
It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Eat grass fed, pasture raised meat. Loaded with omega 3's and actually very healthy in moderation.

Don't impose/tax your way of thinking on others and eat all the plants you want.

How about that?
Grass fed pasture raised carries a higher cost, yes? Shut down the factory farms and the resulting higher costs would limit consumption improving the environment and societal health.


Well-Known Member
Eat grass fed, pasture raised meat. Loaded with omega 3's and actually very healthy in moderation.

Don't impose/tax your way of thinking on others and eat all the plants you want.

How about that?
I've already seen their response, It takes 1000 gallons of water to produce a pound of meat. You can't please these fools until you surrender.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Don’t tell us that your intent was not to incite others here who enjoy hunting and eating meat. Comments like, killing for pleasure, telling others they’re messed up, and calling meat, “dead animals” is meant to be incitefull.

I eat grass fed meat when I can. The health benefits are amazing. Mostly eat fish and chicken but love a good grass-fed steak once in a while. We have several family members who are vegan or vegetarian and get along just fine. Many vegan/vegetarian options are really much better now a days, they’ve gotten really creative. Still like meat though.

No one is forced to do anything. Perhaps not driving a car that kills many people every year would be a better stump to shout from. At least this way if you stopped driving you could be saving HUMAN lives… It is a choice too. Are you driving or do you just care about animals more? Cars are killing machines.

You came into a gun thread and used these terms condescendingly instead of starting another thread about the benefits of a vegetarian diet.

This is current events and we all know what happens here.


Well-Known Member
Don’t tell us that your intent was not to incite others here who enjoy hunting and eating meat. Comments like, killing for pleasure, telling others they’re messed up, and calling meat, “dead animals” is meant to be incitefull.

I eat grass fed meat when I can. The health benefits are amazing. Mostly eat fish and chicken but love a good grass-fed steak once in a while. We have several family members who are vegan or vegetarian and get along just fine. Many vegan/vegetarian options are really much better now a days, they’ve gotten really creative. Still like meat though.

No one is forced to do anything. Perhaps not driving a car that kills many people every year would be a better stump to shout from. At least this way if you stopped driving you could be saving HUMAN lives… It is a choice too. Are you driving or do you just care about animals more? Cars are killing machines.

You came into a gun thread and used these terms condescendingly instead of starting another thread about the benefits of a vegetarian diet.

This is current events and we all know what happens here.
Expect no substantive response from Dances with wolves.


Well-Known Member
That is the only way BA's wish will happen.

I know you enjoy being high, and this post confirms it.

You're high.

There's nothing in my rant about food that remotely involves the Government, or the Government imposing anything on anyone.

Why would your mind go there?

I was talking about personal dietary decisions that everyone makes.

Where in there is the Government?

...The best possible thing for the planet is if folks consumed less meat...

That statement stands alone, without any thought or inference to Government involvement.

There is no Government on earth that could tell people what to eat or not to eat, nor should there be, and I made no such assertion.

Dietary prescriptions are obviously left to individuals...

Having said that, I will add that our current culture endorses 'fast food' and a meat/dairy lifestyle which burdens our already overtaxed health care system.

But nowhere did I intimate that the Government should be an arbiter in this discussion.


Well-Known Member
I think more people should. Put some effort into it, don't just pick it up from the store. Slow the industrialization of production. If you had to hunt for all your meat you'd consume a lot less.
I thought hunting and guns led to our violent society. Teaching violence. You're so full of fecal material and have worked yourself into a box you can't get out of.


Well-Known Member
I know you enjoy being high, and this post confirms it.

You're high.

There's nothing in my rant about food that remotely involves the Government, or the Government imposing anything on anyone.

Why would your mind go there?

I was talking about personal dietary decisions that everyone makes.

Where in there is the Government?

That statement stands alone, without any thought or inference to Government involvement.

There is no Government on earth that could tell people what to eat or not to eat, nor should there be, and I made no such assertion.

Dietary prescriptions are obviously left to individuals...

Having said that, I will add that our current culture endorses 'fast food' and a meat/dairy lifestyle which burdens our already overtaxed health care system.

But nowhere did I intimate that the Government should be an arbiter in this discussion.

There is no Government on earth that could tell people what to eat or not to eat, nor should there be, and I made no such assertion.



Well-Known Member
There is no Government on earth that could tell people what to eat or not to eat, nor should there be, and I made no such assertion.


Yes, really.


Tell me where I made such an assertion.

In fact, if you want to talk about the Governments' 'hand' in promoting food, look no farther than the meat and dairy industry, both of which are heavily subsidized and promoted by the Government.

Do you think I'm saying there's some sort of Government 'broccoli' conspiracy?


You like the conspiracy stories though, don't you?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Don’t tell us that your intent was not to incite others here who enjoy hunting and eating meat. Comments like, killing for pleasure, telling others they’re messed up, and calling meat, “dead animals” is meant to be incitefull.

I eat grass fed meat when I can. The health benefits are amazing. Mostly eat fish and chicken but love a good grass-fed steak once in a while. We have several family members who are vegan or vegetarian and get along just fine. Many vegan/vegetarian options are really much better now a days, they’ve gotten really creative. Still like meat though.

No one is forced to do anything. Perhaps not driving a car that kills many people every year would be a better stump to shout from. At least this way if you stopped driving you could be saving HUMAN lives… It is a choice too. Are you driving or do you just care about animals more? Cars are killing machines.

You came into a gun thread and used these terms condescendingly instead of starting another thread about the benefits of a vegetarian diet.

This is current events and we all know what happens here.
The tangent began when someone posted that violent video games are a source of violence in our culture. I made the point that actually killing animals for fun is likely a larger concern than cartoon simulated violence. Meat is dead animals, if that fact incites you, that's on you. Everything I've posted is a logical conclusion. Humans don't need meat, it's a choice based on taste to eat it, that choice is made for pleasure, killing animals to eat is done for pleasure. If facts and logical conclusions incite you, that's on you.


Well-Known Member
Yes, really.


Tell me where I made such an assertion.

In fact, if you want to talk about the Governments' 'hand' in promoting food, look no farther than the meat and dairy industry, both of which are heavily subsidized and promoted by the Government.

Do you think I'm saying there's some sort of Government 'broccoli' conspiracy?


You like the conspiracy stories though, don't you?