

nowhere special
Violent Gang Member Harassed And Shot Florida Man Who Was Also Carrying A Gun

A Florida man who had every good reason to carry a firearm for self-protection used it to defend himself Wednesday evening after a teenage gang member with a long rap sheet pulled a gun on him and allegedly opened fire.

Virgis Canteen, 43, and Davion Smith, 14, had encountered each other before
According to a witness who saw the encounter unfold, Smith pulled a handgun during the harassment. And according to Canteen, Smith fired first, striking him in the “upper extremities,” according to a report filed by Lakeland police Sgt. Gary Gross, the Sentinel reported.

Canteen shot back, hitting Smith “numerous times.” He was transported to a Lakeland hospital and pronounced dead about half-an-hour later, at 8:25 p.m.

Despite his age, Smith had amassed an extensive police record. According to the Sentinel, court records showed that Smith had been convicted of felony armed robbery with a gun twice since the age of 12. He also had convictions for burglary of a habitat and for battery on a public or school official.


All Trash No Trailer
Fatal shooting involved two 5-year-olds

By Jimmy Hancock

CHUBBUCK — The 5-year-old girl fatally shot in a home on the 600 block of Canal Street, Noelle Aston Shawver of Blackfoot, was visiting the home when the shooting took place Wednesday afternoon.

A news release sent by the Chubbuck Police Department Thursday morning said it was another 5-year-old child who had accessed the firearm involved in the accidental shooting. Adults in the home at the time were in another room.

The girls parents are Drew and Stacie (Udy) Shawver of Blackfoot.

It was shortly after 3 p.m. when the call came into police, and Noelle was transported to Portneuf Medical Center where she later succumbed to the gunshot wound.

Citing the ongoing investigation, Chubbuck police said they would not release any additional information about the accidental shooting.

“We are not releasing any of that,” said Lt. Bill Guiberson, of the Chubbuck Police Department, referring to information about the incident, including the kind of gun that was involved. “Obviously that’s part of the investigation.”

A funeral notice was posted in today’s Idaho State Journal and shows that services are slated for 11 a.m. on Aug. 6 at the Blackfoot East Stake Center, located at 1289 Mt. Putnam Drive in Blackfoot. Noelle’s family members will meet with friends and relatives from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Aug. 5 at Hawker Funeral Home, located at 132 South Shilling Ave., in Blackfoot.

Condolences can be sent to the family online at

Also publicized through social media on Thursday is a fundraising effort on behalf of Noelle’s family to aid in the costs involved with the incident. As of 8 p.m. Thursday, the effort had already garnered nearly $16,000 to help Noelle’s family.

While they are nearing the goal, the person administrating the effort said they would like to surpass the figure they had in mind because of all the costs incurred via medical expenses, time away from work and other expenses involved with Noelle’s death.

On Thursday, the Pocatello Police Department announced it would provide 200 free, firearm safety kits through a partnership with Project Child Safe. The safety kits, which include a gun lock and informational brochure, will be distributed on Tuesday Aug. 5 during the “Pocatello Night Out Against Crime” event.

Project Child Safe is a national effort to promote safe firearm handling and storage practices among firearm owners. Project Child Safe is a nonprofit program supported by donations to the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

A study by Everytown for Gun Safety released in June found that two children in the U.S. die almost every week from unintentional shootings. The study examined every publicly reported case of a child gun death from Dec. 15, 2012, through Dec. 14, 2013, and found 100 unintentional deaths in 35 states during that time period.

According to the group, the study found most of the deaths came from a child playing with a gun.


All Trash No Trailer
Baseball Bats and Hammers Do Not Kill More People Than Guns
Why do people keep saying they do?
By Brian Palmer


The claim that baseball bats and hammers kill more people than guns is the result of a 30-year-long telephone game
Photo by Mathias Kniepeiss/Getty Images

Georgia congressman Paul Broun claimed after Tuesday’s State of the Union address that “There are more people killed with baseball bats and hammers than are killed with guns.” Explainer readers may remember Broun as the congressman who believes the Earth is 9,000 years old. What about his hammer and baseball bat claim?

He’s wrong again, but he’s getting warmer. According to FBI data, 8,583 people were murdered with firearms in 2011. Only 496 people were killed by blunt objects, a category that includes not just hammers and baseball bats but crowbars, rocks,paving stones, statuettes, and electric guitars. Broun was off by a factor of at least 17 this time, a significant improvement on his estimate of the age of the Earth. The blue planet is 4.54 billion years old, or more than 500,000 times older than Broun believes it to be.

Guns are, undeniably, the American murderer’s weapon of choice. The number of people murdered with firearms in 2011 was more than twice the number murdered by every other means combined, including fists, swords, poison, explosives, arson, and strangulation.

Those statistics are for intentional killings only. What about accidental deaths? According to data from the CDC, 606 people were killed in gun accidents in 2010. The number of people accidentally killed by any piece of sporting equipment was 18. Four people were killed by nonpowered hand tools such as hammers.

