

Well-Known Member
No you still didn't answer my question. This was a mental health issue and not a gun issue anyway. Despite attempts to paint it as such.
What part of yes I do don't you understand? Regardless of being a mental health issue the background check and 3 day waiting period prevented this nut from walking in a gun store and buying a gun. If that means the average person will have to wait then so be it.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
What part of yes I do don't you understand? Regardless of being a mental health issue the background check and 3 day waiting period prevented this nut from walking in a gun store and buying a gun. If that means the average person will have to wait then so be it.
Because bad people not obey laws, good people have to suffer?
Let the good people be able to conceal carry, then watch the crime rate plummet.
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nowhere special
What part of yes I do don't you understand? Regardless of being a mental health issue the background check and 3 day waiting period prevented this nut from walking in a gun store and buying a gun. If that means the average person will have to wait then so be it.

You just don't want anyone to have guns you mean.


Well-Known Member
You just don't want anyone to have guns you mean.
On the contrary. I don't want just "anyone" to walk in a gun store or gun show, or off the internet to buy a gun without proving they can legally own one. If we can't have common sense gun laws , then why should we have any law whatsoever? Let's just have total anarchy and be done with it.


nowhere special
On the contrary. I don't want just "anyone" to walk in a gun store or gun show, or off the internet to buy a gun without proving they can legally own one. If we can't have common sense gun laws , then why should we have any law whatsoever? Let's just have total anarchy and be done with it.

The problem is when people try to define what "common sense laws" entail. Especially when many of the people in charge DO want to take all guns out of the hands of private citizens. You may try to argue that point but their remarks stating as such are a matter of record.


Well-Known Member
The problem is when people try to define what "common sense laws" entail. Especially when many of the people in charge DO want to take all guns out of the hands of private citizens. You may try to argue that point but their remarks stating as such are a matter of record.
There are extreme views on both sides of the argument. But I would bet that the majority of people in this country are more towards the middle. We have laws governing just about everything else in this country and guns should be no different in that regard. This country is just becoming more and more violent by the day and ignoring the issues is just going to make it worse.


nowhere special
Actually the country ISN'T becoming more violent. Except in certain urban areas. The media just jumps on every incident making things look to be worse than they actually are.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Oh. So some people shouldn't have guns. I agree. We just need to decide who shouldn't and how far we should go in preventing them from getting them.
We also need to decide how and when they can be carried for the purposes of self defense.

I am not philosophically opposed to the idea of additional licensing, training or background checks being required prior to the purchase of one's first gun.

What I am opposed being required to continually pay fees and undergo background checks and waiting periods even though I already own numerous guns and hold 2 concealed handgun licenses that are valid in 36 states. I have already jumped through your hoops and undergone your training and your fingerprinting and your background checks several times. Get off my ass already.

In a perfect world, one could undergo training, get an instant background check and then apply for and of charge....a "good guy card" that would allow one to buy, own and carry concealed a gun in all 50 states.

Anti-gunners like to compare guns to cars by saying "a license and registration are required to drive a car, why not to own a gun?"

OK, lets turn that one around. Once you get a drivers you have to apply for permission to drive every time you buy a new car? Do you have to apply for permission to drive your car in a different state? Do you have to deal with stupid rules like not being allowed to drive your car within 1000 feet of a school, or only being able to have 3 gallons of gas in your car at one time? No, once you have gotten your license you are free to operate your vehicle in a safe manner in all 50 states. Why should guns be any different?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You missed the point.
She completed the paperwork as needed, but was unable to walk out with a firearm, because the county in which they resided required a three day waiting period.
What if she were a domestic violence victim who had taken out a restraining order on an abusive, crazy ex who was threatening to kill her and who had no intention of obeying that restraining order? Should she still be forced to wait for 3 days to exercise a Constitutional right?


Well-Known Member
What if she were a domestic violence victim who had taken out a restraining order on an abusive, crazy ex who was threatening to kill her and who had no intention of obeying that restraining order? Should she still be forced to wait for 3 days to exercise a Constitutional right?
Someone who has threatened to kill someone should be in jail. You could take that same scenario and turn it around. What if it was the crazy ex was the one trying to get a gun?;)
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