Maybe the problem is EXACTLY like the President said??
If it wasnt for a legal gun buyer who purchased high capacity weapons for the 2 shooters in san berdo, then illegally selling them to the shooters without a background check, without a waiting period, and without registration, maybe LIVES would have been saved.
But ignorance with gun owners still prevails.
They would rather continue to have legal gun owners selling weapons of mass destruction to those people in this country who wish to cause harm to the most innocent of americans.
Gun owners wouldnt have it any other way.
San Berdo is a demonstration that the states GUN LAWS are NOT tough enough and NOT that they do not work.
Dont be an idiot morelock, people died that day for nothing more than some quick cash and big profits for the AMERICAN who made it possible for the terror act to occur.
If not for legal gun buyers selling guns all over this country without background checks, waiting periods and registrations, AKA from INDIANA to CHICAGO, this country will continue to be the most violent place on the face of the earth.
Gun owners want to live in a fantasy world where "they" are making the country a safer place because "they" have guns, but they leave the responsibility for the deaths they cause when they sell guns for profits to people who shouldnt have them, at the feet of the American people.
The founders didnt want people older than 45 years old to be in ANY MILITIA anywhere, or to be armed for that matter. They knew then, that gun possession amongst the elder of the country was not a safe bet.