All this also leads split drivers to skip tough stops, apartments or out of the way businesses when they know they won't finish in hopes it won't be on their route the next day or they will be on a different route
If you know you are not going to finish, that is just good route management. If I can skip a stop and get 5 more off, I do that. It is the same thing when looking for packages. If I know that I am not going to finish, at some point, you have to say, 'screw it' and move on to get more done.
Several years ago, the forecast was for snow all day. I knew that our area was going to get 6-10 inches. One of my NDA stops was far enough off the beaten path, that it would either be the 1st stop or the last stop. By making it the last stop, I got all my in town stuff off before dark, was able to do my pick ups (and I had room for them) and then finish after the pickups. I got to the last stop, which was an NDA, the guy saw me and met me at the truck. Turned out it was pig semen for 2 of his sows. I offered to send it back and he said that he had called the shipper and they said it would still be good. Everything turned out and it was one of those things that if I had delivered that stop 1st, it would have added close to an hour to my day.