

All Trash No Trailer


Inordinately Right
There are places that you cannot carry and it's a felony if you get caught doing so.
I think he might be referring to the "guns in bars" type laws that keep getting proposed. It's another case of the all or nothing problem. Republicans want you to be able to open carry in a bar. Democrats don't want you to be able to conceal at an Applebee's even if you're not drinking.

It should be up to the property owner IMO. At the end of the day the 4th amendment protects you from unreasonable searches, so it doesn't really matter either way.


Well-Known Member
oh dear arent you quite the bore tonite!

Regulation is not confiscation. It's a sad shame people of your ilk are against any common sense gun laws
Never said it was, brother. You and others on your side do not want to stop at "common sense", gun laws. Hell, lots of Libs won't even say what their "common sense", laws would be. But over the course of the last two days you won't say if you want guns confiscated or not. I expect you will continue to avoid it again. Like I've stated before, I will jealously guard my rights because lots of people would like to do away with those rights.

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All Trash No Trailer
Never said it was, brother. You and others on your side do not want to stop at "common sense", gun laws. Hell, lots of Libs won't even say what their "common sense", laws would be. But over the course of the last two days you won't say if you want guns confiscated or not. I expect you will continue to avoid it again. Like I've stated before, I will jealously guard my rights because lots of people would like to do away with those rights.

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obama guns 1.jpg


Strength through joy
what kind of sick question is this?
you try to compare guns and Spoons and now you are asking me how many children i want to see dead,what is wrong with you????????
You asked a question and I replied with another question .
Don't go all high & mighty now .
A tool is only a tool , how one uses it defines it .


Strength through joy
Hard Truth for Gun-Control Advocates: Permit Holders Extremely Law-Abiding

Individuals employing the “more guns more crime” logic are using shoddy research as the basis for their claim.

“If you look at information from the Justice Department, they have something called the National Crime Victimization survey. What you find is that guns are used in crime about 250,000 times a year.” John R. Lott Jr., economist, Yale professor, and president of Crime Prevention Research Center, told Townhall.

“If you look at similar surveys of people who use guns defensively, it’s about two million times a year. So basically people are using guns defensively to stop crimes about four to five times more frequently each year than guns are used to commit a crime. Most people don’t realize that.”

The truth is that individuals with gun-permits are extremely law-abiding. Less than one percent of licensed firearm holders have had their permits revoked due to misdemeanors.



All Trash No Trailer
You asked a question and I replied with another question .
Don't go all high & mighty now .
A tool is only a tool , how one uses it defines it .
bollocks and rubbish. i have yet to read of school children being murdered with spoons,forks or any of the other "tools" you mentioned,dont try to play cute.


All Trash No Trailer
Black Man Gunned Down By Police In Walmart While Shopping For Air Gun


On Tuesday, August 5 2014, 22 year old John Crawford was shot and killed by police, in an Ohio Walmart store. Crawford speaking to the mother of his children on his cell phone when police shot him down. LeeCee Johnson, the mother of his children, told WHIO:

“We was just talking. He said he was at the video games playing videos and he went over there by the toy section where the toy guns were. And the next thing I know, he said ‘It’s not real,’ and the police start shooting and they said ‘Get on the ground,’ but he was already on the ground because they had shot him,”

Johnson said.

“And I could hear him just crying and screaming. I feel like they shot him down like he was not even human.”

Prior to the shooting a 911 caller, Ronald Ritchie, reported seeing a black man with a gun at the Beaver Creek Walmart. He claimed that the man was pointing the gun at people, including small children.

On Wednesday, August 6, a day after the fatal shooting, the state’s Attorney General’s office reported that the gun was not real. It was an air gun of the same make and model that Walmart sells in their stores.

In an interview with Newscenter 7, Ritchie told reporters that he saw Crawford fall to the ground, then try to get up and ‘go for either the officer or try to grab the gun again.” That interview was conducted before the AG’s announcement that the gun was not real.

Oddly enough, at the time of the shooting, Ronald Ritchie told the 911 operator that he couldn’t tell what was happening. At one point during the call he said that Crawford was ‘down,’ then he claimed that Crawford was running away, then he stated that he ‘heard’ that Crawford was running. Then he stated he didn’t know. Listen to the 911 calls here.

According to local media, April Ritchie, Ronald Ritchie’s wife, said Crawford was holding his phone between his ear and his shoulder, while also moving the rifle around. “He just kept messing with it and I heard it clicking,” she said in an interview on the day of the shooting.

While the Ritchie’s claim that other shoppers felt threatened by Crawford, it appears that Ritchie was the only Walmart shopper to call 911.

That doesn’t make a lot of sense. Why didn’t any of the people Ritchie claims Crawford pointed the air gun at, also call 911 for help?

The Ritchie’s were more than likely seeing a man who was thinking about buying an air gun. Crawford was probably “messing with it” to see how and if it was worth buying. He probably never realized that there were at least two people in the store who thought the gun was real, until the police came at him.

