
Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Statistics show that most are not. But statistics do show that the majority of each and every item on the long list of objects that are used to kill or murder more Americans than guns is, in fact, in the possession of "paranoid, racist psychopaths" and every other whacko you can think of but, for some reason, liberals aren't concerned with any of those items. I guess maybe because knives and baseball bats (for example) don't look as scary?
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well, statistically speaking, another WHITE guy goes nut with his guns and kills one and wounds 5 in Arizona.

Good thing people there are allowed to open carry. Its alot safer that way.


Another day in America, and just another white guy shooting up a town with his beloved guns. That makes three just today.

Glad guns dont kill people, they just coincidentally happen to be involved in every "shooting" death.



nowhere special
Well, statistically speaking, another WHITE guy goes nut with his guns and kills one and wounds 5 in Arizona.

Good thing people there are allowed to open carry. Its alot safer that way.


Another day in America, and just another white guy shooting up a town with his beloved guns. That makes three just today.

Glad guns dont kill people, they just coincidentally happen to be involved in every "shooting" death.


Of course you neglected to mention he was a convicted felon so couldn't legally own guns.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Isolated incident. Lone wolf.... I'm sure that's how Faux "News" will try to spin it.

Remember, in upside down world, nazis are leftists and Democrats are the true racists against black people because they are directly related to the Klan, which is why they are ALSO racists towards white people simultaneously by electing a black President.

Arh...saying it out loud sounds more insane than some of brownCafes finest posters arguing those exact points...I'm pretty sure Fox News has Jonah Goldberg on the phone already to invite him to explain how Nazis (and therefore neo-Nazis) are actually left-wingers.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Isolated incident. Lone wolf.... I'm sure that's how Faux "News" will try to spin it.

Remember, in upside down world, nazis are leftists and Democrats are the true racists against black people because they are directly related to the Klan, which is why they are ALSO racists towards white people simultaneously by electing a black President.

Arh...saying it out loud sounds more insane than some of brownCafes finest posters arguing those exact points...I'm pretty sure Fox News has Jonah Goldberg on the phone already to invite him to explain how Nazis (and therefore neo-Nazis) are actually left-wingers.
The KKK were founded and are run by Southern Democrats.

The American Nazis are just crazy poor whites from all different backgrounds.

Get it right next time.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Why are you asking me to view this?

Im well aware of the campaign. ITS YOU people that need to listen to the information.

As I already pointed out. The statistics show that you will more likely use your guns on yourselves or your family LONG before you EVER use it on an intruder.

Those are the facts.

If you could only accept them, then this would be a safer place.



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Why are you asking me to view this?

Im well aware of the campaign. ITS YOU people that need to listen to the information.

As I already pointed out. The statistics show that you will more likely use your guns on yourselves or your family LONG before you EVER use it on an intruder.

Those are the facts.

If you could only accept them, then this would be a safer place.

Do you ever get tired of typing "TOS." at the end of every post?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Well, statistically speaking, another WHITE guy goes nut with his guns and kills one and wounds 5 in Arizona.

Good thing people there are allowed to open carry. Its alot safer that way.


Another day in America, and just another white guy shooting up a town with his beloved guns. That makes three just today.

Glad guns dont kill people, they just coincidentally happen to be involved in every "shooting" death.


Maybe its blacks that should be banned from owning guns......

Plus, 90% of black victims are murdered by blacks. And that isn't just guns. So again.....why aren't you sissified liberals going after all objects that can be used (and are used more) to murder people? The answer is quite simple. You people don't have the mental capacity to be so consistent in your reasoning.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe he should have

Maybe its blacks that should be banned from owning guns......

Plus, 90% of black victims are murdered by blacks. And that isn't just guns. So again.....why aren't you sissified liberals going after all objects that can be used (and are used more) to murder people? The answer is quite simple. You people don't have the mental capacity to be so consistent in your reasoning.
It's a shame someone as intelligent as yourself didn't understand the article you linked to. If you did, you would come to understand the sociological reasons that lead to the gun violence.


Strength through joy
Why are you asking me to view this?

Im well aware of the campaign. ITS YOU people that need to listen to the information.

As I already pointed out. The statistics show that you will more likely use your guns on yourselves or your family LONG before you EVER use it on an intruder.

Those are the facts.

If you could only accept them, then this would be a safer place.

Hey TOS , can you get me the unedited cut .
I would like to see how many actual people entered the fake store .

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It's a shame someone as intelligent as yourself didn't understand the article you linked to. If you did, you would come to understand the sociological reasons that lead to the gun violence.
I understood the article. I understand stats. Blaming murdering each other and others on sociological issues, or anything else for that matter, is ignoring the real problem. And that problem is that people are not holding themselves accountable for their own actions. Let alone being held accountable for their actions by the general public.

Now, unless "sociological reasons" or "society" are people or groups of people that physically force these animals into committing these crimes, your of theory is completely invalid. To blame any criminal activity on society or sociology is a cop out.