

Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I enjoyed watching all the idiots buying 5.56 ammo by the caseload for top dollar as the ammo maker rapes everyone dumb enough to buy into this crap.

In a matter of 3 weeks, all the surplus supplies of the green tipped 5.56 sold for top dollar.

Those who bought this crap are the biggest suckers of them all.

The AMMO makers are laughing all the way to the bank.

Better safe than sorry.

A concept which you do not practice.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It only goes to show how a sucker is born every minute.

First it was the 22 ammo. Ammo makers overproduced the crap by the hundreds of thousands, then a false panic was sent out to the freaks who bought the crap up by the caseload. Every "survivalist" was saying the same crap, "i could use the .22 ammo for bartering"...

As if that was a legitimate reason to buy thousands of rounds they would never need.

Now it was the 5.56 mm model 109 bullet.

Collectively, they put out a false story about the bullets when in reality, the ammo maker simply overproduced the rounds by a half a million.

Rather than discounting the rounds and selling them at a loss, they instead, with the help of the right wing and the NRA put out the "Obama wants your ammo" and the gun freaks go nuts and buy every single SURPLUS round the manufacturer made.

The ammo company wins and the guns freaks lose. At close to 400 bucks a case, gun freaks would rather buy this crap than pay their rent/mortgage/car payments.

By the caseloads, I have personally seen these freaks recieving their crap ammo for a gun fight that will never come.

Nobody needs this round. Under a law that Ronald Reagan signed, this bullet should be illegal.

Those bullets under the 1994 assault weapons ban would not be allowed today if not for the right wing wacko republicans who are intent on seeing policemen killed by armor piercing rounds.

YAY!!! You get to keep your 5.56 mm model 109 military issue rounds!!!!

Congratulations, you may just insured a policeman somewhere in the USA will be killed with one. You can bet your ash I will remind you all of this when it happens.

Thanks again.


You partially correct about 22 long rifle ammunition. Yes, the manufacturers took advantage of the situation but it was, still is, 100% caused by the consumer that freaked out. And yes, many are wackos that have nothing better to do than hoard ammo but at least they aren't hellbent on infringing on other people's rights. I don't blame them for freaking out because you liberals are always trying to ban everything that is scary.

You, like the majority of your liberal counterparts in the country (and sadly in The House and Senate), are so highly misinformed/uninformed on the "armor piercing" ammunition that I can hardly force myself to even waste the time to respond. There is no evidence to link 5.56 109 ammo being used to kill police officers. In fact, regular 5.56/.223 ammo can penetrate those soft vests just as easily so it doesn't even matter. And banning the ammo because it can be used in a concealed AR Pistol is hogwash. It's damn near impossible to conceal an AR Pistol. But you would know that if you had actually took the time to research something instead of allowing your childish liberal emotions to take hold of your life. Maybe you should ask some cops about it. And ask many to get an accurate picture of how most think on this issue. That is...of course....if you aren't too busy throwing rocks at them and protesting because they are having to defend themselves against black thugs.

I suggest you take the time to research this more. Below are some links to help guide you but I imagine you'll just let your liberal emotions continue to rule you and you won't even make it past the source of the links without foaming at the mouth. Even if you do and still aren't educated on the matter I'm also sure you, much like those that you have elected, will still continue to push to ban anything you don't like instead of just doing the logical thing and staying away from it. Happy reading.....
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You partially correct about 22 long rifle ammunition. Yes, the manufacturers took advantage of the situation but it was, still is, 100% caused by the consumer that freaked out. And yes, many are wackos that have nothing better to do than hoard ammo but at least they aren't hellbent on infringing on other people's rights. I don't blame them for freaking out because you liberals are always trying to ban everything that is scary.

You, like the majority of your liberal counterparts in the country (and sadly in The House and Senate), are so highly misinformed/uninformed on the "armor piercing" ammunition that I can hardly force myself to even waste the time to respond. There is no evidence to link 5.56 109 ammo being used to kill police officers. In fact, regular 5.56/.223 ammo can penetrate those soft vests just as easily so it doesn't even matter. And banning the ammo because it can be used in a concealed AR Pistol is hogwash. It's damn near impossible to conceal an AR Pistol. But you would know that if you had actually took the time to research something instead of allowing your childish liberal emotions to take hold of your life. Maybe you should ask some cops about it. And ask many to get an accurate picture of how most think on this issue. That is...of course....if you aren't too busy throwing rocks at them and protesting because they are having to defend themselves against black thugs.

I suggest you take the time to research this more. Below are some links to help guide you but I imagine you'll just let your liberal emotions continue to rule you and you won't even make it past the source of the links without foaming at the mouth. Even if you do and still aren't educated on the matter I'm also sure you, much like those that you have elected, will still continue to push to ban anything you don't like instead of just doing the logical thing and staying away from it. Happy reading.....

I dont care to research anything. YOU yourself said that other bullets can penetrate a policemans armor, so there you have it.