Crawford’s family has contacted civil rights organizations as well as the NAACP. Both officers that were involved in the shooting have been placed on administrative leave. Crawford’s family and friends are also demanding to see security camera footage of the shooting and the moments leading up to it. So far, that footage has not been released.

Crawford was the father of two small children, the youngest just 4 months old. LeeCee Johnson recently found out that she is pregnant with the couple’s third child. Sadly, John Crawford was killed before she had a chance to tell him about the pregnancy.

As for Walmart, here’s a thought, STOP SELLING GUNS. Toy guns that look like real guns get real people killed. Real guns also really kill real people. How many shootings need to take place in your stores, before you stop putting profits above human lives?



Well-Known Member
Black Man Gunned Down By Police In Walmart While Shopping For Air Gun


On Tuesday, August 5 2014, 22 year old John Crawford was shot and killed by police, in an Ohio Walmart store. Crawford speaking to the mother of his children on his cell phone when police shot him down. LeeCee Johnson, the mother of his children, told WHIO:

“We was just talking. He said he was at the video games playing videos and he went over there by the toy section where the toy guns were. And the next thing I know, he said ‘It’s not real,’ and the police start shooting and they said ‘Get on the ground,’ but he was already on the ground because they had shot him,”

Johnson said.

“And I could hear him just crying and screaming. I feel like they shot him down like he was not even human.”

Prior to the shooting a 911 caller, Ronald Ritchie, reported seeing a black man with a gun at the Beaver Creek Walmart. He claimed that the man was pointing the gun at people, including small children.

On Wednesday, August 6, a day after the fatal shooting, the state’s Attorney General’s office reported that the gun was not real. It was an air gun of the same make and model that Walmart sells in their stores.

In an interview with Newscenter 7, Ritchie told reporters that he saw Crawford fall to the ground, then try to get up and ‘go for either the officer or try to grab the gun again.” That interview was conducted before the AG’s announcement that the gun was not real.

Oddly enough, at the time of the shooting, Ronald Ritchie told the 911 operator that he couldn’t tell what was happening. At one point during the call he said that Crawford was ‘down,’ then he claimed that Crawford was running away, then he stated that he ‘heard’ that Crawford was running. Then he stated he didn’t know. Listen to the 911 calls here.

According to local media, April Ritchie, Ronald Ritchie’s wife, said Crawford was holding his phone between his ear and his shoulder, while also moving the rifle around. “He just kept messing with it and I heard it clicking,” she said in an interview on the day of the shooting.

While the Ritchie’s claim that other shoppers felt threatened by Crawford, it appears that Ritchie was the only Walmart shopper to call 911.

That doesn’t make a lot of sense. Why didn’t any of the people Ritchie claims Crawford pointed the air gun at, also call 911 for help?

The Ritchie’s were more than likely seeing a man who was thinking about buying an air gun. Crawford was probably “messing with it” to see how and if it was worth buying. He probably never realized that there were at least two people in the store who thought the gun was real, until the police came at him.

Crawford’s family has contacted civil rights organizations as well as the NAACP. Both officers that were involved in the shooting have been placed on administrative leave. Crawford’s family and friends are also demanding to see security camera footage of the shooting and the moments leading up to it. So far, that footage has not been released.

Crawford was the father of two small children, the youngest just 4 months old. LeeCee Johnson recently found out that she is pregnant with the couple’s third child. Sadly, John Crawford was killed before she had a chance to tell him about the pregnancy.

As for Walmart, here’s a thought, STOP SELLING GUNS. Toy guns that look like real guns get real people killed. Real guns also really kill real people. How many shootings need to take place in your stores, before you stop putting profits above human lives?

Basic gun safety states that you never, ever point a gun at another person unless you plan to use it. It was probably .177 cal, so it is a real gun. It's powerful enough to do damage to an eye, it's not a toy!
Now maybe the cops shot first and asked questions later, I don't know. If he wasn't pointing it at the cops or someone else then I have a big problem with the officers actions. In that situation the last thing you want to do is tell the cops it's not a real gun. You drop it!
Now to blame walmart because this guy may violated gun safety rules is only the reaction of a dimly lit liberal brain.

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nowhere special
Its unclear exactly what happened but none of the news reports I saw mentioned race as a factor so that just seems to be playing the race card. And it was a Crossman .177 caliber pellet gun that does look fairly real at first glance.

The man was apparently shot after he didn't comply with the police instructions and they still considered him a threat to the public. There needs to be an investigation (and there will be) but this is not a case where people should rush to judge before knowing facts.

And the mother said she was talking to her son on the phone and he was over by toys and videogames, which seems unlikely because a pellet gun would not be in the toy department. Also, she immediately cried it was racial and called NAACP about it without knowing the details herself.


Well-Known Member
Its unclear exactly what happened but none of the news reports I saw mentioned race as a factor so that just seems to be playing the race card. And it was a Crossman .177 caliber pellet gun that does look fairly real at first glance.

