

Pees in the brown Koolaid
Someone who has threatened to kill someone should be in jail.
Due to budget cuts, the sheriff of Josephine County Oregon advises all women in his jurisdiction who take out restraining orders to (a) buy a gun and (b) move to a city or county with adequate police resources. There is no jail space available to house anyone who has not been convicted of a crime, and during the night time hours there is one deputy patrolling over 1000 square miles so the response to a 911 call might be measured in hours rather than minutes. Fortunately, the law-abiding women and men of Oregon do not have their Constitutional rights withheld for an arbitrary 3-day waiting period, so those who make the decision to take personal responsibility for their own safety have the means to do so immediately.


Well-Known Member
Due to budget cuts, the sheriff of Josephine County Oregon advises all women in his jurisdiction who take out restraining orders to (a) buy a gun and (b) move to a city or county with adequate police resources. There is no jail space available to house anyone who has not been convicted of a crime, and during the night time hours there is one deputy patrolling over 1000 square miles so the response to a 911 call might be measured in hours rather than minutes. Fortunately, the law-abiding women and men of Oregon do not have their Constitutional rights withheld for an arbitrary 3-day waiting period, so those who make the decision to take personal responsibility for their own safety have the means to do so immediately.
Fortunately I don't live in Josephine county, Oregon.;)


Staff member
We also need to decide how and when they can be carried for the purposes of self defense.

I am not philosophically opposed to the idea of additional licensing, training or background checks being required prior to the purchase of one's first gun.

What I am opposed being required to continually pay fees and undergo background checks and waiting periods even though I already own numerous guns and hold 2 concealed handgun licenses that are valid in 36 states. I have already jumped through your hoops and undergone your training and your fingerprinting and your background checks several times. Get off my ass already.

In a perfect world, one could undergo training, get an instant background check and then apply for and of charge....a "good guy card" that would allow one to buy, own and carry concealed a gun in all 50 states.

Anti-gunners like to compare guns to cars by saying "a license and registration are required to drive a car, why not to own a gun?"

OK, lets turn that one around. Once you get a drivers you have to apply for permission to drive every time you buy a new car? Do you have to apply for permission to drive your car in a different state? Do you have to deal with stupid rules like not being allowed to drive your car within 1000 feet of a school, or only being able to have 3 gallons of gas in your car at one time? No, once you have gotten your license you are free to operate your vehicle in a safe manner in all 50 states. Why should guns be any different?
Hold up there cowboy. I'm not on your ass. Sorry you don't like the patch-work set of laws, but that'swhat you'll have as long as it's a "state's rights issue".

And for those who continue to demand that it's about "mental health", does that mean you're willing to have your computer's and smartphones monitored? Think about the comprehensive profile that could be developed and cross referenced with that of known associates and such. We are so close to "Minority Report" that 8t should scare the crap out of everybody.

And finally, have you ever considered that allowing 100% conceal carry is just as much a "feel good" as you insist "gun free" zones are?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Fortunately I don't live in Josephine county, Oregon.;)
Its actually a very beautiful place to live in many respects. Beautiful country, uncrowded, rural, excellent hunting and fishing, and a liberal/libertarian small government ethos. But if you want or need a nanny state to protect you and keep you safe, its probably not your cup of tea.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Hold up there cowboy. I'm not on your ass. Sorry you don't like the patch-work set of laws, but that'swhat you'll have as long as it's a "state's rights issue".
I don't think a Constitutional right should be a "states rights" issue. My First Amendment rights don't stop at the state line, my rights to freedom of religion or expression don't stop at the state line, and neither should my right to keep and bear arms.


Well-Known Member
Its actually a very beautiful place to live in many respects. Beautiful country, uncrowded, rural, excellent hunting and fishing, and a liberal/libertarian small government ethos. But if you want or need a nanny state to protect you and keep you safe, its probably not your cup of tea.
If you call a pd and criminal court that can actually do there job a nanny state, then yea that's where I prefer to live.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
And for those who continue to demand that it's about "mental health", does that mean you're willing to have your computer's and smartphones monitored? Think about the comprehensive profile that could be developed and cross referenced with that of known associates and such. We are so close to "Minority Report" that 8t should scare the crap out of everybody.

There is no need to monitor computers or cellphones.

