

Well-Known Member
On a side note, yes, humans are omnivores.

But meat (cow, chicken, fish, etc.) likely shouldn’t be more than 10% of anyone’s diet.

Vegetables/fruits>grains>dairy>meat is the proper dietary hierarchy, in descending order of predominance by volume.

Our free-ranging ancestors ate meat when they could get it, not twice a day, seven days a week like many do in our contemporary society.

The health effects of over-consumption of animal products are well-documented:

Yes, our bodies are designed to eat meat, but not at the levels that we currently consume, and the environmental effects of our production of meat are equal to or greater than the effects of all the cars on the planet.

A conservative estimate puts it at 1000 gallons of water to produce a pound of beef. That's insane - we don't need all the beef we're eating, but we need the water.

Honestly, this is why we haven't been contacted by aliens - they all died on their home planets before reaching interstellar capability, which is what we're working toward here on earth.

They're Made Out of Meat...


swollen member
guns ... who should have them ...and who shouldn’t ?
me and everyone that is legal to own them!!!

I've only hunted with an SKS.... it was just time to hang out with some friends and have a great weekend.. I wasn't THAT dedicated to the hunt, but it was fun!!


Inordinately Right
You could also look at it another way... He came into a gun thread hating hunters and telling people they shouldn't eat meat... Because meat has feelings and trees and plants don't. :teethy:

So, WTH did he expect. He was stirring the pot like @Monkey Butt likes to do.

Carry on...
I didn't see any hate. The discussion was about a culture of violence in relation to mass shootings. His opinion is hunting contributes to that.

Instead of debating that people attacked him. I'd say the level of reactionary defensiveness about differing opinions says a lot about those people.

The amount of denial and butthurt displayed in this line of discussion by the gun lovers crowd is hilarious.

BTW, there is a non-political gun thread in another forum where people can talk about their toys without the politics. This is current events, deal with it snowflakes.


Strength through joy
On a side note, yes, humans are omnivores.

But meat (cow, chicken, fish, etc.) likely shouldn’t be more than 10% of anyone’s diet.

Vegetables/fruits>grains>dairy>meat is the proper dietary hierarchy, in descending order of predominance by volume.

Our free-ranging ancestors ate meat when they could get it, not twice a day, seven days a week like many do in our contemporary society.

The health effects of over-consumption of animal products are well-documented:

Yes, our bodies are designed to eat meat, but not at the levels that we currently consume, and the environmental effects of our production of meat are equal to or greater than the effects of all the cars on the planet.

A conservative estimate puts it at 1000 gallons of water to produce a pound of beef. That's insane - we don't need all the beef we're eating, but we need the water.

Honestly, this is why we haven't been contacted by aliens - they all died on their home planets before reaching interstellar capability, which is what we're working toward here on earth.

They're Made Out of Meat...
Also the added hormones are now affecting your children's body so that they reach puberty at earlier ages.


Strength through joy
I didn't see any hate. The discussion was about a culture of violence in relation to mass shootings. His opinion is hunting contributes to that.

Instead of debating that people attacked him. I'd say the level of reactionary defensiveness about differing opinions says a lot about those people.

The amount of denial and butthurt displayed in this line of discussion by the gun lovers crowd is hilarious.

BTW, there is a non-political gun thread in another forum where people can talk about their toys without the politics. This is current events, deal with it snowflakes.
This thread is almost 8 years old , thanks MoreLuck , and has gone off track several times , yet still remains.


Strength through joy
I think you should try a meat free diet for a week or more.
You may find that your level of aggression will decrease, once you cleanse all of those poisons from your body and mind.
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Inordinately Right
I think you should try a meat free diet for a week or more.
You may find that your level of aggression will decrease, once you cleanse all of those poisons from your body and mind.
You find opposition to child molestation to be aggressive?
Is this part of that conservative persecution complex that's going around?