

Strength through joy
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department confirms that a security guard at Whittier, California’s El Camino High School thwarted a mass shooting on Friday.
CBS News reports the resource officer overheard a student talking about attacking the school just two days after 17 were shot and killed in Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Authorities were contacted about the “disgruntled student” and sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to his residence. LA County Sheriff’s spokeswoman Nicole Nishida told AP that the deputies’ searched the home and found “multiple guns and ammunition.”


Strength through joy
Bump stocks were not used in the February 14 attack in Florida. Nor were they used in the Texas church attack (November 5, 2017), the Alexandria attack (June 14, 2017), the Orlando attack (June 12, 2016), the San Bernardino attack (December 2, 2015), the Umpqua Community College attack (October 1, 2015), the Lafayette movie theater attack (July 23, 2015), the Chattanooga attack (July 16, 2015), the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal attack (Jun 17, 2015), the Santa Barbara attack (May 23, 2014), the Fort Hood attack (April 2, 2014), the D.C. Navy Yard attack (September 16, 2013), the Aurora movie theater attack (July 20, 2012), the Gabby Giffords (January 8, 2011) attack, or the Virginia Tech attack (April 16, 2007), among others.

In fact, the October 1, 2017, Las Vegas attack is the only high profile public attack in which a bump stock was used criminally.

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