

Well-Known Troll
That bad guy didn't have a gun and those people are alive because he didn't. I guess you would rather he had access to a gun.:confused: talking to a wall. You'll only be happy when all guns are destroyed, and cops have water pistols to keep the peace.

I, on the other hand will enjoy guns, hell, I might even stockpile a bunch of them. In the event somebody try's to creep into my house and risk the safety of MY family, I'll be glad that we are armed and can blow out the brains of said intruder. If that never happens, that's fine with me.


Strength through joy
MA isn't quite an 'open carry' state.

This is a TX guy talking about open carry, and comparing TX to MA?

Um, ok.
Mass. is an open carry state .
We who can don't openly do it , too many damn uneducated liberals running about .
Won't want them all to suddenly have strokes .


Strength through joy
According to your posted story , the gun had nothing to do with this guy's drug fueled rage .
Again just another story where someone had a mental health issue , but since a gun was mentioned , BIG ISSUE .


Staff member
According to your posted story , the gun had nothing to do with this guy's drug fueled rage .
Again just another story where someone had a mental health issue , but since a gun was mentioned , BIG ISSUE .
Gee. Didn't he know all he had to do was go to a gun show. You're right though. His Second Ammendment rights were violated.


golden ticket member


Staff member
Unless I missed something, I don't see where he said ANYTHING about this knuckleheads 2nd ammendment rights being violated :S
Oh. So some people shouldn't have guns. I agree. We just need to decide who shouldn't and how far we should go in preventing them from getting them.


Well-Known Member

Also ask them if they were trained and legally armed with a gun would they have avoided "Hammer time" ?
I have no problem with someone who is trained and passed a background check arming themselves. I do have a problem with Joe crazy being able to walk in a gun store and walk out with an arsenal to enact a mass murder.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I have no problem with someone who is trained and passed a background check arming themselves. I do have a problem with Joe crazy being able to walk in a gun store and walk out with an arsenal to enact a mass murder.
1. Anyone in the United States who buys a gun in a gun store is required to pass a background check, per the Brady Bill.
2. You dont need an arsenal to commit mass murder. All you need is a bunch of unarmed victims who have been herded into a conveniently designated "gun free" zone.


Well-Known Member
1. Anyone in the United States who buys a gun in a gun store is required to pass a background check, per the Brady Bill.
2. You dont need an arsenal to commit mass murder. All you need is a bunch of unarmed victims who have been herded into a conveniently designated "gun free" zone.
You missed the point.
She completed the paperwork as needed, but was unable to walk out with a firearm, because the county in which they resided required a three day waiting period.


Got the T-Shirt
Several people were hospitalized following the attacks, but fortunately, nobody was killed.

Now what do you think would have happened if he was able to attain a gun? I guess those darn gun laws actually saved some lives.

And having your brains beat with a hammer.... is so much better.

Hey.... being confined to a wheelchair as a paraplegic (or worse) isn't so bad.


nowhere special
I have no problem with someone who is trained and passed a background check arming themselves. I do have a problem with Joe crazy being able to walk in a gun store and walk out with an arsenal to enact a mass murder.

Do you have a problem with Joe Notcrazy walking into a gun store and walking out with an arsenal to ... NOT enact mass murder?


Well-Known Member
And having your brains beat with a hammer.... is so much better.

Hey.... being confined to a wheelchair as a paraplegic (or worse) isn't so bad.
I'd rather have a chance to survive or even fight back. If he had a gun those people's chances would be slim to none. You just can't admit the extra 3 day waiting period just saved those peoples lives.