

Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I prefer this question better.

Who is going to defend you and your family if someone is trying to break into you home at 1am?

Call the cops. They will be there around 1:06am or later. How much damage can bad guys do to you and your family in 6 to 10 minutes?

I prefer to go to my biometric gun safe. My wife and I (any all of my family, including 15 year old daughter) will be armed in less than 1 minute.

But you can go ahead an wait for the police to get there.

Let me know how that works out for you.


Its all good.
I dont think that at all, I just know that more MEN who are gun wackos, shoot their family members in greater numbers than do housewives.

Of course, we already know most of those men who do such things are white.

Racist statement # 323,692. You age such a shining example for future generations. By the way, do you have statistics to back that up, or is that just another trolling statement?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Next up...

Gun deaths shaped by race in America

By Dan Keating

Gun deaths are shaped by race in America. Whites are far more likely to shoot themselves, and African Americans are far more likely to be shot by someone else.

The statistical difference is dramatic, according to a Washington Post analysis of data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A white person is five times as likely to commit suicide with a gun as to be shot with a gun; for each African American who uses a gun to commit suicide, five are killed by other people with guns.

Something for you guys "honing" your skills to look forward to.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Of course, in fantasyland, your guns are the very things that make YOU feel safe, but in reality, its YOUR family that should be scared.

To study the epidemiology of deaths involving firearms kept in the home, we reviewed all the gunshot deaths that occurred in King County, Washington (population 1,270,000), from 1978 through 1983. The medical examiner's case files were supplemented by police records or interviews with investigating officers or both, to obtain specific information about the circumstances, the scene of the incident, the type of firearm involved, and the relationship of the suspect to the victim. A total of 743 firearm-related deaths occurred during this six-year period, 398 of which (54 percent) occurred in the residence where the firearm was kept. Only 2 of these 398 deaths (0.5 percent) involved an intruder shot during attempted entry. Seven persons (1.8 percent) were killed in self-defense. For every case of self-protection homicide involving a firearm kept in the home, there were 1.3 accidental deaths, 4.6 criminal homicides, and 37 suicides involving firearms. Handguns were used in 70.5 percent of these deaths.

The advisability of keeping firearms in the home for protection must be questioned. (N Engl J Med 1986; 314: 1557–60.)


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And of course we all know that most of you will come back with "the NRA destroyed these findings" because that is what you are told to believe.

Yes, the NRA spends MILLIONS of dollars attacking ALL data on guns of all kinds. The LAST thing they want is for you to understand reality.

Better to keep you in LA LA land, buying cases of bullets, and overpriced assault weapons and taking your money in the process.

They wouldnt have it any other way.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I realize that its a waste of time to really give you anything to digest. You are not programmed for acceptance of data, just B.S.

You and the others worship your guns, and no matter what data is placed in front of you, you will reject it for one reason or the other. The last thing any of you will do is understand the reality of gun deaths.

All the hypothetical boogeymen in the world isnt enough to make some people own a gun. You have to be that certain kind of fraidy cat to buy into that argument.



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Of course, in fantasyland, your guns are the very things that make YOU feel safe, but in reality, its YOUR family that should be scared.

To study the epidemiology of deaths involving firearms kept in the home, we reviewed all the gunshot deaths that occurred in King County, Washington (population 1,270,000), from 1978 through 1983. The medical examiner's case files were supplemented by police records or interviews with investigating officers or both, to obtain specific information about the circumstances, the scene of the incident, the type of firearm involved, and the relationship of the suspect to the victim. A total of 743 firearm-related deaths occurred during this six-year period, 398 of which (54 percent) occurred in the residence where the firearm was kept. Only 2 of these 398 deaths (0.5 percent) involved an intruder shot during attempted entry. Seven persons (1.8 percent) were killed in self-defense. For every case of self-protection homicide involving a firearm kept in the home, there were 1.3 accidental deaths, 4.6 criminal homicides, and 37 suicides involving firearms. Handguns were used in 70.5 percent of these deaths.

