

All Trash No Trailer
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” - John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

When sociopaths with guns are claiming to ‘protect and serve’ you, something has gone terribly wrong.

The audacity and attitude of the cop in this video says a lot about the “higher than thou” mentality that the ruling class holds.

Had the person this cop pulled a gun on been armed, and justly defended himself or herself, they would likely be facing murder charges for killing a cop.

3 Weeks ago, Scott Biumi plead guilty to assault. According to Forsythe News, he was sentenced to 10 years on probation for pointing a gun at teenagers in the drive-through line at a south Forsyth McDonald’s.

Scott Biumi, 48, pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated assault stemming from the April 9 incident at the fast-food eatery on Old Atlanta Road.

The negotiated plea, entered this week, includes special conditions of probation that Biumi must “take all medications as directed” and prohibits him from ever possessing a firearm or working in law enforcement.

Biumi, who lives in Forsyth County, must also complete 120 hours of community service within the first year of probation.

As could be predicted because he was an insider, he receives no jail time.



All Trash No Trailer
Instant Karma: Truck Accidentally Hits Shooter, Prematurely Ending Killing Spree (Video)
Posted by: Richard Rowe in Crime, Gun Nuts in Action, Videos, Weird News September 1, 2014

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Fate, thy name is “diesel.” In Brooksville, FL (50 miles north of Tampa), at about 9:30 Friday night a man named George Mason was fortunately run over by a truck. Fortunately, because the 42-year-old Mason was a convicted felon who was in the process of conducting a killing spree when it happened.

His first victim was his own 81-year-old grandmother, who he shot and killed inside her home on 820 Peach Street. Next came his 29-year-old brother, Ralph Peyton, in the same house, immediately afterward.

After the killings, 37-year-old Tarasha Townsend — mother of Mason’s two children — rushed over from next door. He gunned her down in mid-stride, killing her on the spot. His half-brother, 33-year-old Gabriel Mason was next to investigate the screams and sound of 9 mm rounds going off in the house.

Recognizing the carnage and who was to blame, Gabriel turned and fled, running down the street to escape his half-brother. Mason took off in pursuit, firing wildly at his fleeing brother and hitting him several times — including once in the head.

As Mason closed on his brother to fire a coup de gras, probably before finding more victims, a truck came up behind him. The driver (reportedly) didn’t see him, and slammed into Mason at full cruise speed. Mason is said to have been pulled all the way under the truck on impact, breaking both legs, his back and neck.

A call had already been placed to 9-1-1 by neighbors after the shootings; so, they arrived almost immediately after Mason was hit. But even as they attempted to render aid, Mason, still possessed by whatever malevolent spirit animates men such as he, attempted to grab for his gun and shoot the emergency personnel. But he was too critically injured, and couldn’t lift the gun. He told them as they loaded him into the ambulance that he was the shooter.


As of right now, Mason’s killing spree has ended three lives outright. His half-brother is in critical condition, and Mason himself may not survive.

There is no known motive for the murders as of right now. Mason had a long history of violent assaults and drug convictions, and was known to family and neighbors as severely mentally unstable. Charles Townsend, neighbor:

“He was crazy as Hell. He’s been crazy all his life. There’s more to that, but I’m not going to say.”

As to the driver of the truck, Brooksville Police Chief George Turner said this:

“[The truck driver] hit a murderer who was on a rampage. That truck driver, he was just a guy driving through the area, but he probably saved lives…he took out a shooter who was Hell-bent on killing people.”

And of Mason’s motive, or lack thereof:

“The only one who really knows is Mason. Something just set him off, and he started killing people. I don’t know if there will ever be a definitive motive.”

There is no word yet as to how Mason obtained the gun, but, Florida being Florida, it probably came from a vending machine outside of a Walmart.

Watch a report about the tragedy below.



All Trash No Trailer
Shooting at cookout injures two, suspects still unknown
Posted: Jun 03, 2012 10:57 PM EDTUpdated: Jul 01, 2012 11:06 PM EDT
By Mary Gleason - email

Two men are recovering Sunday night after they were shot in the Mechanicsville community during a cookout, according to Atlanta police.

Bullets cut through the air at about 6:30 p.m. near Ira and Crumley streets in southwest Atlanta, hitting two men. One victim was 42 years old and the other was 33.

