

Well-Known Member
You need to demonstrate how being invilved in similar industries equates to homicide rates despite all the obvious differences.
It doesn't but since you can't seem to understand I'll try to be slow and tie it together. It's very hard to proceed with disingenuous people, however.

Ok, I'll begin with a question, In your own words before have you claimed prohibition does not solve a problem? I'm not entirely sure if I argued with you or @BrownArmy regarding this.


Well-Known Member
Yes two cities that are in different countries. Maybe a coloring book can help you.:happy2:
If you only meant they were in two different countries why did't you just say that? You claimed they were only similar in population. Yes they are in two different countries, on two different continents, separated by a vast ocean, yet are more similar than dissimilar.


Well-Known Member
If you only meant they were in two different countries why did't you just say that? You claimed they were only similar in population. Yes they are in two different countries, on two different continents, separated by a vast ocean, yet are more similar than dissimilar.


Well-Known Member
I accept your concession, you cannot support your statement that NYC and London are only similar in population.
Now I will call you a weak sister or weak link, whichever you choose, I'm pro-choice.

Even though I don't have permission, I offer you tidings of great joy from my relatives in GB.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I accept your concession, you cannot support your statement that NYC and London are only similar in population.
Now I will call you a weak sister or weak link, whichever you choose, I'm pro-choice.
There's a surprise, lose an argument you started by providing nothing to back up your nonsensical statements and then call everyone names. Classic @floridays. Lol