Inordinately Right
wutAnd we have, some "dude" with gauged earrings and meaningless tattoos....
offering helpful insight.
wutAnd we have, some "dude" with gauged earrings and meaningless tattoos....
offering helpful insight.
Ok, you can't keep up with an intellectual discussion so you stoop to personal attacks. I'm quite certain I could run circles around you in the gym, but whatever makes you feel manly. At least you're admitting you kill for pleasure, more than can be said about the rest of the hunters here.I'm guessing, you're not a farmer.
And, you don't grow all (or any) of the food.... you consume.
The pleasure of knowing humans, are the dominate species on the planet ?
It's the ultimate satiation, "kill it and grill it".
* As an aside *
My experience with people of your caliber;
You are an atheist, never served their country, couldn't do 10 pushups, or a single
pull-up, let alone.... attempt any physical activity at all.
Uh, obviously people cared, because they denied them the gun wonder criminals have illegal guns ;
EXCLUSIVE: Obama Rarely Prosecuted Criminals Who Sought To Buy Guns Illegally
So all this time the anti-gun crowd has been demanding back ground checks , they were done yet no one cared.
No it is a story about the justice department failing to prosecute felons that perjured themselves on form 4473. Which is a felony. It is not fake news, it is simply reporting that Barry Soetoro's justice department condoned felony perjury.Uh, obviously people cared, because they denied them the gun sale.
Not sure how you come to the conclusion that criminals have guns because of this, it's literally a report about criminals being denied guns lol.
Leave it to garbage fake news like the Daily Caller to misinform the gullible.
No it is a story about the justice department failing to prosecute felons that perjured themselves on form 4473. Which is a felony. It is not fake news, it is simply reporting that Barry Soetoro's justice department condoned felony perjury.
That is the point of the piece to inform the uneducated, you for instance.
Can't refute the statement. I understand.
No I read the government report.Can't refute the statement. I understand.
For whatever reason the department declined to prosecute, there was still a criminal felony. (perjury) Thus the department condoned the act. I read it (32 through 38) they are clear why they decided not to prosecute. It does not erase the fact that a felony perjury was committed. Thus the term "condone, or condonation.No I read the government report.
Skip to p.32-38.
In America at least.Beans and rice, are a side dish.
Still peddling your bigoted concepts?Ok, you can't keep up with an intellectual discussion so you stoop to personal attacks. I'm quite certain I could run circles around you in the gym, but whatever makes you feel manly. At least you're admitting you kill for pleasure, more than can be said about the rest of the hunters here.
I'm sure many females could and do run circles around you in the gym, Does that make them feel manly?Ok, you can't keep up with an intellectual discussion so you stoop to personal attacks. I'm quite certain I could run circles around you in the gym, but whatever makes you feel manly. At least you're admitting you kill for pleasure, more than can be said about the rest of the hunters here.
I haven't been presented with any arguments to counter them.Still peddling your bigoted concepts?
Probably because your argument is so stupid.I haven't been presented with any arguments to counter them.
What do you find so objectionable? You haven't presented any real counter. I think my argument just makes people uncomfortable. People don't like to recognize the suffering they inflict on animals for their own pleasure. Just another reason to choose not to.Probably because your argument is so stupid.
I remember saying many, many times that even smart people can believe stupid things.
Your bigotry and lack of tolerance for those things you don't understand.What do you find so objectionable?
Ok. I've asked for explanations and haven't gotten any, not sure how you think I'll understand something that no one can explain.Your bigotry and lack of tolerance for those things you don't understand.
And then there is your excessive belief in your self worth ... what makes you think anyone owes you an explanation?Ok. I've asked for explanations and haven't gotten any, not sure how you think I'll understand something that no one can explain.
You're the one calling me a bigot for not understanding and you refuse to offer an explanation. Pick one.And then there is your excessive belief in your self worth ... what makes you think anyone owes you an explanation?