

golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
"Why would ANYONE want to disarm a populace? Ask gun control advocates in industrialized Western nations – or California – and the answer is as simple as its is idiotic: for public safety."

I don't know BUG, maybe stick to issues dealing with our Union?

This link you posted has zero to do with what's happening in our country. It's as idiotic as it is hyperbolic.

Let me ask you a question:

How many guns has our current administration taken away from law-abiding gun owners?


Well-Known Member
I don't know BUG, maybe stick to issues dealing with our Union?

This link you posted has zero to do with what's happening in our country. It's as idiotic as it is hyperbolic.

Let me ask you a question:

How many guns has our current administration taken away from law-abiding gun owners?

The better question is how many guns would this administration like to take from gun owners if there was a stronger political will to do so? The answer is every last one.

Now to answer your question I believe this administration has tightened the screws on veterans 2nd amendment rights by making it tougher to buy guns based on their war experiences/trauma.


Strength through joy
A plan by police in Buffalo, N.Y., to begin confiscating the firearms of legal gun owners within days of their deaths is drawing fire from Second Amendment advocates
I can see many legals problems for the police on this .
All property of the deceased is still their property until probate of their will is completed . The Police may revoke the license of the deceased and only that .


nowhere special
I can see many legals problems for the police on this .
All property of the deceased is still their property until probate of their will is completed . The Police may revoke the license of the deceased and only that .

That law won't stand up to a court challenge. It has been on the books but not enforced so hasn't been struck down by courts yet. And did you notice that the guns to be confiscated are ones that are legally registered? So much for the argument that registration isn't a precursor to confiscation (if the anti gun people get their way).
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Got the T-Shirt
And did you notice that the guns to be confiscated are ones that are legally registered? So much for the argument that registration isn't a precursor to confiscation.

"It is news that puts the lie to claims by anti-gunners that gun owners needn’t be concerned about gun registration."

The construct, of the anti-gun liberals.... falls apart at every turn.

Their whole argument is based on emotion.


Strength through joy
FBI: U.S. Murder Rate Fell Again In 2013 (And Other Bad News For Gun Control Supporters)
All categories of violent and property crime declined from 2012 to 2013, the FBI has announced, in conjunction with the release of its annual crime report for 2013.
We say that the 2013 murder rate was “at least” a 57-year low, because it may well have set an even more impressive record. Mathematical projections accounting for the change in the FBI’s data reporting methodology in 1957 indicate that the 2013 rate was lower than any time since at least 1935, which translates into a 78-year low. There is even reason to believe that additional computations may reveal that the 2013 rate was at or near the lowest in American history.


Got the T-Shirt
What if she were a domestic violence victim who had taken out a restraining order on an abusive, crazy ex who was threatening to kill her and who had no intention of obeying that restraining order?
Someone who has threatened to kill someone should be in jail.

"McFelony: Iowa Man Arrested After Allegedly Using McChicken As A Weapon In Domestic Assault"