

Für Meno :)
I'm infact proud of us not having guns.
We would never want those homicide rates the US cities have.

But like you all said, it's people that kill , not the guns.
Then, I',m atleast proud of the people that live up north. :)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Thank goodness we have you as an example of what proper parenting can produce.

In the video I posted, the country bumkin with his gun as his savior raised a problem child with a foul mouth. I am sure this is the case for the majority of gun owners. I, On the other hand, have a 17 year old daughter who just earned a full ride scholarship to UCLA to study Human Psychology. In addition, she recieved tons of invitations to all the big schools in the country with her performance and GPA. WE DONT HAVE GUNS or LIVE IN FEAR.

I dont parent my child at the end of a gun barrel.

Only IDIOTS do this.

When you can match my child rearing skills, then we can talk. Until then, have fun teaching your child to shoot at cans.




golden ticket member
First of all, I was talking about homicide rates, secondly we don't have many illegal citizens here (meaning every crime is reported).
Violent crime is violent crime!!! You want us to believe that Canada is crime free when in fact, violent crime is higher than the U.S.


golden ticket member
That's not a fact - that's fiction !
That's some fiction!!

"the violent crime rate in the United States was 475 per 100,000 people; while up north, there were 963 violent crimes per 100,000 people. The figure for sexual assault in Canada per 100,000 people was more than double that of the United States: 74 as opposed to 32.1; and the assault rate in Canada was also more than twice that of the states: 746 to America's 295 for the people. "
In the video I posted, the country bumkin with his gun as his savior raised a problem child with a foul mouth. I am sure this is the case for the majority of gun owners. I, On the other hand, have a 17 year old daughter who just earned a full ride scholarship to UCLA to study Human Psychology. In addition, she recieved tons of invitations to all the big schools in the country with her performance and GPA. WE DONT HAVE GUNS or LIVE IN FEAR.

I dont parent my child at the end of a gun barrel.

Only IDIOTS do this.

When you can match my child rearing skills, then we can talk. Until then, have fun teaching your child to shoot at cans.



So.......You'll be the test subject for your daughter to practice psychology on?


golden ticket member
Well, ok, maybe the US is backwards, and hospitals don't report anything suspicious to police ?
You need to see a professional quick!!!!
Hospitals report everything that's out of line!!!!

Face it......Canada has more violent crime than the USA!!



This is a joke. It is meant to be humorous. If you take it any other way that is your problem and I don't care to hear your
:censored2: comments about it.


This reliable Beretta Jetfire .22 Short pistol is a personal favorite of mine and I am never without it. It saved my life a few years ago when attacked by a Grizzly while hiking in the mountains with a family member. I was able to escape, walking at a brisk pace, after I shot my brother-in-law in the knee.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
In the video I posted, the country bumkin with his gun as his savior raised a problem child with a foul mouth. I am sure this is the case for the majority of gun owners. I, On the other hand, have a 17 year old daughter who just earned a full ride scholarship to UCLA to study Human Psychology. In addition, she recieved tons of invitations to all the big schools in the country with her performance and GPA. WE DONT HAVE GUNS or LIVE IN FEAR.

I dont parent my child at the end of a gun barrel.

Only IDIOTS do this.

When you can match my child rearing skills, then we can talk. Until then, have fun teaching your child to shoot at cans.




Congrats on your daughters success in school, and I mean that sincerely.

I also agree with you that the guy who shot up his daughters computer is a complete maroon.

Would you have such a problem with his actions if he had used, say, a hammer to destroy the laptop? What if he had driven over it with a car, or set it on fire, or hacked it up with a chainsaw? Or are you fixated upon the fact that he used a gun?

His stupidity was in destroying the laptop. The tool he this case a gun...was irrelevant.

Do you feel you are being objective and rational when you take the actions of a single idiot and ascribe them to an entire this case 80 million plus...gun owners? Where I come from, we call that sort of thinking predjudice and bigotry. You assume that all gun owners act and behave the same way this idiot did, and that is not only incorrect but it is truly unfair.

You hate guns. I get it. You have the right to your feelings. That doesnt mean you have the right to pre-judge 80 million responsible, law-abiding gun owners who didnt do anything illegal or stupid yesterday. To do that is no different than assuming that everybody who has a car is an :censored2: just because of the one idiot driver who cut you off in traffic last night. Irrational idiots come in all shapes and sizes and colors...and they do stupid things with guns or cars or alcohol or motorcycles or chain saws or drugs or any other thing you can possibly imagine.




Congrats on your daughters success in school, and I mean that sincerely.

I also agree with you that the guy who shot up his daughters computer is a complete maroon.

Would you have such a problem with his actions if he had used, say, a hammer to destroy the laptop? What if he had driven over it with a car, or set it on fire, or hacked it up with a chainsaw? Or are you fixated upon the fact that he used a gun?

His stupidity was in destroying the laptop. The tool he this case a gun...was irrelevant.

Do you feel you are being objective and rational when you take the actions of a single idiot and ascribe them to an entire this case 80 million plus...gun owners? Where I come from, we call that sort of thinking predjudice and bigotry. You assume that all gun owners act and behave the same way this idiot did, and that is not only incorrect but it is truly unfair.

You hate guns. I get it. You have the right to your feelings. That doesnt mean you have the right to pre-judge 80 million responsible, law-abiding gun owners who didnt do anything illegal or stupid yesterday. To do that is no different than assuming that everybody who has a car is an :censored2: just because of the one idiot driver who cut you off in traffic last night. Irrational idiots come in all shapes and sizes and colors...and they do stupid things with guns or cars or alcohol or motorcycles or chain saws or drugs or any other thing you can possibly imagine.

Well said and even though TOS most likely will not get the point, most of us do.


Für Meno :)

This reliable Beretta Jetfire .22 Short pistol is a personal favorite of mine and I am never without it. It saved my life a few years ago when attacked by a Grizzly while hiking in the mountains with a family member. I was able to escape, walking at a brisk pace, after I shot my brother-in-law in the knee.

We have guides here how to get along with Bears. You get them each time for free when you enter Canada Parks (such as Jasper & Banff).
No where do they read to use a gun for self defense against a Bear.

Safe travel in bear country

The Canadian Rocky Mountains are home to both grizzly and black bears. You can run into a bear anywhere here, be it on a busy trail close to town or in the remote backcountry. Bears generally prefer to avoid people. However, encounters between bears and people do occur.