Baseball bats gained a reputation as a weapon after the mobster Al Capone used one to bash in his rivals’ heads. The oft-repeated claim that baseball bats and hammers kill more people than guns is the result of a 30-year-long telephone game. Beginning in the 1980s, many gun enthusiasts argued that logical consistency required extending any new gun restrictions to knives, baseball bats, and other household objects that could be used as murder weapons. When the Senate debated the Brady bill in 1992, Republican Bob Smith of New Hampshire wondered, “Should we ban baseball bats?” Other members insisted satirically that the Brady Bill’s waiting period must be extended to bats, knives, and automobiles.

Gun advocates soon added statistics to strengthen this line of argument. Responding to the proposed assault weapons ban in 1993, the Washington Timespublished an article stating that “baseball bats kill more people than AK-47s in at least one big city.” Columnist Mike Royko extended the argument slightly in 1994 after a ban on assault weapons was passed, writing that “there are all sorts of mundane or bizarre weapons used in more crimes than the weapons that Congress just voted to ban.” He included in his list baseball bats, cutlery, and feet. Within a decade, gun-rights activists were making the same broad and demonstrably incorrect claim Broun made on Tuesday. A 2004 letter to the editor in a Connecticut newspaper stated that “more people are attacked, maimed, and killed with baseball bats than firearms.” (The letter carried the ironic title, “Assault weapons letter was full of inaccuracies.”)

In its early, more modest form, the argument is plausible. Rifles killed 323 people in 2011, and shotguns killed 356—both lower totals than blunt objects racked up that year. Of course, the blunt objects category includes more than just baseball bats and hammers, but only a portion of rifle deaths involve assault rifles.

Got a question about today’s news? Ask the Explainer

Brian Palmer is Slate's chief explainer. He also writes How and Why and Ecologic for theWashington Post. Email him at [email protected].Follow him on Twitter.


All Trash No Trailer
I cant make this stuff up
Texas may start allowing alcohol sales at some gun shows
Published August 09, 2014
Associated Press
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May 4, 2013: An exhibitor shows a North American Arms .22 short mini revolver to an event goer during the National Rifle Association's annual meeting in Houston, Texas.REUTERS

Texas could start allowing alcohol sales at gun shows provided they don't allow live ammunition or let buyers take possession of their weapons at the events.

The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission announced the proposal Friday. It will hold a 30-day public comment period before any change is made.

The proposal also would require that firearms being shown for sale be disabled and not readily convertible for use.

Under current rules, if a gun show is held at a venue licensed to sell alcohol, drinks sales and consumption are suspended during the time it takes to set up, conduct and dismantle the gun show.

"We got a request from a gun club in the Dallas-Fort Worth area to amend the rules," said agency spokeswoman Carolyn Beck.

The Texas affiliate of the National Rifle Association said it had nothing to do with the request. The Texas State Rifle Association is still reviewing the proposal, said Alice Tripp, the group's legislative director. She called it "confusing" and questioned whether gun advocates would want to attend gun shows with such restrictions.

"Does that make any sense? Who would buy a gun at a gun show where you couldn't take possession of it?" she asked.

"Nobody is interested in selling alcohol at a gun show," Tripp added.


golden ticket member
"Does that make any sense? Who would buy a gun at a gun show where you couldn't take possession of it?" she asked."

Neighbor went to the dealership and ordered a new Tesla......he'll get it in Oct.!!

Doesn't make any sense to me to buy a car and not be able to take it home........same thing.


nowhere special
That story makes little sense other than its an event where the gun show portion is suspended when alcohol is sold. Its not a story about the gun dealers but about people wanting to sell alcohol all the time, even during the gun show portion of the event.


All Trash No Trailer
That story makes little sense other than its an event where the gun show portion is suspended when alcohol is sold. Its not a story about the gun dealers but about people wanting to sell alcohol all the time, even during the gun show portion of the event.
and fail to see the utter irony of mixing guns and alcohol. Aw heck you are right,what could POSSIBLY go wrong??????


Pees in the brown Koolaid
righto! and when you have an alcohol issue mixed with a gun issue it will certainly be fun and games
Putting aside emotion for a minute, the reality is that selling alcohol at a gun show is no different from selling alcohol at a new car show. The gun show up here at the Portland Expo has had a beer garden for years and there has never been a problem. All weapons sold or brought into the show are checked in and required to be unloaded and zip-tied shut while on the property.


All Trash No Trailer
Putting aside emotion for a minute, the reality is that selling alcohol at a gun show is no different from selling alcohol at a new car show. The gun show up here at the Portland Expo has had a beer garden for years and there has never been a problem. All weapons sold or brought into the show are checked in and required to be unloaded and zip-tied shut while on the property.
this show is in Texas,thats almost as bad as selling booze at a gun show here in Georgia lol


nowhere special
Putting aside emotion for a minute, the reality is that selling alcohol at a gun show is no different from selling alcohol at a new car show. The gun show up here at the Portland Expo has had a beer garden for years and there has never been a problem. All weapons sold or brought into the show are checked in and required to be unloaded and zip-tied shut while on the property.

Gun shows are one of safest places to be.


All Trash No Trailer
I don't think it's funny, it's the law if you want to have a ccw. If you're going out to drink,leave the weapon at home or locked up.
sure,right .anything you say.
i'm sure ALL of the liquored up gun folks will be CERTAIN to obey that particular law