Both were taken to the hospital for treatment. Their injuries are not considered life-threatening.

Investigators say witnesses attending the cookout and the victims did not cooperate with officers. No description of the suspect or suspects was given.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Shooting at cookout injures two, suspects still unknown
Posted: Jun 03, 2012 10:57 PM EDTUpdated: Jul 01, 2012 11:06 PM EDT
By Mary Gleason - email

Two men are recovering Sunday night after they were shot in the Mechanicsville community during a cookout, according to Atlanta police.

Bullets cut through the air at about 6:30 p.m. near Ira and Crumley streets in southwest Atlanta, hitting two men. One victim was 42 years old and the other was 33.

Both were taken to the hospital for treatment. Their injuries are not considered life-threatening.

Investigators say witnesses attending the cookout and the victims did not cooperate with officers. No description of the suspect or suspects was given.


Strength through joy
Instant Karma: Truck Accidentally Hits Shooter, Prematurely Ending Killing Spree (Video)
Posted by: Richard Rowe in Crime, Gun Nuts in Action, Videos, Weird News September 1, 2014

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Fate, thy name is “diesel.” In Brooksville, FL (50 miles north of Tampa), at about 9:30 Friday night a man named George Mason was fortunately run over by a truck. Fortunately, because the 42-year-old Mason was a convicted felon who was in the process of conducting a killing spree when it happened.

His first victim was his own 81-year-old grandmother, who he shot and killed inside her home on 820 Peach Street. Next came his 29-year-old brother, Ralph Peyton, in the same house, immediately afterward.

After the killings, 37-year-old Tarasha Townsend — mother of Mason’s two children — rushed over from next door. He gunned her down in mid-stride, killing her on the spot. His half-brother, 33-year-old Gabriel Mason was next to investigate the screams and sound of 9 mm rounds going off in the house.

Recognizing the carnage and who was to blame, Gabriel turned and fled, running down the street to escape his half-brother. Mason took off in pursuit, firing wildly at his fleeing brother and hitting him several times — including once in the head.

As Mason closed on his brother to fire a coup de gras, probably before finding more victims, a truck came up behind him. The driver (reportedly) didn’t see him, and slammed into Mason at full cruise speed. Mason is said to have been pulled all the way under the truck on impact, breaking both legs, his back and neck.

A call had already been placed to 9-1-1 by neighbors after the shootings; so, they arrived almost immediately after Mason was hit. But even as they attempted to render aid, Mason, still possessed by whatever malevolent spirit animates men such as he, attempted to grab for his gun and shoot the emergency personnel. But he was too critically injured, and couldn’t lift the gun. He told them as they loaded him into the ambulance that he was the shooter.


As of right now, Mason’s killing spree has ended three lives outright. His half-brother is in critical condition, and Mason himself may not survive.

There is no known motive for the murders as of right now. Mason had a long history of violent assaults and drug convictions, and was known to family and neighbors as severely mentally unstable. Charles Townsend, neighbor:

“He was crazy as Hell. He’s been crazy all his life. There’s more to that, but I’m not going to say.”

As to the driver of the truck, Brooksville Police Chief George Turner said this:

“[The truck driver] hit a murderer who was on a rampage. That truck driver, he was just a guy driving through the area, but he probably saved lives…he took out a shooter who was Hell-bent on killing people.”

And of Mason’s motive, or lack thereof:

“The only one who really knows is Mason. Something just set him off, and he started killing people. I don’t know if there will ever be a definitive motive.”

There is no word yet as to how Mason obtained the gun, but, Florida being Florida, it probably came from a vending machine outside of a Walmart.

Watch a report about the tragedy below.

Trucks kills people .


Strength through joy
How come one person dies in MO and it becomes the most important news story of the century. Why even the U.N. was sending a team there to get all the facts .
But in Chicago ;
Between Friday and Sunday night as the long Labor Day weekend began, three people were killed and 33 wounded -- and the weekend still has one more day to go, since Labor Day falls on Monday this year.
The long weekend began with a flurry of shootings, 11 in all, on Friday night.
Most shootings happened near the south and south side of the city.


Strength through joy
The writer of that story needs to do more research .
Labor Day in the United States is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September.