Bad Moon Risen'
They would most likely be in a long line along with the white trash.good to know as they shuffle through the welfare lines
They would most likely be in a long line along with the white trash.good to know as they shuffle through the welfare lines
They would most likely be in a long line along with the white trash.
Seems we need Muslim control more than we need gun control.
Nope.Muslim gun control is gun control. You're for gun control?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.Nope.
I am for making Islam illegal in the US like it was in 1952.
First Circuit Upholds New Gun Law
A Massachusetts law requiring all handguns to include load indicators and magazine safety disconnects was upheld by the First Circuit Court of Appeals Friday.
The requirements are a de facto ban on all third and fourth generation Glock handguns within the commonwealth, as these models (according to the Massachusetts attorney general) fail to satisfy the law’s requirements.
Several gun dealers and two Second Amendment advocacy groups challenged the law as unconstitutionally vague and violating the the Second Amendment.
The First Circuit’s ruling upholding the Massachusetts law was written by retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter. Retired Supreme Court justices frequently serve on panels in circuit court cases.
I am for making Islam illegal in the US like it was in 1952.
Assault weapons is a made up term , by the anti-gun crowd .AWESOME NEWS.
But, you can blame Antonin Scalia. In his majority opinion in Heller V. DC, Scalia wrote that the states COULD BAN GUNS OF ALL TYPES, and that CCW wasnt a RIGHT protected under the 2nd amendment.
He did say, you could have a handgun, similiar to the ones used at the time for home protection, but he cautioned that assault weapons were not protected under the 2nd amendment.
There are big changes coming to gun laws and they are working their ways through the courts as we speak.
How do you prove the George Washington never said something.Too bad this meme, has already been proven FALSE..
George Washington never said those words. They have been edited to say something he didnt say.
Nice try, but your not smart enough to know when you have been duped.