

Amatuer Malthusian
Things must be going downhill.:dissapointed:I used to regularly find unfired ones on the ground with strikes on them. Most all of them would go for me (with a little cleaning, of course).


Well-Known Member
That's how I see it


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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Great news for Californians!

Our governor signs a new law creating a gun restraining order for NUT balls with guns. If you have a relative or close friend with "mental" issues, or problems with alcohol and drugs, you can report this person to the courts and the courts will issue a restraining order and collect those guns.

The gun owner would have to complete a full mental evaluation long before they could ever possess a gun again.


I've got a long list to cover.



Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Had several a couple of weeks ago, Remingtons .

Remington Thunderbolts in the green box are the worst things I have used in my Ruger 10/22. I have tried at least a dozen brands, the best were from overseas. Federal seems to be fine, I like CCI the most among domestic brands.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Great news for Californians!

Our governor signs a new law creating a gun restraining order for NUT balls with guns. If you have a relative or close friend with "mental" issues, or problems with alcohol and drugs, you can report this person to the courts and the courts will issue a restraining order and collect those guns.

The gun owner would have to complete a full mental evaluation long before they could ever possess a gun again.


I've got a long list to cover.

Yes, great news indeed!

Now if a domestic violence victim fears for her life and leaves an abusive husband, he can take a bogus Gun Restraining Order out on HER and the court will take HER gun away leaving her with no means to protect herself from her abuser!

Who cares about concepts like "due process" or "innocent until proven guilty" when you live in the Peoples Socialist Nanny State Republik of Kalifornia?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yes, great news indeed!

Now if a domestic violence victim fears for her life and leaves an abusive husband, he can take a bogus Gun Restraining Order out on HER and the court will take HER gun away leaving her with no means to protect herself from her abuser!

Who cares about concepts like "due process" or "innocent until proven guilty" when you live in the Peoples Socialist Nanny State Republik of Kalifornia?

She would have to "OWN" one first. Its typically the MAN who does the shooting sober. You should know this, there have only been tens of thousands of wives killed with guns over the last 40 years.

The shooters have all been husbands.



Staff member
Yes, great news indeed!

Now if a domestic violence victim fears for her life and leaves an abusive husband, he can take a bogus Gun Restraining Order out on HER and the court will take HER gun away leaving her with no means to protect herself from her abuser!

Who cares about concepts like "due process" or "innocent until proven guilty" when you live in the Peoples Socialist Nanny State Republik of Kalifornia?
What did you expect? After Sandy Hook gun owners fretted about new gun control laws insisting that "mental health" should be the focus. Guess where we've landed? I warned at the time we were headed toward this. What's next? Scouring a gun owners computer to get an in depth cross section idea of her thought process? Where did you think the "mental health" path would lead?


nowhere special
Remington Thunderbolts in the green box are the worst things I have used in my Ruger 10/22. I have tried at least a dozen brands, the best were from overseas. Federal seems to be fine, I like CCI the most among domestic brands.

Remington ammo is usually pretty good and I like the Thunderbolts for cheap ammo but I agree it must have a harder base that tends to misfire more. I also agree CCI is probably the best. Federal seems inconsistent in quality to me.


Amatuer Malthusian
Remington Thunderbolts in the green box are the worst things I have used in my Ruger 10/22. I have tried at least a dozen brands, the best were from overseas. Federal seems to be fine, I like CCI the most among domestic brands.
Never find CCI on sale. My stockpile is mostly Remington and Winchesters. No problems yet with the Thunderbolts, but I've had them quite a while.


The Nim
She would have to "OWN" one first. Its typically the MAN who does the shooting sober. You should know this, there have only been tens of thousands of wives killed with guns over the last 40 years.

The shooters have all been husbands.


I don't think that's even close to a commonly known fact, opinion maybe. Would you like to provide some evidence for this?

I'm not saying it's not a majority of husbands(involved in spousal murders) that may shoot their wives, but personally I've heard women are more likely to use a gun because it's easier while men resort to more blunt force options like just beating a woman with a bat/golf club/tire iron/their own friend'in fists. . .

Do I think any of it is right/appropriate, no, but stereotypically women are known for the easiness a gun provides while men are more likely to bludgeon.

Of course I could be wrong, but I am actively using stereotypes in the absence of evidence here.


Strength through joy
New York Dem’s Bill Would Let ‘Anyone Who’s Concerned’ Have Your Guns Confiscated
Democratic assemblyman Brian Kavanagh of Manhattan announced legislation last week that would let anyone bring law-abiding citizens into court for a temporary order to either confiscate their guns or prevent them from buying any firearm in the first place. The bill would force citizens to defend themselves to a court of law even if no charges have been filed against them.
Kavanagh’s bill is modeled after a California law which allows for confiscation of guns from those with “anger issues” or who are “temporarily depressed,” according to the blog Mental Recession.
But in New York, those terms are not legally defined and could lead to mass confusion if courts were forced to hold hearings on anyone accused of being unstable.


Strength through joy
Standard Plus, Wolf , RWS Target Rifle ( Germany )
Eley Sport & Aguila ( Mexico )
American Eagle
Remington ( Yellow Jacket & Subsonic )

I tend to pick up what ever I can find , usually limited to 1-2 small boxes .