

Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Hold your breath.

Like the statistics prove, you will more likely shoot yourself long before you EVER shoot an intruder.

Like the rolling stones sung famously,

"TIME is on my side"

TAG a bullet bro. I take my chances with biology long before I purchase a weapon that will ultimately end my life because my mind is weak and I cant handle reality.

Self imposed fear + lethal weapons = suicide.

According to the statistics, if you are WHITE, you are 80% more likely to kill yourself with a gun, however, other lesser lethal weapons are effective, but not the majority.

Your choice. Either way, if you are white, you have a higher chance of killing yourself "somehow", ... long before I ever do.

What is with your raging hard-on for statistics? Not everyone has that weak mind that can't handle reality because of their self imposed fear. More projection?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Not only is the man in that story NOT a responsible gun owner, but the article didn't even refer to him as one either (surprising considering the source is NY Daily News). Try harder.
Why do people not recognize sarcasm when it is so bloody obvious?Just another American getting a lesson on the 2nd amendment , nothing to see here....


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Maybe you just not as good at using sarcasm as you think.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Why do people not recognize sarcasm when it is so bloody obvious?Just another American getting a lesson on the 2nd amendment , nothing to see here....
Are you admitting you recognize the difference between actual responsible gun owners and the morons who the left just like to call responsible gun owners in an attempt to validate their point?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Are you admitting you recognize the difference between actual responsible gun owners and the morons who the left just like to call responsible gun owners in an attempt to validate their point?
They must have been members of that "Well Regulated Militia" mentioned in the second amendment...just defendin' their freedom.....And let's by all means allow carrying handguns in bars. Strictly as population control mind you...


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
They must have been members of that "Well Regulated Militia" mentioned in the second amendment...just defendin' their freedom.....And let's by all means allow carrying handguns in bars. Strictly as population control mind you...
That really doesn't answer my question.

Also, it's already a felony to conceal a handgun with alcohol in your system. Why put restrictions on where people can go if they don't intend to drink?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
TAG a bullet bro. I take my chances with biology long before I purchase a weapon that will ultimately end my life because my mind is weak and I cant handle reality.

Self imposed fear + lethal weapons = suicide.

Your weak mind and biology will kill you but a gun never will. In fact, it's impossible for a gun to kill you. A gun has never killed anyone. Ever.

No one here cares whether you own a gun. But people like you (especially in Washington and in state/local governments) are far more dangerous than 99% of gun owners are or any foreign army or terrorist groups. You are the enemy within.


Strength through joy
I'm surprised that TOS hadn't posted this yet .
Interesting note at 1:25 how the clerk allows the new buyer to hold a weapon with his finger on the trigger .