YOU want to live in a world where gun wackos can buy such lethal bullets and by some strange miracle, bad guys and even good guys end up with them only to kill our policemen.

You continue to hoard bullets you will never fire in anger because thats what you are told to do. I live in peace while you dummies live in a world where you think you are going to have some great gun battle as if the civil war was just around the corner.

For me, I prefer that you gun owners continue to shoot your wives, your children and your wives boyfriends, but leave the policemen, firemen and school children out of your sights.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I dont care to research anything. YOU yourself said that other bullets can penetrate a policemans armor, so there you have it.
And that is your problem. And yes I said other bullets can penetrate soft armor. So what? Are police the only people that will ever wear soft armor? Does that matter? Is it irrelevant? Nope.

YOU want to live in a world where gun wackos can buy such lethal bullets and by some strange miracle, bad guys and even good guys end up with them only to kill our policemen.

Huh? You must have really been foaming at the mouth during your emotionaly charged liberal tantrum when you wrote that. LOL. Us gun wackos want (<----??????) bad (?????--->) and good people to kill policemen? Yeah OK that makes allot of sense you jackwagon. LOL.

You continue to hoard bullets you will never fire in anger because thats what you are told to do. I live in peace while you dummies live in a world where you think you are going to have some great gun battle as if the civil war was just around the corner.

You don't live in peace. Otherwise your wouldn't be trying to ban anything that scares your overly sensitive liberal ass. What and why I, or any other American, does with our guns and ammo is none of your, or any of your kind's, business and the sooner you pansy asses get over that the sooner you can dedicate more of your time to painting rainbows and purple unicorns while listening to Saul Alinsky audio books.

For me, I prefer that you gun owners continue to shoot your wives, your children and your wives boyfriends, but leave the policemen, firemen and school children out of your sights.


You can prefer that but it won't happen. Those of us that are actually firing our weapons are too busy honing our skills on the firing range for when numbskulls like you show up to either confiscate our guns or rob us. Good luck either way is all I can say. My bullets can fly faster than a liberal can run to an American flag burning rally.
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
For me, I prefer that you gun owners continue to shoot your wives, your children and your wives boyfriends, but leave the policemen, firemen and school children out of your sights.


YOU: You can prefer that but it won't happen. Those of us that are actually firing our weapons are too busy honing our skills on the firing range for when numbskulls like you show up to either confiscate our guns or rob us. Good luck either way is all I can say. My bullets can fly faster than a liberal can run to an American flag burning rally.

Sorry Bub, but this happens everyday, everyweek, every month, every year in the USA. And guess who's doing the shooting?? oh yeah, white guys who are gun freaks.

Starts out with the second amendment and home defense, then it transitions to destruction of the family and of course, like them all, suicide.

"honing" your skills"... thats laughable.

For what?? Is there a paper target that is going to rob your home and stand perfectly still for you to kill?

You have convinced yourself that someday, somewhere, you will have to face down an intruder, and those HONED skills are somehow going to save the day.

Exactly what fantasyland is your home located?

NONE of you will ever fire a round at a live human being in your lifetimes, but you ALL act as if you will.

Thats the joke, and its on you.

AS I have said a million times to you all... You live in a created world of "self imposed fear", with imaginary boogeymen that are going to rob you.

Just a heads up, nobody robs the trailer park.



Its all good.
For me, I prefer that you gun owners continue to shoot your wives, your children and your wives boyfriends, but leave the policemen, firemen and school children out of your sights.


YOU: You can prefer that but it won't happen. Those of us that are actually firing our weapons are too busy honing our skills on the firing range for when numbskulls like you show up to either confiscate our guns or rob us. Good luck either way is all I can say. My bullets can fly faster than a liberal can run to an American flag burning rally.

Sorry Bub, but this happens everyday, everyweek, every month, every year in the USA. And guess who's doing the shooting?? oh yeah, white guys who are gun freaks.

Starts out with the second amendment and home defense, then it transitions to destruction of the family and of course, like them all, suicide.

"honing" your skills"... thats laughable.

For what?? Is there a paper target that is going to rob your home and stand perfectly still for you to kill?

You have convinced yourself that someday, somewhere, you will have to face down an intruder, and those HONED skills are somehow going to save the day.

Exactly what fantasyland is your home located?

NONE of you will ever fire a round at a live human being in your lifetimes, but you ALL act as if you will.

Thats the joke, and its on you.

AS I have said a million times to you all... You live in a created world of "self imposed fear", with imaginary boogeymen that are going to rob you.

Just a heads up, nobody robs the trailer park.

Some of us live in nicer homes than you, "Bubba".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
According to this post , you think that only men have guns .
Which I find to be quite sexist .

I dont think that at all, I just know that more MEN who are gun wackos, shoot their family members in greater numbers than do housewives.

Of course, we already know most of those men who do such things are white.
