

Strength through joy
Andrea Grimes, senior political reporter at the lefty women’s site RH Reality Check, sank to a disgusting new low Thursday by saying that guns should be confiscated only from white men.
“White guys cannot be trusted to use guns responsibly. It is time to stop giving guns to white guys,” Grimes added. ”I mean, it’s time to stop giving guns to everybody, but we can start with the white guys.”

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Andrea Grimes, senior political reporter at the lefty women’s site RH Reality Check, sank to a disgusting new low Thursday by saying that guns should be confiscated only from white men.
“White guys cannot be trusted to use guns responsibly. It is time to stop giving guns to white guys,” Grimes added. ”I mean, it’s time to stop giving guns to everybody, but we can start with the white guys.”
She would really freak out if she knew that the true statistics show that its black men that should be disarmed. That would actually be possible on paper seeing how so many are convicted felons and can't buy guns. But actually thinking criminals would comply with a law....?.....?.......? there is a subject liberals just can't comprehend.


Strength through joy
Very misleading photo .
" intimate partner " today could mean just about anyone , not just a white man & woman .
Do you happen to have this photo using another race ?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Andrea Grimes, senior political reporter at the lefty women’s site RH Reality Check, sank to a disgusting new low Thursday by saying that guns should be confiscated only from white men.
“White guys cannot be trusted to use guns responsibly. It is time to stop giving guns to white guys,” Grimes added. ”I mean, it’s time to stop giving guns to everybody, but we can start with the white guys.”
"...Grimes also noted that she’s married to a white man so she can’t be a racist or misandrist."

And I bet he goes through more tampons than she does.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
It's a shame someone as intelligent as yourself didn't understand the article you linked to. If you did, you would come to understand the sociological reasons that lead to the gun violence.
No no no no!

You quote statistics that blame the guns for the gun violence.

You claim that mere possession of a gun increases one's chances of being a victim, therefore the guns themselves should be banned.

Then when facts get pointed out that would seem to justify banning a particular minority group from gun ownership, you want to talk about "sociological reasons".

Please make up your mind.


Well-Known Member
No no no no!

You quote statistics that blame the guns for the gun violence.

You claim that mere possession of a gun increases one's chances of being a victim, therefore the guns themselves should be banned.

Then when facts get pointed out that would seem to justify banning a particular minority group from gun ownership, you want to talk about "sociological reasons".

Please make up your mind.
You have me mixed up with someone else. I have no problem with reasonable, responsible people having a firearm.


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy

Two 15-year-old Philadelphia boys face murder charges for shooting a man while he walked his dog, firing the final round as he pleaded for his life, authorities said.

The cold-hearted teens and a 14-year-old boy targeted 51-year-old James Stuhlman for a robbery after they tired of playing basketball, police Captain James Clark told reporters.

Cops said the robbery was pointless — the boys didn’t even get anything from Stuhlman before they ran.

Police on Wednesday raided a home where the boys reportedly lived and confiscated handguns and assault rifles, authorities said.