 seconds.

2. Most of Lanza's high-capacity magazines that were found lying on the floor at Sandy Hook were only partially depleted. They still had live rounds left in them because Lanza was doing "tactical reloads" and replacing them with full ones prior to running out of ammo.

3. The encounter ended when Lanza took his own life, not when he was forced to stop by police intervention or running out of ammunition.

4. The type of weapon and its magazine capacity were irrelevant to the final outcome. He was in a "gun free zone" and any adults in the building who might have otherwise been in a position to stop him were, by law, unarmed and helpless.

Its this kind of thought process that scares americans about gun ownership. Having this kind of knowledge and planning does nothing for home protection.

Anyone who could blurt this out is a danger to society.

Put this in, take that out, 5 seconds, tactical this, tactical that.. it all amounts to the same conclusion,

GUNS kill people.



Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, it ISNT settled law. Maybe you should read the ruling on Heller v DC. This may help to clear up your understanding.

The states control your ability to own guns, not the constitution. But the high court only RULED on handgun ownership in the home, NOT IN THE STREET, or NOT ASSAULT WEAPONS. That is still in the air, but the high court deferred that BACK TO THE STATES.

Better read up.

One thing that upsets me about non gun owners is you think an AR-15 is an assault weapon. Gun ownership is Settled law. You Libs like to cry that Obamacare is settled law, can't repeal it or change it. If you don't like the 2nd amendment work to get it repealed. Better butt out.

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Well-Known Member
For the typical Non Gun owner, this is how the "rambo" gun owners are viewed.


I wouldn't be surprised if this is where most of your anti-gun feelings originate from. You don't strike me as someone who is playing with a full deck, and as a result are projecting your own mental deficiencies on others believing they are just as irrational and unstable as yourself or even more so. This projection leads you, and others who are vehemently anti gun, to think all guns are dangerous and need to be severely limited and or banned.


Well-Known Member
And how many people will be killed in Chicago this weekend by gangs. And the dems that have run that city forever can't do anything about it but to continue with strict gun laws on law abiding citizens.
Let injun' warren fix Chicago gun violence, but leave me out of it.

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