The man was apparently shot after he didn't comply with the police instructions and they still considered him a threat to the public. There needs to be an investigation (and there will be) but this is not a case where people should rush to judge before knowing facts.

And the mother said she was talking to her son on the phone and he was over by toys and videogames, which seems unlikely because a pellet gun would not be in the toy department. Also, she immediately cried it was racial and called NAACP about it without knowing the details herself.
Never fear Jessie Jackson and al sharpton will be on their way to "figure" out what happened.

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All Trash No Trailer
Detroit-area porch shooter convicted of murder

DETROIT — A Wayne County jury convicted Theodore Wafer on Thursday of second-degree murder, manslaughter and felony firearm in the fatal shooting of an unarmed woman on his front porch.

Wafer, 55, will be sentenced Aug. 25, according to the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office. He faces up to life in prison.

"We are obviously very pleased with the jury verdict and feel that justice was served today. We sincerely hope that this brings some comfort to the family of Renisha McBride," Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said in a statement.

The defense had argued that Wafer's actions were in self-defense, saying he was scared after hearing banging on his side and front doors.

The prosecution said Wafer, of Dearborn Heights, Mich., shot 19-year-old McBride through a locked screen door. Prosecutors said Wafer came to the door with a loaded shotgun, released the safety, raised it at her, pulled the trigger and "blew her face off."

McBride was killed at about 4:30 a.m. Nov. 2 on Wafer's porch.


Jurors begin deliberating in porch shooting case


Prosecution probes what porch shooter told police, jury


Porch shooter 'didn't want to be a victim' in own home


Monica McBride and Walter Simmons talk about the trial of Theodore Wafer and their daughter on Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014. Wafer was found guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter in Renisha McBride's death.Regina H. Boone, Detroit Free Press


U.S. intervenes to prevent Yazidi 'genocide' | USA NOW
Aug 08, 2014



All Trash No Trailer
MA man with ‘mindset of genius’ arrested after Twitter threat to kill Obama ‘even if it takes a lifetime’
A 28-year-old Massachusetts man is in custody after being arrested for making threats to kill President Barack Obama on Twitter.

Stephen Perrotti of Lawrence, Massachusetts, was taken into custody after he told local police and Secret Service agents that he wasn’t going to lie, he had threatened the president, according to theEagle-Tribune.

Perrotti came to the attention of the Secret Service when he posted, “”I am going to kill Obama even if it takes a lifetime,” on one of his Twitter accounts.

The Twitter account, where Perrotti described himself as “just a jobless 26-year-old with the mindset of genius,” contained multiple threats against the president as well as calling for impeachment.

While searching the house Perrotti shares with his mother, Lori Distasio, police discovered an unlicensed AR-15 assault rifle, three scopes, four high-capacity magazines, and ammunition.

Perrotti’s mother allowed police officers to search her home, indicating that she was “disturbed” that her son was in possession of weapons.

“Also Mrs. Distasio expressed concern for her son’s mental health, indicating she has done her best to get him help,” stated a report by Lawrence Detective Thomas Burke.

Perrotti is currently charged with illegal possession of a firearm, illegal possession of a large capacity firearm, improper storage of large capacity firearm, illegal possession of a ammunition, illegal possession of an assault weapon, and four counts of illegal possession of a large capacity firearm or feeding device.

The Massachusetts man is currently being held without bail.

Watch the video below from WCVB:



Well-Known Member
Detroit-area porch shooter convicted of murder

DETROIT — A Wayne County jury convicted Theodore Wafer on Thursday of second-degree murder, manslaughter and felony firearm in the fatal shooting of an unarmed woman on his front porch.

Wafer, 55, will be sentenced Aug. 25, according to the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office. He faces up to life in prison.

"We are obviously very pleased with the jury verdict and feel that justice was served today. We sincerely hope that this brings some comfort to the family of Renisha McBride," Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said in a statement.

The defense had argued that Wafer's actions were in self-defense, saying he was scared after hearing banging on his side and front doors.

The prosecution said Wafer, of Dearborn Heights, Mich., shot 19-year-old McBride through a locked screen door. Prosecutors said Wafer came to the door with a loaded shotgun, released the safety, raised it at her, pulled the trigger and "blew her face off."

McBride was killed at about 4:30 a.m. Nov. 2 on Wafer's porch.


Jurors begin deliberating in porch shooting case


Prosecution probes what porch shooter told police, jury


Porch shooter 'didn't want to be a victim' in own home


Monica McBride and Walter Simmons talk about the trial of Theodore Wafer and their daughter on Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014. Wafer was found guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter in Renisha McBride's death.Regina H. Boone, Detroit Free Press


U.S. intervenes to prevent Yazidi 'genocide' | USA NOW
Aug 08, 2014

In 1997 a school shooting was stopped by the armed vice principal.

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