
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So what happens when you dont have your guns anymore, you've moved to a better neighborhood and the thugs drive to your "safe neighborhood" to rob and kill you and your family? Did someone you know die by the result of a madman with a gun?

I live too far out of the city for this scenario to transpire. I make good decisions.



Well-Known Troll
Great news for Californians!

Our governor signs a new law creating a gun restraining order for NUT balls with guns. If you have a relative or close friend with "mental" issues, or problems with alcohol and drugs, you can report this person to the courts and the courts will issue a restraining order and collect those guns.

The gun owner would have to complete a full mental evaluation long before they could ever possess a gun again.


I've got a long list to cover.


It hurts me to say, but I may have to report all my "close friends" in the bloods and crips under this new provision. They have problems with drugs and alcohol. Sorry guys, umtil I read this I was going to let you keep them.


Well-Known Troll
Like I have said many times, EVERY gun owner has a "trigger" that will ultimately end up with the gun owner killing his family, his friends, his neighbors or his coworkers.

Every gun owner will snap and kill his family and or friends? That has to be one of your more ridiculous statements. My father in law has MANY guns, and where as he has health issues and job related stress he is yet to wipe out his whole family, are you saying it's only a matter of time? If so, I'll take put life insurance policies on the whole family and wait for my payday.

[Sarcasm off]

Do you make a distinction between criminal vs. "right wing nut job" gin owners?

I myself live in a decent area, but criminals do have cars, and if they see what they think is a soft target, they'll attack it. I'm not going to wait 15 minutes for the police to protect me and my family, that is my right/job


Got the T-Shirt
"Moms head to the grocery store on a weekly, sometimes daily basis — often with kids in tow. We don’t expect to face armed strangers when we shop with our families. That’s why we’re asking Kroger, the country’s largest grocery retailer, to prohibit open carry at its supermarkets."

"Detectives arrested a suspect they believe robbed a man at gunpoint Monday in the bathroom of a Liberty Township Kroger."

I can't make this stuff up.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Every gun owner will snap and kill his family and or friends? That has to be one of your more ridiculous statements. My father in law has MANY guns, and where as he has health issues and job related stress he is yet to wipe out his whole family, are you saying it's only a matter of time? If so, I'll take put life insurance policies on the whole family and wait for my payday.

[Sarcasm off]

Do you make a distinction between criminal vs. "right wing nut job" gin owners?

I myself live in a decent area, but criminals do have cars, and if they see what they think is a soft target, they'll attack it. I'm not going to wait 15 minutes for the police to protect me and my family, that is my right/job

The key to your post was:

"my father in law hasnt wipe out his family YET."

And that is MY point. "YET" the key to all domestic homocides. Gun owners dont know when the "Trigger" will cause them to wipe out their families. For everyone its different, but it starts with one thing.. infatuations with guns.

Why dont gun owners like talking about domestic homocides with guns? Why wont they recognize that gun owners are committing these horrific murders every single day in america with guns? Why dont gun owners rally against people with guns who are mentally unstable?

There are thousands of domestic homocides in this country by gun owners, mostly white men, and I am sure that when they bought their guns, they didnt have the thought of killing their families or themselves or neighbors or co workers when they filled out the DOJ application.

At some point in life, in the mind of the gun owner, things go wrong. It finally goes wrong enough, where that same honest, law abiding gun owner takes out his gun and shoots his kids, his wife, himself or anyone else who is in the vicinity at the time.

We are all human beings, and NO gun owner is perfect. Everyone has a trigger that will make them do something horrible like a mass killing of their own family.

No level of training, target practice or political affiliation will stop these homocides. They will continue to happen EVERY single day in america.

Of course, GUN owners will look the other way and simply say "better him then me".



swollen member
The key to your post was:

"my father in law hasnt wipe out his family YET."

And that is MY point. "YET" the key to all domestic homocides. Gun owners dont know when the "Trigger" will cause them to wipe out their families. For everyone its different, but it starts with one thing.. infatuations with guns.

Why dont gun owners like talking about domestic homocides with guns? Why wont they recognize that gun owners are committing these horrific murders every single day in america with guns? Why dont gun owners rally against people with guns who are mentally unstable?

There are thousands of domestic homocides in this country by gun owners, mostly white men, and I am sure that when they bought their guns, they didnt have the thought of killing their families or themselves or neighbors or co workers when they filled out the DOJ application.

At some point in life, in the mind of the gun owner, things go wrong. It finally goes wrong enough, where that same honest, law abiding gun owner takes out his gun and shoots his kids, his wife, himself or anyone else who is in the vicinity at the time.

We are all human beings, and NO gun owner is perfect. Everyone has a trigger that will make them do something horrible like a mass killing of their own family.

No level of training, target practice or political affiliation will stop these homocides. They will continue to happen EVERY single day in america.

Of course, GUN owners will look the other way and simply say "better him then me".


well according your belief, there would be over 270 MILLION homicides


Strength through joy
NONE. This is a gun free zone. No worry warts living in these parts pretending to be the next john wayne.

There is only one gun store within 20 miles of this town.

This aint the backwoods bro.

I find it funny that you would know down to the actual mileage where the nearest gun store is .


cap'n crunch
I live in a fairly nice area. There is a Kroger about a mile from my house. It has a bank inside of it. They used to be open 24 hours, but were robbed several times at gunpoint by a BADGUY. They cut back their hours and now have a security guard on duty at all times. BADGUY probably figures since this Kroger is in a quiet safe neighborhood, it would be a soft target. The bad guys go where they think they will meet up with no resistance. I emailed Kroger and thanked them for supporting customers constitutional rights, and told them they would get my and my familys' business as long as they continue. I also emailed this mothers group and told them how ludicrous it was to compare a kid with a skateboard to a guy with an AR-15 in their full page scare tactic ad. Kroger emailed me back. Mothers ignored me, just like they ignored law abiding citizens' constitutional rights.


Staff member
So what happens when you dont have your guns anymore, you've moved to a better neighborhood and the thugs drive to your "safe neighborhood" to rob and kill you and your family? Did someone you know die by the result of a madman with a gun?
I want to go to a gated community, wrap a logging chain around the gate, padlock it and leave a note saying, "Are you keeping me out or am I keeping you in?"


Pees in the brown Koolaid
"Moms head to the grocery store on a weekly, sometimes daily basis — often with kids in tow. We don’t expect to face armed strangers when we shop with our families. That’s why we’re asking Kroger, the country’s largest grocery retailer, to prohibit open carry at its supermarkets."

"Detectives arrested a suspect they believe robbed a man at gunpoint Monday in the bathroom of a Liberty Township Kroger."

I can't make this stuff up.
Kroger's stores here in the Pacific Northwest are called Fred Meyer, and many of them...including the one in my town...actually sell guns. I bought my Ruger LCR .38 Special at my local Kroger's/Fred Meyer's, and I frequently carry it when I shop for groceries there. It would be pretty silly for them to ban a product that they also sell.


Staff member
So did Sharon Tate. Try asking her, Jay Sebring, Abgail Folger and Voytek Frykowksi how well the nice community and the gate worked for them.
Different time, different place. Charlie got himself invited in to that circle. Who knows? They may have had guns of their own without the opportunity to use them.
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Different time, different place. Charlie got himself invited in to that circle. Who knows? They may have had guns of their own without the opportunity to use them.
He didnt get invited. The Family members cut the phone lines and broke thru the gate in order to get to the house, and they were armed only with knives and a single .22 pistol. The victims were, of course, unarmed. Living in a swanky, jet-set community with a gate didnt keep them safe from the bad guys, despite TOS's assertions to the contrary.