

Staff member
at first blush no, but then you almost need some oversight of the supreme court if they are now going to act as the legislative branch.
Justices can be impeached, can't they? And there is legislative oversight in rewriting and passing laws that the SC finds unconstitutional. That would require both parties to work together so if it seems the court is overstepping it's limits, that may simply be the result of a dysfunctional congress.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
at first blush no, but then you almost need some oversight of the supreme court if they are now going to act as the legislative branch.

And that right there is the real problem. They are acting as legislators by using their biased opinions to circumvent The Constitution. Liberals keep mentioning guns and gay marriage together as if there is any correlation between the decisions when there is not. One is specifically spelled out in The Constitution. One is not. They flat out refuse to acknowledge that fact.


Staff member
And that right there is the real problem. They are acting as legislators by using their biased opinions to circumvent The Constitution. Liberals keep mentioning guns and gay marriage together as if there is any correlation between the decisions when there is not. One is specifically spelled out in The Constitution. One is not. They flat out refuse to acknowledge that fact.
When the legislative branch starts to do it's job again, that will sort itself out.


nowhere special
If the legislative isn't passing the laws some people want it doesn't give the judicial the right to legislate from the bench or the executive to create new laws by executive order. Separation of powers still exists.


Staff member
If the legislative isn't passing the laws some people want it doesn't give the judicial the right to legislate from the bench or the executive to create new laws by executive order. Separation of powers still exists.
The judicial doesn't "legislate from the bench". They decided the constitutionality of laws, allowing some and striking down others. If the legislative bodies don't like it, they can amend the law to fit the court'system guidelines.

Why do you want to give the legislature a pass on being crap?


nowhere special
The judicial doesn't "legislate from the bench". They decided the constitutionality of laws, allowing some and striking down others. If the legislative bodies don't like it, they can amend the law to fit the court'system guidelines.

Why do you want to give the legislature a pass on being crap?

Who said I was giving the legislature a pass? All I said was other branches had no right to usurp legislative power. How well the legislature is doing its job makes no difference. The people have the right to vote in new people the next election.


Staff member
Who said I was giving the legislature a pass? All I said was other branches had no right to usurp legislative power. How well the legislature is doing its job makes no difference. The people have the right to vote in new people the next election.
But you can't blame the court for the legislature not doing its job. By choosing not to do their job, congress leaving that void, that's what you are calling "legislating from the bench".