

Engorged Member
Of course he has the knee jerk gun control reaction. Which would have done nothing for the situation in Dallas. A simple hunting rifle makes the best sniper rifle. Not "assault" rifles or handguns or anything else he wants to ban. It just indicates his intention to eventually ban all guns in civilian hands if possible.

What about all of those civilians open-carrying at Dallas? Why didn't they take down the sniper? After all, they were right there and armed? One of the protestors, who was temporarily a suspect, had an AR-15 type weapon slung over his shoulder.

Even that poor cop, who took the guy on with a handgun there behind the pillars of that building, didn't have a chance.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
What about all of those civilians open-carrying at Dallas? Why didn't they take down the sniper? After all, they were right there and armed? One of the protestors, who was temporarily a suspect, had an AR-15 type weapon slung over his shoulder.

Even that poor cop, who took the guy on with a handgun there behind the pillars of that building, didn't have a chance.

I am as pro-gun as anyone but I will also say that anybody who open carries an AR-15 at a protest march is an ass-clown. That guy endangered lives. He caused the police to waste time and resources looking for him instead of the actual gunman. An ostensibly peaceful march is no place to be exercising your open carry rights.

The bad guy was wearing body armor, which meant handgun hits weren't going to stop him. That cop needed an AR-15 of his own and unfortunately he didn't have one.


Engorged Member
I am as pro-gun as anyone but I will also say that anybody who open carries an AR-15 at a protest march is an ass-clown. That guy endangered lives. He caused the police to waste time and resources looking for him instead of the actual gunman. An ostensibly peaceful march is no place to be exercising your open carry rights.

The bad guy was wearing body armor, which meant handgun hits weren't going to stop him. That cop needed an AR-15 of his own and unfortunately he didn't have one.

Reportedly, there were many people open-carrying at the march, because Texas is an open-carry state.


Well-Known Member
I am as pro-gun as anyone but I will also say that anybody who open carries an AR-15 at a protest march is an ass-clown. That guy endangered lives. He caused the police to waste time and resources looking for him instead of the actual gunman. An ostensibly peaceful march is no place to be exercising your open carry rights.

The bad guy was wearing body armor, which meant handgun hits weren't going to stop him. That cop needed an AR-15 of his own and unfortunately he didn't have one.

Texas is an 'open carry' state.

Twitter erupted with pics of a black man with a rifle, later confirmed not to be the gunman, when the guy turned himself in to the cops.

You can't have it both ways.

Either we are allowed to open-carry, or we're not.

You seem to be saying that it was a mistake for a citizen to exercise his rights vis-a-vis guns.

Well, that can't be true??!!$


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
What about all of those civilians open-carrying at Dallas? Why didn't they take down the sniper? After all, they were right there and armed? One of the protestors, who was temporarily a suspect, had an AR-15 type weapon slung over his shoulder.

Even that poor cop, who took the guy on with a handgun there behind the pillars of that building, didn't have a chance.
He was moving.

The police had a hard time finding him.

It wasn't a crowded gun free bar (or school, or movie theater) this happened at.

Maybe we need to pass another law.

One that bans evil.

Or murder.


Well-Known Member
I don't really need to , I just take your stupidity and feed it back to you. Its even more enjoyable when I choke you on your own words.
Bob, since this is a thread on guns, do you think someone should prove themselves capable of responsibly owning a firearm, or is it incumbent on the issuing authority to prove otherwise? Should there even be an authority, why should any adult have to pay for their Constitutional right to bear arms, or submit to any authority?

Anxiously awaiting your response...


Strength through joy
Bob, since this is a thread on guns, do you think someone should prove themselves capable of responsibly owning a firearm, or is it incumbent on the issuing authority to prove otherwise? Should there even be an authority, why should any adult have to pay for their Constitutional right to bear arms, or submit to any authority?

Anxiously awaiting your response...
Let me just state that in Massachusetts in order for one to get a license to just own a firearm , after being cleared by the State Police, the final person to ok the license is your local police chief. They examine your past life quite closely and one must have a very clean record to pass final muster . Each person applying for a permit is interviewed by an officer assigned by the local chief to handle the process.
Massachusetts is a democratically controlled state with too many liberals making the laws. So a balance was created to not completely block access to firearms, because most of the western part of the state is still very rural and even some liberals enjoy hunting.