
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
80% of white male suicides include the use of a gun.


Grim Comparisons by Sex, Race, and Ethnicity

Overall, three times as many women as men in the United States report a history of attempted suicide.5 But men are four times more likely to actually kill themselves.6 Choice of method may play a role in explaining this gender disparity: White men tend to use more violent and more lethal means than other suicide victims. In 2001, 73 percent of all suicide deaths and 80 percent of all firearm suicide deaths were white males.

Like I said, sort of a self cleansing problem. Something 80% of you have to look forward to.



Pineapple King
80% of white male suicides include the use of a gun.


Grim Comparisons by Sex, Race, and Ethnicity

Overall, three times as many women as men in the United States report a history of attempted suicide.5 But men are four times more likely to actually kill themselves.6 Choice of method may play a role in explaining this gender disparity: White men tend to use more violent and more lethal means than other suicide victims. In 2001, 73 percent of all suicide deaths and 80 percent of all firearm suicide deaths were white males.

Like I said, sort of a self cleansing problem. Something 80% of you have to look forward to.

Who cares?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
80% of white male suicides include the use of a gun.


Grim Comparisons by Sex, Race, and Ethnicity

Overall, three times as many women as men in the United States report a history of attempted suicide.5 But men are four times more likely to actually kill themselves.6 Choice of method may play a role in explaining this gender disparity: White men tend to use more violent and more lethal means than other suicide victims. In 2001, 73 percent of all suicide deaths and 80 percent of all firearm suicide deaths were white males.

Like I said, sort of a self cleansing problem. Something 80% of you have to look forward to.

What difference does the method make? Hanging yourself won't make you less dead.

I'm also feeling pretty good these days. Don't see shooting myself anywhere on the agenda. Sorry to disappoint you.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What difference does the method make? Hanging yourself won't make you less dead.

I'm also feeling pretty good these days. Don't see shooting myself anywhere on the agenda. Sorry to disappoint you.

The statistics confirm that suicides with firearms mostly occur in white men when they are Elderly. You may feel fine today, but in a couple decades, well, leave a note.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Got two already(one for each arm) and plenty of ammo.

Do me a favor. Take ONE shell, mark it as shown, put it away, and when you reach that age where you fall into one of the statistics, take out this bullet and honor me.

Thank you.


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Hold your breath.

Like the statistics prove, you will more likely shoot yourself long before you EVER shoot an intruder.

Like the rolling stones sung famously,

"TIME is on my side"

Statistics show that you and all of the policeman and teachers, along with any other potential victim you can think of, will likely die of a heart attack, or some other self inflicted ailments, before any of you would be the victim of a gun crime. So, you are most likely to be killed by your own doing. Not to mention the long list of other material objects that are used to kill/murder people everyday. I suggest you liberals simply calm down and take care of yourselves instead of driving yourselves to an early grave by worrying about what others might do to you.


Strength through joy
Fact-checker takes Obama to task for gun claims
WASHINGTON – President Obama is under fire from The Washington Post’s fact-checker over a series of recent far-fetched gun claims, including suggesting the country’s homicide rate is higher than that of other industrialized nations “by like a mile.”

The comments, made during a stop in South Carolina last week, earned the president three out of four "Pinocchios" -- the fact-checker's scale for measuring inaccuracy.

“What we have to recognize is, is that our homicide rates are so much higher than other industrial countries. I mean by like a mile.”

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the average homicide rate among the 36 countries is 4.1 per 100,000 people. Brazil tops the list with a homicide rate of 25.5. The U.S. and Chile tie for fourth. Both have a homicide rate of 5.2.

“when he claimed lawmakers are backing plans that would allow firearms in kindergarten and machine guns in bars.

While some states like Georgia allow firearms to be carried into bars and restaurants, they do not allow machine guns in bars. And while there have been proposals floated to allow guns in schools – mainly college campuses – none of the proposals specifically address kindergarten.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Statistics show that you and all of the policeman and teachers, along with any other potential victim you can think of, will likely die of a heart attack, or some other self inflicted ailments, before any of you would be the victim of a gun crime. So, you are most likely to be killed by your own doing. Not to mention the long list of other material objects that are used to kill/murder people everyday. I suggest you liberals simply calm down and take care of yourselves instead of driving yourselves to an early grave by worrying about what others might do to you.

TAG a bullet bro. I take my chances with biology long before I purchase a weapon that will ultimately end my life because my mind is weak and I cant handle reality.

Self imposed fear + lethal weapons = suicide.



Strength through joy
TAG a bullet bro. I take my chances with biology long before I purchase a weapon that will ultimately end my life because my mind is weak and I cant handle reality.

Self imposed fear + lethal weapons = suicide.

actually I own more knives than guns , so am I more likely to commit suicide by knife ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
actually I own more knives than guns , so am I more likely to commit suicide by knife ?

According to the statistics, if you are WHITE, you are 80% more likely to kill yourself with a gun, however, other lesser lethal weapons are effective, but not the majority.

Your choice. Either way, if you are white, you have a higher chance of killing yourself "somehow", ... long before I ever do.
