

Strength through joy
Another school shooting , this time in Washington state .
How long before the troll patrol jumps to false assumptions by placing blame on the NRA , lack of background checks , 7 day waiting periods , the Tea Party , & start calling for MORE gun control ?


Strength through joy
2 Dead, 3 Critically Injured After Shooting At Washington High School
Police responded to calls of shots fired at Marysville-Pilchuck High School in Marysville, Washington at about 10:45 a.m Pacific time. Two people, including the shooter, have died, police said during a press conference.
Family members have confirmed to news outlets and on social media that the shooter was freshman Jaylen Fryberg
and is reportedly dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

" kid came into the cafeteria and walked over to a table and pulled out the gun and shot 4-6 shots at students sitting down "


Staff member
Another school shooting , this time in Washington state .
How long before the troll patrol jumps to false assumptions by placing blame on the NRA , lack of background checks , 7 day waiting periods , the Tea Party , & start calling for MORE gun control ?
Well aren't you just pleased that the young man had access to a gun? Think an armed teacher would have prevented it? With a student to teacher ratio of 28 to 1, wouldn't a teenage shooter just target whatever nearby teacher first?


Well-Known Troll
“This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!” -Adolf Hitler.
You do realize that is a fake quote, right?


Strength through joy
Well aren't you just pleased that the young man had access to a gun? Think an armed teacher would have prevented it? With a student to teacher ratio of 28 to 1, wouldn't a teenage shooter just target whatever nearby teacher first?
NO .
He had his mind set on that sitting group & only that group .
It was over in seconds .
No one had any time to react .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
NO .
He had his mind set on that sitting group & only that group .
It was over in seconds .
No one had any time to react .

Thanks for the admission that MORE guns wouldnt have solved or prevented the problem.

The issue stil remains, ACCESS to guns and irresponsible GUN owners who dont lock up deadly weapons.

Like I said before, ALL people will be motivated to KILL with a gun, once its in their possession, and the only thing that will determine "WHEN" is the personal trigger that makes the GUN owner lose his rational mind.

Drugs, alcohol, mental state and just plain old stupidity will grab the gun owner at some point in their lives to the point where they will do something real stupid.

Tens of thousands of dead americans make the 2nd amendment victim list each year, and each time kids are killed, nobody wants to do anything more than say ...

"ill say a prayer for those kids"...

As if..



Strength through joy
" ALL people will be motivated to KILL with a gun "
But other things kill people .
I currently have several different items , let's call them tools , which are capable of killing someone .
I have so many tools that if I wish someone killed , according to you , I will only use one type . That seems odd . Why not just use the tool that is nearest ?
You are implying that I would stop everything , go to my storage locker , unlock it , enter it , unlock my gun storage safe and remove a gun , lock up my gun storage safe , go to my ammo safe , unlock it , remove the amount of ammo I would need , lock up my ammo safe , leave my storage locker , lock it back up , and then go find someone to kill .


Staff member
" ALL people will be motivated to KILL with a gun "
But other things kill people .
I currently have several different items , let's call them tools , which are capable of killing someone .
I have so many tools that if I wish someone killed , according to you , I will only use one type . That seems odd . Why not just use the tool that is nearest ?
You are implying that I would stop everything , go to my storage locker , unlock it , enter it , unlock my gun storage safe and remove a gun , lock up my gun storage safe , go to my ammo safe , unlock it , remove the amount of ammo I would need , lock up my ammo safe , leave my storage locker , lock it back up , and then go find someone to kill .
With all those tools available, lethal tools, why are people so obsessed with using this one tool, the gun, to kill? Are they just not very original?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
" ALL people will be motivated to KILL with a gun "
But other things kill people .
I currently have several different items , let's call them tools , which are capable of killing someone .
I have so many tools that if I wish someone killed , according to you , I will only use one type . That seems odd . Why not just use the tool that is nearest ?
You are implying that I would stop everything , go to my storage locker , unlock it , enter it , unlock my gun storage safe and remove a gun , lock up my gun storage safe , go to my ammo safe , unlock it , remove the amount of ammo I would need , lock up my ammo safe , leave my storage locker , lock it back up , and then go find someone to kill .

I guarantee if you came home to find your wife in bed with the neighbor, you would have that thing out in 3 seconds flat.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
I guarantee if you came home to find your wife in bed with the neighbor, you would have that thing out in 3 seconds flat.

My first marriage ended ugly, with infidelity and substance abuse and all sorts of nasty drama. It also took place in a home with guns. At no point, however, was there any sort of domestic violence or abuse or use of guns or any other weapons. It ended peacefully. Your statement is bigoted and flat-out wrong. You personally are an abusive person with suppressed violent tendencies who is also terrified of guns, so you project that fear and anger upon guns and gun owners and make all sorts of ignorant statements and assumptions about them.


golden ticket member
My first marriage ended ugly, with infidelity and substance abuse and all sorts of nasty drama. It also took place in a home with guns. At no point, however, was there any sort of domestic violence or abuse or use of guns or any other weapons. It ended peacefully. Your statement is bigoted and flat-out wrong. You personally are an abusive person with suppressed violent tendencies who is also terrified of guns, so you project that fear and anger upon guns and gun owners and make all sorts of ignorant statements and assumptions about them.
But, but, but....he's a moderator !! :deletesmiley2:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
My first marriage ended ugly, with infidelity and substance abuse and all sorts of nasty drama. It also took place in a home with guns. At no point, however, was there any sort of domestic violence or abuse or use of guns or any other weapons. It ended peacefully. Your statement is bigoted and flat-out wrong. You personally are an abusive person with suppressed violent tendencies who is also terrified of guns, so you project that fear and anger upon guns and gun owners and make all sorts of ignorant statements and assumptions about them.

No, im not wrong SOBER. This happens everyday, every week, every month and every year in this country. Just because you want to deny it doesnt make it so. Yes, many people get divorced, and some are ugly, but how about the guy who goes through it many times?

Its all a matter of time bro, people who believe they need an inanimate object for security always fall back upon that object to correct a wrong.

We wouldnt have over 10 thousand domestic homocides a year if this wasnt true.

I fear no person with a gun, because frankly, I understand the coward that hides behind them.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
I have never ridden a Harley-Davidson but I know all about them, and the people who ride them, from what I have seen on TV.

If you ride a Harley, you are a fat, wife-beating white supremacist who makes crystal meth and sells it to children.

Harley Davidsons should be banned because they are the model of choice for all outlaw criminal biker gangs like the Hells Angels and Gypsy Jokers.

Harley riders are cowards who ride around in gangs and beat up on random black people and terrorize innocent townfolk.

I know this because I watched "Sons of Anarchy" and the "Gimme Shelter" documentary about the Altamont concert where the Rolling Stones hired the Hells Angels to beat up and kill black people.

Ignorant generalizations are so much fun. All you need to be a bigot nowadays is a TV and an Internet connection.