I do like to point out to my friends of both political leanings that the Court who ruled (correctly) in favor of gun rights ALSO ruled (correctly) in favor of gay marriage. I guess its only an "activist" court when it issues a ruling that you dont agree with.
Nice try.......but....... there is no correlation between gay marriage, gun rights, and an activist judge making a sound decision. Gun rights are specifically spelled out in The Second Amendment. Gay marriage is not. Only activist judge's opinions and feelings (that aren't based only any specific language in The Constitution) on the matter, combined with the ease of abusing their power, are they able to falsely interpret and twist The Constitution to reflect their agendas. If anything SCOTUS should defer to the 10th Amendment for gay marriage. But activist judges rule in favor of their opinions. Not The Constitution.
Lets get one thing clear about these judges. Yes, their opinions matter. But it's not supposed to be their personal, biased, agenda driven opinions that drives their decisions about Constitutional matters. It's supposed to be their opinions on what The Constitution
ACTUALLY says and means that determines their rulings.