Whatever process we do come up with to prevent violent people with mental illness from obtaining guns needs to be fair, transparent, and following due process of law. It should also default to the affirmative in regards to a persons 2nd Amendment rights. The reality is that someone who is determined to commit murder will do so whether they have a gun or not and someone who is determined to obtain a gun will always be able to do so whether they are legally allowed to or not. I cant stop criminals and the mentally ill from getting guns, but if I have a gun of my own at least I have a chance to keep them from using one on me.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
And finally, have you ever considered that allowing 100% conceal carry is just as much a "feel good" as you insist "gun free" zones are?

How many murder victims were armed when they died? How many armed women get raped? How many armed gay people get bashed? I'd be interested in seeing the statistics. Its also a fact that, oftentimes, the mere display of a gun is enough to prevent a violent crime from occurring.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If you call a pd and criminal court that can actually do there job a nanny state, then yea that's where I prefer to live.
Regardless of where you live, a restraining order is ultimately nothing more than a piece of paper. The police and courts cant be everywhere at all times.


Staff member
How many murder victims were armed when they died? How many armed women get raped? How many armed gay people get bashed? I'd be interested in seeing the statistics. Its also a fact that, oftentimes, the mere display of a gun is enough to prevent a violent crime from occurring.
Not sure those numbers are available. It's akin to proving a negative. I mean in the case of someone being gunned down on the street, is it a story to include that he or she was armed? Of course with a home invasion when the owner fends off the aggressor we hear ofrom that. If the invader rapes the mother and kills the family, do we even hear that the family had several guns?

It's like the theater shooting in Colorado. We say, "What if an armed civilian was there...". Well, we don't know if there was one or not, do we? "Gun free zone" or not, it probably happens, don't you think?


swollen member
Hold up there cowboy. I'm not on your ass. Sorry you don't like the patch-work set of laws, but that'swhat you'll have as long as it's a "state's rights issue".

And for those who continue to demand that it's about "mental health", does that mean you're willing to have your computer's and smartphones monitored? Think about the comprehensive profile that could be developed and cross referenced with that of known associates and such. We are so close to "Minority Report" that 8t should scare the crap out of everybody.

are you using Reynolds Wrap??? double it up mod...


swollen member
It's like the theater shooting in Colorado. We say, "What if an armed civilian was there...". Well, we don't know if there was one or not, do we? "Gun free zone" or not, it probably happens, don't you think?
so do you like the idea of a gun free zone when it doesn't work??

if you were a criminal with a weapon, where would you go... hmm maybe the gun free zones???

you anti's sound more ridiculous every time you all post... quilts may be more suited to you


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Not sure those numbers are available. It's akin to proving a negative. I mean in the case of someone being gunned down on the street, is it a story to include that he or she was armed? Of course with a home invasion when the owner fends off the aggressor we hear ofrom that. If the invader rapes the mother and kills the family, do we even hear that the family had several guns?

It's like the theater shooting in Colorado. We say, "What if an armed civilian was there...". Well, we don't know if there was one or not, do we? "Gun free zone" or not, it probably happens, don't you think?

If you are in a theater or mall with your family and a bad guy with a gun starts shooting the place up....your first response is going to be to call 911 and ask for a good guy with a gun to come as quickly as possible in order to shoot the bad guy with the gun.

All I am saying.... is that good guys with guns don't necessarily have to have badges and that instead of waiting 5 or 10 minutes for a good guy with a gun and a badge to show up, maybe it would be helpful if a good guy with a gun was already there.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Not sure those numbers are available. It's akin to proving a negative. I mean in the case of someone being gunned down on the street, is it a story to include that he or she was armed? Of course with a home invasion when the owner fends off the aggressor we hear ofrom that. If the invader rapes the mother and kills the family, do we even hear that the family had several guns?

It's like the theater shooting in Colorado. We say, "What if an armed civilian was there...". Well, we don't know if there was one or not, do we? "Gun free zone" or not, it probably happens, don't you think?
We do know that there was an armed civilian in that theater. He was the bad guy intent on hurting or killing as many people as possible.
Face it BBSAM. Your side made that tragedy possible. Fighting for gun free zones. Fighting concealed carry laws. Making it difficult on good guys open carrying their weapons. Your side is the criminals best friend.


golden ticket member