The advisability of keeping firearms in the home for protection must be questioned. (N Engl J Med 1986; 314: 1557–60.)

I fail to see how anyone I know should be scared of a firearm tucked away next to my junk because of a bunch of statistics.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I fail to see how anyone I know should be scared of a firearm tucked away next to my junk because of a bunch of statistics.

Who knows? Maybe you drink too much, maybe you get high, maybe you lose your job, maybe your wife cheats with your best friend of 20 years, maybe your neighbor plays his music too loud, maybe your children find the gun and use it on themselves or sibbling.

The statistics SAY this is more likely to happen vs. you EVER shooting an intruder.

Thats why statistics matter.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
TOS should spend his free time researching all of the other objects that are used to kill or murder people and actively fight to have them all banned. If successful he would end up with no hands and we'd all be spared his and foolish comments on this forum.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I dont think that at all, I just know that more MEN who are gun wackos, shoot their family members in greater numbers than do housewives.

Of course, we already know most of those men who do such things are white.

This is racist TROLL thinking.

I own guns. Not a lot. One for almost every family member.

They all have access to my guns.

I have trained them all how to safely handle and shoot them.

I have taken them to the shooting ranges and spent tons of cash on bullets, targets, cleaning supplies and gun safes.

Not 1 person in this country has a thing to fear from me. Unless they choose to break into my house or other wise attack me or my family.

You have chosen to make yourself defenseless. That is your choice. A bad one in my opinion. But hey, this is the USA. You have every right to be as stupid as you choose to be.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This is racist TROLL thinking.

I own guns. Not a lot. One for almost every family member.

They all have access to my guns.

I have trained them all how to safely handle and shoot them.

I have taken them to the shooting ranges and spent tons of cash on bullets, targets, cleaning supplies and gun safes.

Not 1 person in this country has a thing to fear from me. Unless they choose to break into my house or other wise attack me or my family.

You have chosen to make yourself defenseless. That is your choice. A bad one in my opinion. But hey, this is the USA. You have every right to be as stupid as you choose to be.

As the STATISTICS show, nobody OTHER than YOUR family has anything to worry about regarding your guns as they will be MORE LIKELY used on THEM than an intruder trying to break into your home.

Sorry bub, all the training, cleaning and purchasing of gun related crap wont stop YOU from using it on one of your family members.

None of that can stop YOU from losing your mind. If you are white, then you even more likely will use it on yourself.

Sort of a self cleansing problem in my book.



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Who knows? Maybe you drink too much, maybe you get high, maybe you lose your job, maybe your wife cheats with your best friend of 20 years, maybe your neighbor plays his music too loud, maybe your children find the gun and use it on themselves or sibbling.

The statistics SAY this is more likely to happen vs. you EVER shooting an intruder.

Thats why statistics matter.

As the STATISTICS show, nobody OTHER than YOUR family has anything to worry about regarding your guns as they will be MORE LIKELY used on THEM than an intruder trying to break into your home.

Sorry bub, all the training, cleaning and purchasing of gun related crap wont stop YOU from using it on one of your family members.

None of that can stop YOU from losing your mind. If you are white, then you even more likely will use it on yourself.

Sort of a self cleansing problem in my book.

Maybe I don't even drink. Maybe I'm not a drug user. Maybe I don't have a wife. Maybe I don't have children. Maybe I have enough self control that I wouldn't consider shooting the neighbor because I lost my job and his music is loud. Maybe all these nonsense statistics just completely go out the window when you attempt to apply them to me?

There's a word for this. I think it's projection? Where one misplaces the fear of something they would do themselves on everyone else?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
As the STATISTICS show, nobody OTHER than YOUR family has anything to worry about regarding your guns as they will be MORE LIKELY used on THEM than an intruder trying to break into your home.

Sorry bub, all the training, cleaning and purchasing of gun related crap wont stop YOU from using it on one of your family members.

None of that can stop YOU from losing your mind. If you are white, then you even more likely will use it on yourself.

Sort of a self cleansing problem in my book.

You are a sad and pathetic little troll.